Yes - I agree. It does take courage and I pray for that.
I know - we cannot work there - there is the issue of health insurance. In my case, I have the added complication of a dog and we cannot drive across the border. Anyways, this is a global takeover, and will need a global resistance.
Thank you - I love acoustic guitar. Our religious leaders have all largely been quiet. Maybe that is part of all of this - expose them for the useless “leaders” that they actually are.
I have kindred spirits and we are conversing - the sad part is the fracture that this has caused with long term friends - some actually think that I am suffering a mental breakdown because I am deviating from the script - even minor deviations like being against the lockdown is considered “gramma” killing territory and they cannot understand.
Well the TV has images of people gasping for breath in the hospitals - some doctors that, although it seems the same few, warning that hospital collapse is imminent. I do see some dissenting Doctor voices on Twitter and recordings that get archive to the likes of bitchute - people do not believe anything that is not coming from an “official” news source. When people say… Go to the hospital and see what it’s like… I can’t. Not allowed. So that’s such a dumb suggestion.
Well, that is what the greatawakening promises - to open our eyes so we cannot be deceived again.
There are no alternatives to vote for - conservative OToole is also a globalist.
Studies have shown when there is fear, rational thinking goes out the window. I have not been afraid of this virus for a long time… But what has surprised me, those who were maybe not so afraid at the beginning are now extremely afraid. That seems to be in the majority.
It is Non-essential. You could argue that the bicycle helmets are worse… Kids grow out of their helmets and now they can’t buy a new one for the warm weather. How does that keep us safe?
Yes - Rebel news You’re the only independent media… And they just got thrown off of YouTube I think
Yes - he does seem scared - certainly not acting like a conservative in any shape or form.
Yes I know - that is what makes it even more painful. I’m trying to get an idea - I do see dissent, but I don’t know if there is a decent critical mass. Honestly, people are scared for their own safety and have bought into all of it…
It’s actually brainwashing… Years of media slandering of Americans. You would be surprised - When the pandemic first hit, lots of stories about Canadians wondering about their snowbird days in Florida and whether “values” were aligned Between us and Americans. It was truly cringe worthy… Like a lot of left-wing media is.
I just saw Waterloo police as well. I wonder about the Toronto protest tomorrow. Pray - am planning on going.
It is just theater… A try to talk to people about it and they cannot comprehend that there might be some huge collusion going on. I do find those who have experienced communism are more, let’s say street wise to what’s happening.
There will be a protest tomorrow in Toronto… But people are scared response from the police might be heavy-handed. A Number of years ago we lived through the G 20 summit where they literally rounded up people and threw them in cages. That was probably our first mistake… I remember arguing with friends at work saying that we have a right to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly - No one seemed to care what happened to the protesters.
Yes - they have Literally restricted buying items to only ones that are “essential“ - So large areas of stores like Costco have Sections that are taped off. They don’t want people lingering in a store I guess.
A number of reasons… We have a very large immigrant population. For instance in Toronto we have more than 50% of residents that were not born in Canada. Someone who is relatively newly arrived doesn’t rock the boat generally. They’re happy to be here and want to blend in. As well, they may have left somewhere far worse. In addition our media is very very one sided - Has become more so since the business model for media is broken… It now depends on government handouts to not go bankrupt so it is somewhat financially dangerous to go against the government. We also have a national public broadcaster that receives huge funding from the liberal government - The top executives have never had to reveal their salaries but I imagine they are massive. In my mind this creates huge collusion with the government. Right now I so wish I was American! I mentioned that to my girlfriend and she recoiled with horror - Americans here are portrayed as gun toting / mass shooting , no healthcare , heartless capitalists.
I just think that if it was fully FDA approved, and they had all their passport software in place, coordinated mandates… It would be much much harder to decline the vaccine and fight the passport. The majority of time I feel confident that it had to be this way, and other times I realize how close we are to still losing everything… All our freedoms and perhaps our lives. So stressful!
80% brainwashed / 20% red pilled at most. I think we are lost up here. Yes I do think this has something to do with Trudo screwing up the vaccine rollout. We are way behind and Jack Tapper of CNN really roasted him the other day. All of a sudden, today it is announced that we are getting a huge shipment of Pfizer I believe in May sometime so this lockdown I believe is to psychologically break us and beg for the vaccine. The stick and the carrot.
Correct… I just can’t believe so many people are supporting this. I know Not everyone, but the really angry ones are at most 20%. I think the majority actually believe the wild speculation which is pure propaganda to frighten.
I know, and seriously we have done everything they’ve asked us to do… This entire time I have never seen a single person without a mask on in a store. Not even a mask with a protest saying on it. We are so so compliant.
There will be a protest in Toronto tomorrow- I don’t know how crazy they will get… Big fines… Arresting people? Believe the fine is $750 - People are very concerned at how the police will retaliate.
The case number is meaningless unless you separate asymptotic vs symptomatic. For all we know the majority have no or very very mild symptoms. They have increased mandatory testing, so people are not getting tested who are feeling sick. Ontario has not decreased the PCR CT number as even recommended by WHO. We are still 38-40 so how many false positives. What is telling is the low death count - much lower than first wave which was not that bad to begin with. We are being scammed.