Here is an article I posted recently about CAs new tyrannical laws: https://greatawakening.win/p/1994kBOU09/california-democrats-strike-back/

Here is a video of how the City of Huntington Beach is pushing back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmLs9vcIXyU.

The video is 1/2 hour, so here is the TLDW:

AB 1955, which Newsom signed in July, prevents school districts from alerting parents when a student starts identifying as another gender. In response to it, Huntington Beach has passed Ordinance 4326, which nullifies AB 1955.

It is controversial because the city has no authority over the schools. However, in the interview, the HB mayor argues that parental rights have nothing to do with education. She states that AB 1955 is a government overreach that violates the rights of the people in her city by sneaking it into school doctrine, and as such, they have every right to create laws that protect the HB constituents from this overreach.





Some California communities are resisting progressive policies from Sacramento. Democrats in the Legislature say they are going too far and are responding with bills to shut them down.

Key Quotes from Article:

"Democrats in Sacramento passed legislation this year to stifle emerging local policies that they argued undermine the state’s commitment to diversity, civil rights and other progressive values"

"...conservatives are increasingly using the relative autonomy of city councils, county boards of supervisors and school boards to protest liberal state policymaking and assert a competing vision for their communities.... The result has been local laws to require voter identification at the polls, block abortion clinics from opening, review children’s library books for sexual content and mandate parental notification when students change their gender identity at school — prompting legislative Democrats to respond with measures that would ban those policies."

"The clash began intensifying last year, with a showdown over an elementary school social studies textbook. When a Riverside County school board refused to adopt the state-approved curriculum because it referenced assassinated LGBTQ rights activist Harvey Milk, Gov. Gavin Newsom threatened to send the textbook directly to students and bill the district, which then reversed course. Legislators subsequently passed a law to penalize school boards that ban books because they include the history or culture of LGBTQ people and other diverse groups."

"The Legislature also approved, and Newsom signed, a measure to limit when local governments can count ballots by hand, after Shasta County canceled its contract with a voting machine company because of unfounded election fraud claims pushed by Trump and his allies."

"A spate of legislation has followed this year, most controversially Assembly Bill 1955 by Assemblymember Chris Ward, a San Diego Democrat, which prevents school districts from alerting parents when a student starts identifying as another gender. Such parental notification policies began sprouting up across California after the 2022 election, when Republicans focused on winning control of school boards, but critics argue they amount to forced outing. Essayli and Democratic Assemblymember Corey Jackson nearly came to blows on the Assembly floor over AB 1955, which Newsom signed in July."

"Several other measures are headed to the governor’s desk after receiving final approval from the Legislature last week, including Bauer-Kahan’s AB 2085 to streamline the permitting process for reproductive health clinics. Though California has positioned itself as an “abortion sanctuary” since the U.S Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion — even putting reproductive rights into the state constitution — local opposition has prevented clinics from opening in cities such as Beverly Hills and Fontana."

"Senate Bill 1174 by state Sen. Dave Min, an Irvine Democrat, would prohibit local governments from requiring voter identification in municipal elections, which Huntington Beach adopted this past spring as a security measure despite criticisms that it would create unnecessary hurdles for poor and minority voters."

"And AB 1825 by Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi, would outlaw the sort of citizen review panels that Huntington Beach and Fresno County recently created to restrict access to library books with “sexual references” and “gender-identity content.” Supporters argue the committees can keep inappropriate material out of children’s hands, while opponents contend that they target books with LGBTQ themes for censorship."

"Conservative politicians counter that they are simply reacting to a state government that has pushed much further left than their constituents by listening to the LGBTQ rights movement and other activists rather than the people who elected them. Essayli said the Democratic supermajority in the Legislature is over-representative of a progressive ideology compared to California voters, only 46% of whom are registered Democrats."

"A spokesperson for Newsom declined to comment on the legislation pending before him"


Hi Everyone,

I've been posting on here about my quest to remove CA State Senator Scott Wiener from office, void his votes and void his legislation as he has been working unlawfully without an oath: https://greatawakening.win/p/17txobDPOK/update-the-california-state-sena/

This new tax required 2/3 approval from the legislators to pass. However, Scott Wiener has been working unlawfully and thus Wiener's vote must be voided. Hence this law no longer has 2/3 and must be voided.

