

What freezes love in your eyes What steals the force from your life What holds us ransom tonight What stops you seeing yourself? Only fear can stand On potential's hands

This is the greatest day of your life If you make it And the old spells you know They can be broken Nothing to fear Nothing to fear

The greatest faults can be beaten The grandest problems defeated Impossible choices completed Infinite pain will be treated Only fear can stand On potential's hands

This is the greatest day of your life And we made it And the old spells you know 'Cause they can be broken Nothing to fear Nothing to fear

This is the greatest day of your life And we've made it Break the old spells Oh, let them be broken Nothing to fear No, nothing to fear

This is the greatest day Break the old spells and throw them away Break the old spells Don't y'know they can be broken No, Nothing to fear Nothing to fear Nothing to fear Nothing to fear



Here is the first part of the article... "Cash App founder Bob Lee allegedly frequented underground sex and drug parties for San Francisco’s elite with the sister of his accused killer after an argument about her.

Lee’s death was initially believed to be a case of random violence in a city where crime is soaring, but his friends suggested it was instead a result of the Cash App founder’s indulgent lifestyle among the upper echelon of Bay Area society where cocaine and swingers were common, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Known in wealthy circles as “The Lifestyle,” Lee, 43,a father of two, allegedly enjoyed the city’s underground party scene, as did Khazar Momeni, wife of a prominent plastic surgeon and sister of Nima Momeni.

People familiar with the group said Lee and Khazar, 37, were sleeping together, and many feared he’d fallen into a dangerous lifestyle, surrounding himself with the wrong group of people.

Lee was allegedly confronted by Nima about the hard-partying and his sister’s involvement in an argument erupting in the early hours of April 4 when Lee was stabbed multiple times, prosecutors said.

Lee reportedly stumbled around begging for help before collapsing near the Bay Bridge — just 16 minutes from Khazar’s apartment.

According to a friend, Lee was passionate about his tech industry work developing the popular Venmo competitor following his career as a Google programmer.

But in his spare time, Lee allegedly was involved in casual drug use and partying, taking ketamine and cocaine and traveling to raves around the world, his friends told the news outlet."

Here is something that piqued my interest from the bottom of the article: "Krista Lee, Lee’s ex-wife, denied her former husband was a “party boy” and claimed she never heard the term, “The Lifestyle,” before.


I had a small win today and wanted to share it to give others hope that their similar efforts will pay off. I'd gone to a local coffee place and left when I found out they don't take cash. I sent a letter to the company complaining about the no cash policy. They responded that, thanks to numerous complaints, they are going to start accepting cash!

Here is a copy/text of what they wrote:

"Thank you for choosing to visit our Morena Blvd cafe. We appreciate you letting us know about your most recent experience at one of our favorite Bird Rock cafes, and your feedback is always appreciated.

You are not alone. We have heard the message from a few others and completely understand your preference to pay for your coffee in cash.

Our team is actively working on accepting cash at all of our cafes. Currently, only our Liberty Station and Encinitas cafes will gladly accept cash.

Please be patient with this process. With seven other cafes, we genuinely want to ensure good systems are in place to make this transition as smooth and seamless as possible for our guests. We are working on the logistics of bank runs, deposits, etc.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and we hope you will visit our cash-accepting cafes. Thank you!


Alexis Bean Representative"



People cryin' out for some peace There's a lot of people listening Time for us to sit down and talk Try to build an understanding What we feel can be altered in the moment We decide, between the light and the dark side.

So take a stand, in this place, Cos' we're building our own future, Just one by one, Day by day, Free to choose a life that's better for all of us.

Putting people's lives at the top is the first consideration Changes in the heart of just one will affect entire nations Don't give it up to the fates and force around us, We decide between the in and the outside

So take a stand, in this place, Cos' we're building our own future, Just one by one, day by day, Free to choose a life that's better for all of us. Sons and daughters, Mothers and fathers, Sister's and brothers, Friends around the earth.

All deserve to live in a world that welcomes every single birth.

So take a stand, in this place, Cos' we're building our own future, Just one by one, day by day, Free to choose a life that's better for all of us.


