Wiener is running for SF State Senator... passing laws protecting pedophiles across the whole state. The rumor is he is going to run for Pelosi's seat when she steps down.
Woo hoo!!!!! I am so happy you succeeded. I'm even more inspired and confident that we'll succeed with vacating Wiener!
Thank you for the kind compliments.
I will be the first to admit that there are other issues that I only pay lip service to... there is only so much time and energy that each of us have, so as much as I'd like to get deeper into other things, I've come to terms with the fact that I can't do it all and have to trust that other people will take care of the other projects that interest me.
My philosophy is that each of us picks one area and we put as much effort as we can into that one thing, then we will all win as a society.
I am hoping that this is an issue that resonates with the people who see this post. If 5% of the people who see this sign the petition and 1% of the people who see it actually call, that will move the needle BIG TIME.
I am a turtle, slow and steady. I started down this road in 2017... just do what you can as you can and don't beat yourself up about not doing more. Balance of life is really important.
:) I hope it's helpful for you.
I started down the government corruption road because I was unlawfully harassed by California's income tax agency to pay them money that they knew -- by their own records -- was never actually owed.
I tried doing the statutory law route for several years and found the hard way that it was totally rigged, so I looked for alternatives.
I bought a book called "The Colossal Criminal Conspiracy Behind the IRS - The Penalty Scam" by Roger Knipp:
This book is about constitutional law specifically as it deals with income taxes (as that was my issue). After reading that book, I filed a couple of federal criminal complaints against the agency. More info here:
Anyways, I have expanded my government corruption fight from the CA tax agency itself to all the people who are protecting the agency's criminal schemes to overcharge taxpayers, and Wiener is one of those people (he's on the senate tax oversight committee). I've gleaned information from a lot of sources (in no particular order): (their site is down now -- thank God for the Wayback Machine) (another one that is down now, but still available on the WayBack Machine) (another one that is down now, but still available on the WayBack Machine) (these are the people getting ready to sue to bring back common law courts)
There are more, but this is a good start. And I have found a lot of really nice people who have been eager to help me, so when I don't understand something or get stuck, I call them to point me in the right direction.
One of the most things that I have been grateful for on this journey is all the amazingly smart, kind, generous, encouraging and overall wonderful friends I have made along the way. I have a positive view of what our future is going to look like thanks to these people.
Mods: Thank you for the sticky!
Thank you so much for the prayers! Even if I do not succeed in common law right now, I believe I will succeed in the court of public opinion. Currently, using public humiliation to shame the State Senate into following the laws is our only real weapon.
The good news is that National Liberty Alliance is getting ready to file a suit to bring back common law courts. Based on the recent Supreme Court rulings, they believe they will lose in federal court but win on appeal to the Supreme Court. That lawsuit should be filed any day now. They have already filed a parallel suit to give the sheriffs back all of their constitutional powers.
If Liberty Alliance wins on either case, then all the stuff I did will have teeth (no statute for limits on fraud and they are fraudulently occupying office).
Even if they don't win, as the word spreads about these suits, more and more people will push for these things to be instituted as ithey are both constitutional rights.
Thank you for the compliments and thank you especially for the prayers for safety. The state has already retaliated against me once. God protected me and my family and nothing terrible came of it (at least yet), but the state made it clear they will do worse if I don't shut up.
π€·ββοΈ. Maybe we're watching a movie and the characters were appropriately named for their roles?
I think out of state signatures are helpful. The CA State Senate needs to know the whole country is paying attention to this issue... they are setting a precedent for the country.
In the Certificate of Default, I also demanded that SB-1414, the bill to make purchasing a child prostitute a felony, restored to its original language. Wiener and 2 other people without oaths altered the language so it is only a felony to purchase some children in some situations instead of all children.
In the Certificate of Default, I demanded that AB-1955 be voided since he and two other senators without oaths are co-authors. This bill specifically protects people who are sexually grooming children in schools. The bill prohibits schools βto disclose any information related to a pupils sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression (including parents)β¦ The bill would prohibit employees or contractors of school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, or the state special schools, or members of the governing boards or bodies of those educational entities, from retaliating or taking adverse action against an employee on the basis that the employee supported a pupil in the exercise of specified rights, work activities, or providing certain instruction, as provided.β
Do not wish such terrible curses on me! π€£
Thank you. I push hard because I feel like this is a calling from God. But I am a turtle, and have been working on this slowly and steadily since the beginning of 2017. I do take mental breaks to step back and enjoy my life. :)
:) Thank you for the kudos. I love how supportive and encouraging the people on this forum are.
Thank you! Yes, that is the guy. I can't believe the gay community didn't turn on him over that.
Edit to add: that decriminalizing knowingly passing HIV to others is one of the bills that needs to be voided:
Allegedly training exercises. I added more details in another comment.
That was the first of several strange "active training" sessions that happened within a few days of each other. As an FYI, the public park the helicopter landed in is a short walk (I mean less than a minute if you are running) from a military base and a military contractor's office.
Another day military helicopters flew so low through downtown that the people in the condos were filming the helicopters below them.
Another day, a giant slew of helicopters in single file flew from the beach inland and conducted a raid on an empty retail building in the wee hours of the morning. People in the homes near the "raided" building were awoken to explosions and gunfire and were terrified for their lives.
I've lived in San Diego for 30 + years and have never seen training exercises like that. I don't know anyone who was actually part of the exercises, but the military people I know all said the exercises sounded strange.
That was the first of several strange "active training" sessions that happened within a few days of each other. As an FYI, the public park the helicopter landed in is a short walk (I mean less than a minute if you are running) from a military base and a military contractor's office.
Another day military helicopters flew so low through downtown that the people in the condos were filming the helicopters below them.
Another day, a giant slew of helicopters in single file flew from the beach inland and conducted a raid on an empty retail building in the wee hours of the morning. People in the homes near the "raided" building were awoken to explosions and gunfire and were terrified for their lives.
I've lived in San Diego for 30 + years and have never seen training exercises like that. I don't know anyone who was actually part of the exercises, but the military people I know all said the exercises sounded strange.
Thank you! That was so sweet. I don't think looking at what kind of public information I've put out there is creepy. If you were looking for my home address, that would be a different story.
Since my YouTube channel is focused on tax issues, this is not the right forum for it. I've posted the David Myrland links a few times when it was contextually appropriate, but most of the rest of it is California specific.
Thank you for the prayers. They are much needed as the state has already retaliated against me and made it clear they will do it again.
I'll link to Haley's podcast with me!
Haley's show is very good. She covers a lot of important things that most others don't, and she's professional and thorough. I hope her podcast gets huge. Right now, she could use prayers, too, as she is in Florida. While she's not on the coast, she's in the path. I'm really worried about her and a couple other friends who I have that also live in the path.