I am hoping that you all can help me get the attention of the gun rights activists to join my movement to call the State Senate daily to demand Wiener vacate office/void votes. Here is a 90-second video about it:



Hi Everyone,

I've been posting on here about my quest to remove CA State Senator Scott Wiener from office, void his votes and void his legislation as he has been working unlawfully without an oath: https://greatawakening.win/p/17txobDPOK/update-the-california-state-sena/

I am certain the three clips below will resonate with liberals. They may not change anyone's mind, but they will certainly plant seeds of doubt about the integrity of Scott Wiener and the Democrat party in general. Given how the democrat party is imploding right now, the soil may finally be fertile for these seeds to grow. Please share with your liberal friends.

Clip 1: 90-seconds red pill that Wiener is decriminalizing pedophelia Wiener Gutted SB 1414, the Bill to Make Child Sex Trafficking a Felony


SB1414, the bill to make child sex trafficking a felony, was gutted by the State Senate Public Safety Committee. Wiener sits on that committee. Proof: https://digitaldemocracy.calmatters.org/bills/ca_202320240sb1414 https://sr12.senate.ca.gov/content/sen-groves-measure-make-purchasing-child-sex-felony-passes-senate-floor-critical-amendments https://spsf.senate.ca.gov/members

Clip 2: 4-minutes to cast doubt on Scott Wiener's integrity Why Would Scott Wiener Not to Take An Oath When He Knows Working Without One is a Felony?


Proof: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2769

Clip 3: 90-seconds red pill that the State Senate thinks laws don't apply to them Scott Wiener's Sacramento Office Denies Illegality of Un-Signed Oath


After I saw the video, I wrote her an email letting her know that she may have committed a felony since Wiener has not publicly produced this oath that she claimed that he allegedly signed: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/letter-to-anna-esparza-re-wiener-oath.pdf


Article: https://calmatters.org/education/k-12-education/2024/08/affordable-housing/

Choice quotes from the article:

"...California officials are pushing school districts to convert their surplus property into housing for teachers, school staff and even students and families. Some districts have already started; now the state wants every district to become a landlord."

"If Proposition 2, a $10 billion school facilities bond, passes this fall, schools could use that money to not only repair classrooms and other structures, but build teacher housing. "

"The model state officials often point to is 705 Serramonte in Daly City. The Jefferson Union High School District opened the 122-unit apartment complex in 2022, and it now houses a quarter of the district staff... The district paid for the $75 million project by passing a $33 million bond specifically for teacher housing, and borrowed the rest... Teachers commute(d) from the East Bay and beyond, and the district grappled with a persistent 25% staff turnover rate annually, said district spokesperson Denise Shreve... Since 705 Serramonte opened, the district has had near zero turnover...“We call it ‘adult dorms.’

"A better solution, she said, would be for housing to be left to regional authorities and for the state to fund school districts sufficiently to pay their teachers more."


Three weeks ago, I posted on GAW about how I was trying to hold the California State Senate accountable to following the oath and bond laws: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tebrcPqw/i-have-served-the-california-sta/

I used Common Law. Step one was to serve the State Senate with a Notice of Legal Violation notifying them that Scott Wiener and others were working unlawfully without oaths/bonds, which I did in July: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Redacted-Notice-of-Legal-Violations-to-Senate-Committee.pdf.

For those that are unfamiliar with Scott Wiener, he has been aggressively pushing to erode parental rights and legalize pedophelia. He also blocks legislation intended to protect children.

Unsurprisingly, the State Senate did not have any of the people sign oaths/procure bonds. So on August 9, I executed step 2, which was a Writ of Quo Warranto: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Writ-of-Quo-Warranto-redacted.pdf

A Writ of Quo Warranto is essentially a notice for everyone without an oath to vacate office since they have no legal jurisdiction to be in office. I also demanded that Wiener's legislation be voided since he had no legal standing to make legislation and that Wiener be prosecuted since I had documented in the Notice of Legal Violations that he was intentionally working unlawfully (felony with 3-years in prison).