At the board meeting on March 28, 2023, California's income tax agency, the Franchise Tax Board, is going to ask for $25.23 million more dollars so they can hire more customer service agents and give raises to existing agents:

To justify this request, FTB just released the following data:

54% of live chats go unanswered (page 3)

Correspondence sent via USPS is processed within 4 - 5 months (page 3)

Correspondence sent via MyFTB is processed within 30-days (page 8)

Only 40% of calls are answered (page 12)

FTB also disclosed that they have very high attrition rates for people who work in customer service. They attribute it to low pay and it being a stressful job (page 11).

In the document  FTB admits that people were having penalties falsely imposed due to lack of customer service. The document doesn’t admit that they falsely impose wage garnishments, levies and liens, but it is implied with words such as “moved into involuntary collections.”  

FTB is asking for $25.23 million more dollars so they can hire more staff to improve these numbers and give raises to existing staff to keep them from quitting. Their goals are: 75% of calls and live chats answered, 10-day turn time for correspondence sent via MyFTB and 30-day turn time for correspondence sent via fax.

The problem is that, even if FTB gets all the money they are asking for, the customer service levels will still be poor and thus false penalties will be imposed, along with false wage garnishment, levies and liens.

I have been fighting corruption at the Franchise Tax Board since 2016. I have caught them running 8-unlawful schemes to overcharge taxpayers:

I have documented that part of the way FTB gets away with these schemes is via making “mistakes” then making impossible to correct those mistakes. Even at 75% of calls answered, people will have difficulty getting through to an agent to straighten out issues. With 30-day turn times on processing mail, protests and disputes don’t get processed until after it is too late: the penalties and “involuntary collections” have already been imposed.

Needless to say, these difficulties in “customer service” disproportionately affect people of lower socioeconomic status... the people who can't call in many times until they get through to an agent, the people who can't afford to fed-ex correspondence and have to send it via USPS... yet the same administrators are not practicing what they preach when it comes to "equity."


Here is the link:

"...California Governor Gavin Newsom, through a nonprofit organization his wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom founded, the California Partners Project, has very close ties to the bank.

In 2021, SVB gave $100,000 in corporate gifts to the Newsom nonprofit. These gifts are so intertwined with the Newsom’s that they are listed as a matter of California ethics law on a state government website, California Fair Political Practices Commission.

All nonprofit donors are listed on the state website if they are “behested” gifts. The term “behested” means “at the request, suggestion, or solicitation of, or made in cooperation, consultation, coordination or concert with the public official.”

In this case, it’s the governor who behested the Silicon Valley Bank $100,000 gift. It’s the governor who requested, suggested, solicitated or cooperated, coordinated or acted in concert to procure the gift. However, the mandatory-state-disclosed conflict-of-interest listing also names his wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom. That’s because, Mrs. Newsom is also a public official, the first ever “First Partner.”

Siebel Newsom’s public duties including running the Office of First Partner which was created by the governor shortly after inauguration. Since 2019, the governor allocated nine staffers and nearly $5 million in taxpayer funds for his wife’s office.

However, that’s only part of the story.

Silicon Valley Bank and its executives played a major role in the Newsom nonprofit, the California Partners Project, since its founding. The President of Silicon Valley Capital – the investment banking arm of the bank – is John China. Mr. China is a 27-year SVB veteran. He’s also a founding board member of the Newsom nonprofit. Even today, China is still listed as a director on the nonprofit’s website...

...California Partners Project (CPP) was founded in 2020 in part to support California’s gender quota law for corporate boards, a goal which SVB supported through a $100,000 gift...


"The California Partners Project was founded to push Jennifer Siebel Newsom’s “First Partner” public policy agenda. As a founding member, the Silicon Valley Bank played a major role. Their executive, John China was on the founding board and the bank gave a $100,000 gift...

...In the absence of federal or state regulatory action, The California Partners Project should return their $100,000 gift to the bank, its startup entrepreneurs, and its depositors.



This scheme where they personally profit on the corruption our children -- on the taxpayer's dime -- makes me so mad! From the article cited:

"...Gavin Newsom created The Office of First Partner so his wife could promote her policy agenda using taxpayer money. Since 2019, Siebel Newsom’s been armed with nearly $5 million and nine staffers within her subdivision of the governor’s office...