They had until yesterday to vacate office. Yesterday afternoon, I called and checked status on a few of the people. None of the people I checked on had left, including Wiener. In fact, in one of the offices that I called, the woman who answered the phone laughed at me. A giant, hearty laugh that clearly said that she believed they were above the law.

It is up to "we the people" to create a public humiliation campaign to force Scott Wiener and the others to resign. I am excited about this strategy because it is non-partisan. Most liberals shut off when you say Wiener is corrupt. In this strategy, even a liberal will ask "well, why won't you sign a promise to uphold the state and federal constitutions?"

Here are more details: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2822#more-2822

I did a follow up interviewed on a podcast a few days ago where I talked about the call in campaign: https://rumble.com/v5b7qbx-christi-grab-updates-americans-on-writ-of-quo-warranto-to-prosecute-scott-w.html

Please spread the word and also please continue to pray that me and my family are protected as the truth of the corruption comes out. Thank you!


I think I may have originally found this video on GA. Given the craziness lately, I think it is a good time for all of us to review this video so we fully understand why we need to put on the armor of God and fight back against evil


My notes:

30 million people practice this religion in the United States.

Slide 21 explains why they attempted genocide via the covid vaccine

Slide 24 - 26 explain why they torture children prior to sacrifice. With so many people practicing this religion, it is understandable why they set up such a vast child-procurement network.

Slide 26 — they torture the child until right before death, then drink the blood of the child from the jugular as the child is dying. Vampirism is real.


Hi All,

I've posted periodically on here about the various avenues that I have been utilizing to fight government corruption. They've mostly been prayer requests for big days (ie when I had to make speeches, go to court, etc). I want to thank you for all your prayers over the years. I do believe that I am on a mission from God and that your prayers have helped to protect and empower me.

My latest attempt is to force Scott Wiener and many more out of the State Senate for working unlawfully without oaths and bonds. I put a lot of work into filing this Notice of Legal Violation: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Redacted-Notice-of-Legal-Violations-to-Senate-Committee.pdf.

But the reality is that the Senate Committee won't make them take an oath/procure a bond. It is up to "we the people" to create a public humiliation campaign to force Scott Wiener and the others to resign.

I am excited about this strategy because it is non-partisan. Most liberals shut off when you say Wiener is corrupt. In this strategy, even a liberal will ask "well, why won't you sign a promise to uphold the state and federal constitutions?"

Here are more details: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2769

For those who would prefer audio over reading, here is a podcast that I was interviewed on last week: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2804.

Please spread the word and also please continue to pray that me and my family are protected as the truth of the corruption comes out. Thank you!


Note: This was published by an organization called Open The Books. I got it as an email and the link to see the story on Substack isn't working for me, so I have copied and pasted it below:

Chaos reigns on the vice president’s staff. And Harris tried to hide it by claiming that her office is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

“People really, really do not want to work for Kamala Harris,” wrote former staffer Dan McLaughlin, January 2022.


Under Kamala Harris, the Office of the Vice President has been called a “revolving door,” a “staff exodus” of key aides “heading for the exits.”

That’s not hyperbole from the national media.

Our auditors at OpenTheBooks quantified an extraordinarily high 91.5-percent staff turnover rate. We used U.S. Senate disclosures to conduct our investigation and those databases can be downloaded below.

Elected in November 2020, Harris took the oath of office in January 2021.

As of March 31, 2024, only four of the initial 47 staffers from the first year are still employed – consistently and without interruption – by the Vice President.

Furthermore, the turnover chaos isn’t getting better. In the trailing 12-month period, 24 staffers left — that’s almost half the employees.

Download the Office of Vice President 2021 & 2024 payrolls here (source: U.S. Senate disclosures)

Key facts

The “top-to-bottom dysfunction” that The Atlantic referenced in October 2023 is shown in the reported payrolls that we captured.

“In her first year and a half as vice president, Harris saw the departure of her chief of staff, communications director, domestic-policy adviser, national security adviser, and other aides,” the magazine wrote.

If only that was all who left.

The semi-annual Report of the Secretary of the Senate, among other things, lists the names, titles and salaries of staff in the Office of the Vice President (OVA).

In the most recent publishing through March 31, only four staff from the original 47 listed in the 2021 report remained consistently employed and are among the office’s 50 current staff members.

The Kamala Harris Fabulous Four – here are the names, titles, employment date, and salaries of the four employees most loyal to Kamala Harris:

Yael S. Belkind has been assistant to the chief of staff since Jan. 20, 2021, earning $85,924; Nasrina Bargzie was associate counsel since Feb. 10, 2021, now is deputy council, taking home $118,066. Oludayo O. Faderin was associate director from July 2021, then became deputy director of west wing operations, making $85,924. Olivia K. Hartman was hired in August 2021 as advance coordinator and became deputy director of scheduling, making $94,750. Silas Woods, III began his career with the vice president as a vetting researcher on Feb. 17, 2021 making $52,500, became associate director of research, and left in August 2022. He went to work as a press assistant for the White House making $67,000. On March 25, 2024, Woods returned as a personal aid to the second gentleman and deputy director of special projects, where his full salary isn’t reported.

The other 45 people employed in OVP as of March 31 were hired after Sept. 30, 2021, when staff had already begun leaving the office.

In the last year alone, (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024) 24 people left their jobs with Harris.

Key background—Kamala Harris Tried To Hide Everything

The Kamala Harris, Office of Vice President, is committed to the opacity of its payrolls and all other office information.

In our 2021 reporting at Forbes, “VP Kamala Harris Is The Least Transparent Elected Official In The Nation,” we outlined the OVP’s refusal to provide any information to the public and taxpayers. Her office denied our FOIA request and claimed that they were immune.

We had filed a FOIA request with the OVP for its staff payroll in September 2021. A spokesman replied:

“Thank you for your inquiry. The Office of the Vice President is not subject to Freedom of Information Act requests. See 5 U.S.C. 552; 44 U.S.C. 2207.”

We even tried to coax the information out of the OVP:

“I understand the OVP isn't subject to FOIA — is there any information you can provide me at all about the office staff? Whether it's total staff employees (without names or any other employee-specific info) or total payroll for 2020 or current numbers for 2021?”

However, the spokesman replied:

“Thank you for the inquiry. OVP does not have any information to share at this time.”

Therefore, we had to rely on the U.S. Senate’s semi-annual report for Oct. 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021, which gives a list of the 28 staff members who had been hired by the new administration between Jan. 20 and March 31, 2021. Over the next few months, the OVP added another approximately 20 staff members.

We calculated that for VP Harris’s 28 staff listed in the Senate report, the 2021 salaries added up to $2,334, 223.

But President Joseph Biden’s congressional budget submission shows the OVP got $5 million for 23 full time staff in 2021 and requested over $6 million for 27 full time staff in 2022.

The OVP wouldn’t answer for the discrepancy in budget and staffing, citing the earlier provision that states only federal agencies are subject to FOIA, and the OVP, it argues, isn’t a federal agency.

Vice President Kamala Harris, the second-in-command, and possible next president of the United States, is the only elected official in the country not required to share her office’s spending with the public.

We captured 25 million public employee salary and pension records on 55,000 FOIA requests last year. You can search all federal, state, and local government payrolls on our website for free or with our free AI search tool, Benjamin, named after Benjamin Franklin.

Biden’s High Turnover

Harris isn’t alone in her inability to retain staff.

Since 2021, only 127 of Biden’s initial 560 White House employees remain, a 77-percent turnover rate that would be considered high if not for Harris’ 92-percent rate.

Between 2023 and 2024, 225 people left, a 43-percent turnover rate that is only slightly lower than the 46-percent between 2022 and 2023.

But Biden’s high turnover isn’t the only staffing failure that should give taxpayers pause.

He has the largest White House headcount since the Richard Nixon administration, who was the first president to exceed 500 staffers.

Now Biden employs 565 staffers, costing taxpayers $61 million in salaries. That’s up from the 524 staffers in 2023, costing $52 million.

Biden has 152 more employees than Trump (413) (FY2020) and 97 more than Obama (468) (FY2012), when each were in the fourth year of their first terms.