...Loretta Whitson, Director of the California Association of School Counsellors, a trade association representing 3,000 California school counselors, was quoted:

'While the governor’s recent investment will add additional school counselors to the workforce, there will be an even greater need to access films and curriculum support material such as Siebel Newsom’s documentary series. (We) would love to work with her and support her efforts.' (Source: EdSource)"

What films is she taking about? Please see the article about Siebel Newsom's pornographic films that are being shown to middle-schoolers around the country:


Hello Everyone,

Thank you for the prayers in the past. I am grateful for the support and prayer coverage that you all have provided to me for each of my "battle-evil" days.

On Thursday, December 8, at around 10:00ish PST, I will be giving a speech to legislators at a public meeting where I will be calling out government corruption. Meeting: Topics I will address in my speech:

Specific prayers: That I have a clear cell-phone connection That the legislators allow me to speak -- since I will be calling in, they can just pretend I haven't called. That I speak clearly and persuasively. That I am allowed to finish the speech (they have cut me off in other meetings). That the legislators take action to correct the corruption issues. That the people who hear the speech start looking into these corruption issues and also demand they be stopped. I want to get an army of people pressuring them. That no one retaliates against me (they've done some nasty retaliation already).

Thank you all! Love you guys!


“The people of this State do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created.” §54950.5, Cal. Civ. Code, Brown Act.


I follow an astronomer named Ben Davidson who runs a site called Suspicious Observers. He frequently comments that on days where there is increased solar radiation (caused by events such as solar flares) there is an increase in health problems, including heart attacks and psychological issues. In this short video, he goes into detail about the psychological issues that can be caused and how to mitigate the effects on your own body:


Last week, I requested prayer for a verdict that is due tomorrow (the 25th) in a court case against the State of California, in which I requested that the judge put an end to an embezzlement/racketeering scheme that I uncovered, where I am acting as my own attorney.

I also requested prayer for a speech that I was schedule to give on the 22nd to the State agency that I am suing regarding their request to almost double their litigation budget:


When I tried to make the speech, the agency disconnected me from the webinar and blocked me from getting back on (I was on via telephone, not on video). I was simultaneously watching the live-feed online. There was about a one-minute delay between the live webinar and the online feed. The online feed went down when I was speaking. My guess is that when they publish the video, they will delete me out entirely.

Court Case:

The tentative ruling was issued today. I lost. I am not surprised, but am deeply disappointed.

The judge never brought up the corruption issue.

He threw out all of the evidence I submitted, and thus disregarded all the facts of my case because they weren't supported by evidence.

He stated the legal statutes that I cited are not applicable, but gave no explanation for why the legal codes didn't apply.

Sanctioned me $1,500 for issues that are outside the scope of the pending case.

Something else that is suspicious: my dad died on 02-07-2022. On 02-08-2022, the other side agreed to extend the hearing date so that I could have bereavement time. The court denied the request, and waited until 10 days before my final paperwork was due to tell me! I had set aside the court stuff to deal with my dad's affairs, so this denial basically cost me 3-weeks of time that I desperately needed to do legal research! One of my friends who is a paralegal said in her 20+ years, she's never seen the court deny an extension request that both sides stipulated to.

Prayer Request:

Tomorrow, I have to make Oral Arguments to try to convince the judge to change his ruling. I need a LOT of prayer that I do a good job with the Oral Arguments. Pray that his conscious gets to him about covering up the embezzlement/racketeering scheme. Pray that he amends the ruling to address the embezzlement/racketeering scheme.



In October 2016, I discovered that California’s income tax agency, the Franchise Tax Board, is running an embezzlement and racketeering scheme. In January 2020, I filed a lawsuit against them in San Diego Superior Court to try to get a judge to order them to stop this practice. I am acting as my own attorney. The verdict is set to be handed down on Friday, March 25. Please pray that the judge orders them to end the scheme. It will mean that the Franchise Tax Board will have to dramatically change their standard operating procedures in a way that makes the agency more fair to all California taxpayers.


In October 2016, the Franchise Tax Board told me that accepting my timely made estimated tax payments, but not applying the money to my account right away was “required by law.” However, they refused to tell me which law. At that moment, I knew it was my calling from God to stop this practice. More details:

I spent three years trying to get the practice halted via bureaucratic channels. The various agencies and legislators made it clear that no one in government was going to interfere with their employer’s revenue stream, no matter how blatantly illegal. Here is a short video about it:

I realized suing was my only option. I talked to three attorneys, who quoted me $100k, $300k and $800k. Since I couldn’t afford an attorney, I decided to represent myself pro se. I filed suit in January 2020.