This shouldn’t be surprising, as Biden has made clear his intentions to grow the size of the federal government.

In the first nine days of his presidency, Biden issued many executive orders expanding the size, scope, and power of the federal bureaucracy.

During his first three years, more than 40,000 bureaucrats were added across the 123 executive agencies, outside of the Department of Defense, U.S. Post Office, and intelligence services.

Crucial quote

Symone Sanders, Harris' chief spokesperson and senior adviser, in early December 2021 was quoted in The Washington Post responding to critics of the staff departures, saying,

“We are not making rainbows and bunnies all day. What I hear is that people have hard jobs and I’m like ‘Welcome to the club.’”

She left the OVP later that year.


“Working for Harris is a nightmare, not just because she rides her staff hard, but also because she does so without the competence, decisiveness, and effectiveness that inspires people in politics to suffer under demanding bosses,” Dan McLaughlin wrote in a January 2022 National Review article titled, “People Really, Really Do Not Want to Work for Kamala Harris.”



Here are a couple of relevant quotes: "People crossing illegally dump their IDs for a variety of reasons. One of the main ones is that apparently, if they are caught and sent back into Mexico, Mexico will send them to their home country. If they have no ID, they stay in Mexico. That makes it easier to try to cross the border again."

"...under a huge boulder, I spotted a green passport booklet. It was completely out of sight of the dirt road I had driven in on...it was that of a male illegal alien from the Islamic Republic of Mauritania."

"...The agent informed me that the person was indeed on a terror watchlist..."


Court ruling: https://portal.momsforliberty.org/media/files/news-news/887e3c75/file-1449.pdf

Moms for Liberty Succeeds in Halting Title IX Changes The order prohibits the Biden Department of Education from enforcing the new rule against the states of Kansas, Alaska, Utah, and Wyoming, as well as every school attended by the members of Young America’s Foundation and the children of Moms for Liberty members.

TOPEKA, KS (July 2, 2024): In a landmark ruling, a federal court in Kansas issued an opinion halting the Biden Department of Education’s Title IX changes in a lawsuit brought by Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF) and Mountain States Legal Foundation (MSLF) on behalf of their clients Moms for Liberty and Young America’s Foundation. The organizations joined the states of Kansas, Wyoming, Utah, and Alaska, as well as other students and interest groups, in challenging the Department of Education’s blatant disregard for the First Amendment rights of K-12 and college students.

The members of Moms for Liberty and Young America’s Foundation are parents and students in K-12 schools and colleges who fear sharing their true views—including the view that gender is not fluid, that there are only two genders based on biological sex, and that private spaces on campuses should be kept sex-segregated—in light of the Biden Administration’s unconstitutional changes to the definition of “sex” under Title IX. Under the Department of Education’s new rule, “sex” no longer means male or female but includes gender identity and sex stereotypes, so anyone who speaks out against gender identity, fails to recognize a classmate’s “preferred pronouns,” or speaks up for their physical safety and right not to have to undress in front of the opposite biological sex can be punished for harassment.

As the parties explained in the briefing before the court, this will have devastating consequences for free speech. The court agreed, ruling that the new rule is so vague that students will be forced to self-censor rather than risk punishment. The order prohibits the Biden Department of Education from enforcing the new rule against the states of Kansas, Alaska, Utah, and Wyoming, as well as every school attended by the members of Young America’s Foundation and the children of Moms for Liberty members.

Read the court order here.


TLDR: The republicans have a measure on the November ballot to repeal Prop 47. Newsom was trying to put a competing measure on the ballot that "would improve public safety without returning to costly mass incarceration or the failed 'war on drugs'. Instead he's going to create "a new package of protections" (other articles that I've read indicate will be primarily focused on mass-surveillance).


JULY 2, 2024 In a stunning, last-minute reversal, Gov. Gavin Newsom is scrapping the anti-crime measure he and Democratic legislative leaders just announced. It had been designed to compete with one backed by Republicans and prosecutors that is already headed for voters in November.