Through the discovery process, several more illicit schemes were exposed. There are 8 that are documented beyond plausible deniability: text: or video: There are several more that I am working on documenting.

In my case, the FTB committed 11 counts of perjury, withheld pertinent evidence and improperly redacted proof of fraud in their accounting records. This document is almost a year old and covers 8 counts of perjury and improper withholding of some documents: I have another document to redact and upload with the additional allegations documented. Hopefully, I’ll get to that in the next few days.

The FTB is being represented by the California Department of Justice, and the Attorney-General’s office has retaliated against me and my husband, harassed me and violated my civil rights in order to try to cover up FTB’s criminal activities:

The verdict is going to be issued on Friday, March 25.

Specific Prayer Requests

Strength: I am physically and emotionally exhausted. Please pray that He fills me.

Protection: The attorney general’s office has already retaliated and harassed me and my family for exposing the corruption. So far, my family has been protected from the blowback. Please pray that we continue to be protected and that they stop the retaliation and harassment.

Upcoming Speeches: On Friday the 25th, I will have to make Oral Arguments for my case. And on Tuesday, the 22nd, I will be giving a speech at a FTB Board Meeting. Please pray both go well. Here are some of my previous speeches at board meetings:

Truth Wins: It is unlikely that a judge employed by the State of California is going to rule against his employer’s revenue source. Please pray that he does the right thing for the people of CA despite political pressure.

More Evidence Comes Out: There are a lot of missing pieces to the puzzle… in particular, where the money goes while it is being “withheld” from the taxpayer’s account... and why so many accounting irregularities with these withheld payments. Please pray that more evidence is exposed so that we can see the whole picture. I suspect that FTB’s Board of Directors are hiding an off-the-books spending account.

FTB Staff Stop the Corruption from Within: My case only deals with a couple of specific corruption issues, but there are many more. Please pray that FTB staff decide that they will no longer comply with any unethical or unlawful practices and that they transform the agency from within.

Thank you all for your prayers! Psalm 64


Someone told me that I was confusing the Georgia Guidestones with the WEF agenda. I know you guys are the right ones to ask for clarification. I know that the WEF intends to reduce population, but do they give a number? Do they give a date they want this number achieved by? Do they say how it will be achieved?


This Federal Criminal Complaint is against Carrey Burton-Beilby and Alexis Bear, agents in the California Franchise Tax Board’s (FTB) Collections Department, who each directed me to send FTB more money than the bill stated was due, then falsified FTB’s internal accounting records to make it look like that higher amount of money was the total that was always due.

Since it happened to me twice, and in the same manner both times, this strategy to overcharge taxpayers appears to be systematic. While the dollar amounts in both incidents are small, if FTB overcharges everyone by a few dollars every month, then FTB is raking in millions of dollars in illicit revenue per year.

I have also included CA Deputy-Attorney General Anna Barsegyan the Complaint for attempting to stop me from filing this Complaint via harassment, retaliation, abuse of the superior court system, violation of rights, obstruction of justice and collusion with her client to to cover up her client’s criminal activities.


Links to Exhibits cited in the Complaint:


Hi All,

The legislative cycle has started and I am trying to start a write in campaign to close a loophole that allows for government corruption. I am asking my fellow Californians to please send letters to legislators requesting that this loophole be closed. You can simply copy/paste what I wrote and click on the links for the appropriate people to contact. Details here:

Thank you in advance to every one of you who helps me!


The judge denied my request that he order California's income tax agency disclose their internal policies and procedures that lead to the overcharging of taxpayers. He essentially said that he has enough evidence and doesn't need to see any more.

The judge also denied the income tax agency's request to penalize me $6,000 for asking for that information in the first place.

While I am sad that the information won't be disclosed, I am not surprised. As I said in the last post, I already have the dead body and the bullet, and I was asking for the smoking gun. I knew it was unlikely that the judge, who works for the State of CA, would order the State of CA to turn over damning information.

And I am so grateful that I won't be punished for asking. Thank you for the prayers, you all! I believe all the prayer cover worked with the penalty issue!

Edit to add: I was feeling spiritually attacked before I posted that prayer request here a few days ago. After you all started praying for me, I felt a lot more peace. :)

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