In a statement tonight, the governor said Democrats “are unable to meet the ballot deadline to secure necessary amendments to ensure this measure’s success and we will be withdrawing it from consideration.”

The proposed ballot measure from Democrats cleared the Assembly’s public safety committee on a party-line vote earlier today and had been scheduled for floor votes Wednesday night, just in time to get on the Nov. 5 ballot.

On Monday, Newsom, Senate leader Mike McGuire of Santa Rosa and Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas of Salinas issued a joint statement arguing that their plan would improve public safety without returning to costly mass incarceration or the failed “war on drugs” that devastated communities of color.

The Democratic bill proposed less sweeping changes to Proposition 47, which was approved by voters in 2014 and which reduced certain property crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, provided that the stolen goods aren’t worth more than $950.

But ever since the Democrats’ bill was unveiled Sunday night, a coalition of GOP lawmakers, law enforcement unions and prosecutors who back the Proposition 47 repeal measure already on the ballot angrily denounced it as dirty politics and election interference.

In social media posts tonight, Senate GOP leader Brian Jones of San Diego and Assembly leader James Gallagher of Chico both credited public blowback to the 11th-hour move by Newsom and Democrats.

“Appreciation to everyone who contacted their representatives, signed our petition, & helped educate the public on the deceitful tactics deployed by the Governor,” Gallagher posted.

“After mounting opposition and brutal media hits, Gavin Newsom finally listened to our calls and dropped his soft-on-crime ballot measure that undermined our democracy,” Jones said.

Greg Totten, co-chairperson of Californians for Safer Communities, said in a statement tonight that the group is “pleased The Governor and Legislature have dropped their countermeasure and welcome them to join our campaign to responsibly amend Prop 47 to deal with retail theft, the fentanyl crisis and homelessness.”

In his statement tonight, Newsom said he and other supporters “chose to introduce an alternative measure for Californians to consider that represented a balanced and comprehensive strategy that put public safety first without reverting to outdated and ineffective policies of decades past. It included stiff new penalties for repeat offenders, stricter measures to take down fentanyl dealers, and expanded access to drug treatment programs in our communities.”

But now that the Democratic measure is dead, Newsom said, he plans to soon sign “a robust public safety package that expands criminal penalties, bolsters police & prosecutor tools, and cracks down on retail theft — the most significant reform in decades.”

But before then, Newsom is headed to the White House, where he will join other Democratic governors on Wednesday to support President Joe Biden, staggering from the horrendous debate performance last week.


This X post caught my eye:


"While filming my documentary "WHAT IS TREASON?" I went to Skid Row with Audra Morgan, we dressed like homeless people and went undercover. Now I need your help. We are not 100% sure what we uncovered but there is a lot more to this story. Who owns VORTEX phones, How big is the contract with the US government, why did Vortex receive this contract?..."

There is a 10-minute embedded video of them procuring one of these phones.

The reason this jumped out at me is because last week, the State of California approved another $10.5 million dollars for an ongoing program they have to stalk low income people. Here is my write up of the meeting: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2761.

Here is the relevant information from my write up:

"At the March 2022 meeting, FTB gave an uber creepy presentation about how for the last decade, they have been stalking low-income people who are not required to file...At the June 2024 Board Meeting, Item 5B was a request for $10, 500, 000 to be disbursed to California Department of Community Services and Development for this stalking program."

There are more details and links to proof in the write up.

Another item of note was that to get the free phone, the person had to be registered for Medical. As of this year, all illegal aliens are entitled to be on free medical: https://icaliforniamedical.com/medi-cal-for-immigrants-in-california/


This is a fascinating Why Files about the secretive things DARPA is up to. Some have been good, and some have been very, very bad.


My TLDW: 51-minute video. Minute 1 is the intro, minutes 2 - 4 are an ad, resumes at minute 5.

The first segment is aboutl the history of DARPA and explains many of the amazing things that DARPA has invented: DARPA created the internet, micro-processing chips, GPS, cell phones, and AI. They’ve advanced the medical field by creating ultrasound, MRI, advanced prosthetics, diagnose illness earlier, and improve transplants surgeries… and this is the tip of the iceberg.

Then it goes into the creepy/disturbing things that DARPA has invented, such as self-guided bullets, bending light to make objects invisible, living construction materials, remote controlled rats, using insects to destroy crops, miniature flying cyborgs that look like flying insects, etc. They are working on autonomous killer robot soldiers, creating exoskeletons to make soldiers stronger with weapons inside the exoskeleton, and modifying humans to give them “superhuman capabilities” without any extra equipment, ie limb regeneration.

At the 22-minute mark, he explains that DARPA wanted to mass surveil everyone, but it was illegal for them to do so, they couldn’t manage so much data, and surveillance doesn’t work when people are aware of being surveilled. This led to DARPA creating a think tank — a private organization with no oversight — that disbursed DARPA funds to organizations such has the National Science Federation, which in turn gave the funds to companies that would do this surveillance for them, such as Google.

At the 30-minute mark, he explains how DARPA was behind creating and utilizing Agent Orange in violation of international war crime laws. The US continued to use it long after the US knew how devastating it was to both the locals and the American soldiers exposed to it. The US has never taken responsibility for this and still denies that it violated war crime laws or harmed people.

At the 40-minute mark the most damning statistics come out:

DARPA is an agency of 220 people with a budget of $4 billion dollars.

No transparency. Exempt from many laws other government agencies have to follow, such as hiring practices, managing personnel and managing budgets. The are allowed to fund projects via “other transactions” with no congressional approval or oversight. The defense contractor CEOs get to decide what DARPA funds, the same people who financially benefit from these contracts. DARPA is the agency that drives the military industrial complex, which is exactly what Eisenhower had warned us about decades ago.

He closes by pondering whether the good outweighs the bad.


However, since 2021, only 127 of President Joe Biden’s initial 560 White House employees remain – a stunning 77-percent turnover rate.

The White House payroll reaches historic highs not seen since President Richard Nixon in 1971.



u/Yinz posted this a few weeks ago and it didn't get much attention: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKeAs96i/this-missed-my-radar-ebay-stalke/c/

I am reposting with a TLDW to help raise awareness of what kind of weird things our federal government is up to.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=GnQMuS87gLw

The video is 44-minute video (first 2-minutes are ads). Here is my summary:

In 2019, a husband-wife blogger duo said some critical —but fair —things about e-bay on their blog, which was quite popular and had a big following. Angered by the negative PR, the e-bay president (or was he CEO?) decided to get even. The executives had a meeting in which they hatched a plan to terrorize the bloggers, then e-bay would swoop in and “save” them from this terrorization, and then the bloggers would portray e-bay as heroes on their blog.

The head of security was in charge of executing the plan. He got all the executives and many other employees to set up fake accounts and burner phones. Every day they’d deliver something creepy, including insects, the mask that a killer wore in a horror movie, a book about coping with the death of a spouse, a funeral wreath, etc. They tried to order a pig fetus, but the company they'd ordered it from was suspicious and would not send the ordered item. After each delivery, the couple would get text messages asking if they liked their gifts.

E-bay also had employees fly to Boston, rent cars, and follow the couple around every time the couple left the house. I think they may have graffitied or otherwise vandalized the house, too, but maybe I am remembering that wrong.

The couple was indeed terrified. They had no idea who was doing this to them. They slept in separate rooms so that if they were broken into at night, one or the other could escape. The couple got the police were involved, and if I remember correctly. it was the police that figured out it was e-bay doing this.

A criminal case ensued. E-bay had a private meeting with the DA (or was it attorney general?) about the case, and suddenly after the meeting, the nature of the prosecution changed. I think it was 6 or 7 lower level employees were convicted, but all the executives got off Scott free. The president (CEO?) got a golden parachute, another executive left under favorable terms.

The couple took the evidence from the criminal case and filed a civil case. In the criminal case, it was disclosed that the head of security was former CIA. In the civil case, it came out that he was actually still active CIA, and that other people at e-bay (specifically the president/CEO) may have been recruited by him to be involved in a CIA operation. Then the State Department stepped in and classified the evidence in the trial. Its the only time a civil case has been classified for national security reasons.

The head of security/CIA guy sounds like a real psycho. He used to regularly show his staff movie clips of snitches being murdered, such as when Denzel Washington shot a guy in a film.

Anyway, a lot of questions have been raised. Did e-bay knowingly hire an active CIA agent? Was e-bay a CIA front? If so, was it a front all along or did it become a front somewhere along the way? How many more of the staff were CIA agents? Why would the CIA want to use e-bay for secret operations? And what was e-bay doing that warranted the regular showing of movie clips of snitches being murdered????


I posted this earlier, but am reposting with a catchier title. The TLDR: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) receives it's funding from the Federal Reserve, not congress. The Supreme Court deemed that it's legal to fund this way.

From: https://api.neonemails.com/emails/content/W2SgVUeIucJezpq0cZ7wn80_cWsqI92Yz15ncUA4ddI=

This morning, the Supreme Court preserved the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) by upholding the agency’s funding mechanism as constitutional in a 7-2 vote.

The justices’ decision caps a battle that marked the biggest legal threat to the CFPB since it was established in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis to crack down on predatory lending and enforce consumer protection laws.

Two lender trade associations, backed by business groups and all the nation’s Republican state attorneys general, contended the agency’s funding from the Federal Reserve violates Congress’s power of the purse. Writing for the majority, Justice Clarence Thomas rejected that argument and sided with the Biden administration. Conservative justices Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch dissented, writing that since the “earliest days” of the nation, Congress’s power of the purse has been its most “complete and effectual weapon.”

Established as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law, lawmakers looked to insulate the CFPB by creating a funding mechanism outside Congress’s annual appropriations process. Republicans have long targeted the independent agency, lamenting that lawmakers have little control over it. Former House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and 132 Republican members of Congress filed briefs backing the challengers.

The high court acknowledged that the CFPB is “different” than other agencies but determined its method of drawing funds from the Federal Reserve System that its director has deemed “reasonably necessary to carry out” is constitutional.


From: https://api.neonemails.com/emails/content/W2SgVUeIucJezpq0cZ7wn80_cWsqI92Yz15ncUA4ddI=

This morning, the Supreme Court preserved the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) by upholding the agency’s funding mechanism as constitutional in a 7-2 vote.

The justices’ decision caps a battle that marked the biggest legal threat to the CFPB since it was established in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis to crack down on predatory lending and enforce consumer protection laws.

Two lender trade associations, backed by business groups and all the nation’s Republican state attorneys general, contended the agency’s funding from the Federal Reserve violates Congress’s power of the purse. Writing for the majority, Justice Clarence Thomas rejected that argument and sided with the Biden administration. Conservative justices Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch dissented, writing that since the “earliest days” of the nation, Congress’s power of the purse has been its most “complete and effectual weapon.”

Established as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law, lawmakers looked to insulate the CFPB by creating a funding mechanism outside Congress’s annual appropriations process. Republicans have long targeted the independent agency, lamenting that lawmakers have little control over it. Former House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and 132 Republican members of Congress filed briefs backing the challengers.

The high court acknowledged that the CFPB is “different” than other agencies but determined its method of drawing funds from the Federal Reserve System that its director has deemed “reasonably necessary to carry out” is constitutional.



55-minutes (the first 4 minutes are ads, last few minutes credits, so about 45-minutes of content)


He starts by explaining that patents can be seized by the government if they “are important for national security.”

Then he talks about a couple of inventors who invented cars that could run on literal gas vapors, making mileage like 200 miles a gallon (first one was over 100 years ago, I think the second one was sixties?). Then a guy who invented a car that ran on water (early 70s). Then some people who created machines that could generate energy out of the atmosphere, which is basically unlimited free energy (one of them in the 60s).

All these people had their patents seized, labs broken into and all their material stolen and were either financially/professionally ruined or killed (or both).

Interestingly, one guy re-patented all these things with the US military as the owner of the patents, so it appears that the military has stolen these patents and are utilizing these technologies while keeping them from the public.

He goes on to talk about the serious flaws with the current green energy “solutions” being touted.

He shows that there never was an energy shortage, it was a control tool and that the green energy “solutions” are simply measures that will ensure that powerful people stay in power.

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