Christine_grab 8 points ago +8 / -0

Thank you for the suggestions on the civil side. Hopefully, I won't need to utilize them, but it's good to know there are more tools in the statutory law bucket that I haven't tried.

Re: Florida military. Do you know how to contact the military? I live in San Diego, so my big plan is to drive to one of the military bases to see if I can have someone explain the process for how to submit the information to me in person. But if someone has a better plan, I'd love to do a better plan.

Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yup. I am still trying to process the ruling and figure out how to utilize this information in the Notice of Default that I need to start working on (step 3 in the common law process).

Christine_grab 1 point ago +1 / -0

I explained all this in more detail the podcast that I linked to in the post (https://rumble.com/v5b7qbx-christi-grab-updates-americans-on-writ-of-quo-warranto-to-prosecute-scott-w.html), but the summary is that I've already tried every avenue that I could think of in the the statutory law system.

The statutory law system is completely corrupt, so now I am trying constitutional law and public pressure to make our government workers follow the law.

Christine_grab 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you. I understand that common law has no teeth right now. That is why I have launched the public humiliation campaign. I feel like public pressure to obey the law is our only viable strategy right now.

Christine_grab 1 point ago +1 / -0

As an FYI, I live in San Diego. During covid lockdown, it was illegal to go to the beach. Friends of mine who live on the water near Camp Pendleton and have an ocean view saw them testing a military vehicle that is both a submarine and a plane, so it comes out from under the water and flies away. They weren't the only ones to see it, there was a post on Next-door about it with a photo of the vehicle.

So when you see this vehicle launched, it is not space aliens. It is military tech being unleashed.

Christine_grab 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you!

I am not on Truth Social. I guess I should make an account.

I just started using X again. I'd tried it a long time ago and didn't like it, but just started using it again to try to reach out to people who only listed their contact info as X. I'll try to get more aggressive about using X.

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am not at home right now, but I will check the number when I get back and make sure I wrote it down correctly in the Writ. If I screwed up, I'll post a correction. If the number is correct, I'll call the post office on Monday and see what is up with it disappearing.

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't want to say anything disparaging about the "pay-triots" because they are doing wonderful work in areas where they can generate revenue via fundraising, donations, etc.

I've gotten no interest from "pay-triots" as of yet. I suspect it is because I haven't figured out how to monetize this issue. And again, I don't want to say anything negative because I understand that people have bills to pay and need to bring in revenue in exchange for their time and effort.

I am an anomaly because I am a stay at home mom, so I don't need to generate revenue and have the time and brain power for this kind of work.

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you!

Both the Notice of Legal Violations and the Writ of Quo Warranto are affidavits.

I called the Sacramento sheriff back in January, when I first caught the lack of oaths (the majority of people without oaths are working in the capital in Sacramento).The sheriff said it is not their jurisdiction and they will not intervene.

Step 3 int he common law process is a Notice of Default. I'll start working on it next week. Then after the Notice of Default, I notify the military and ask for intervention (military law), notify the Attorney General and ask for intervention (statutory law), and the sheriff (which is supposed to be common law but has been hijacked by statutory law). I don't have high hopes for any of those routes. I still think our best strategy is public pressure.

Christine_grab 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you for all the suggestions. I will try them all.

Someone also suggested that I check to see what bills passed this year that required 2/3 vote. Since Wiener makes up the 2/3, once his vote is voided, then that measure reverts as they lost their majority. He said that if I contact all these groups that "lost," I may get a lot of interesting groups suddenly supporting Wiener's ousting. I'm not sure how to figure out which legislation needed a 2/3 majority, but I'm sure I can figure it out.

Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

I started down the government corruption road because I was unlawfully harassed by California's income tax agency to pay them money that they knew -- by their own records -- was never actually owed. I'd already been doing the statutory law route and saw it was totally rigged, so I was looking for alternatives.

I bought a book called "The Colossal Criminal Conspiracy Behind the IRS - The Penalty Scam" by Roger Knipp: https://app.thebookpatch.com/BookStore/the-colossal-criminal-conspiracy-behind-the-irs---the-penalty-scam/d34e789e-d65f-4e9b-9073-8dde7557e7ce.

This book is about constitutional law specifically as it deals with income taxes. I'd already been doing the statutory law route and saw it was totally rigged, so I was looking for alternatives. After reading that book, I filed a couple of federal criminal complaints against the agency. More info here: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?page_id=573

Anyways, I have expanded my government corruption fight from the agency itself to all the people who are protecting the agency's criminal schemes to overcharge taxpayers, and Wiener is one of those people (he's on the senate tax oversight committee). I've gleaned information from a lot of sources (in no particular order):

https://web.archive.org/web/20230307002227/http://citizensoftheamericanconstitution.net/ (their site is down now -- thank God for the Wayback Machine)

https://web.archive.org/web/20230127011828/https://www.affidavitwarriors.com/index.php/notice-to-vacate/ (another one that is down now, but still available on the WayBack Machine)

https://web.archive.org/web/20230225004134/https://generic22.americanstatenationals.net/learn-more/ (another one that is down now, but still available on the WayBack Machine)


https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org (these are the people getting ready to sue to bring back common law courts)


There are more, but this is a good start. And I have found a lot of really nice people who have been eager to help me, so when I don't understand something or get stuck, I call them to point me in the right direction.

Christine_grab 5 points ago +5 / -0

There are two kinds of law: statutory law, which we are all familiar with and common law, AKA constitutional law, which is the law the founding fathers set up for us. The statutory law system was supposed to be in parallel to common law, but statutory law has overtaken common law.

As I explain in the podcast linked in the post (https://rumble.com/v5b7qbx-christi-grab-updates-americans-on-writ-of-quo-warranto-to-prosecute-scott-w.html), I've already tried statutory law and gotten nowhere, so now I am trying common law. The court of appeals and state supreme courts are statutory law.

Common law doesn't have a lot of teeth right now, but it is still valid law. There are several groups working on bringing back constitutional courts for the people in all areas. If remember currently only three currently exist, and they don't have to take your case if they don't want to. If the courts re-open in all areas, all cases filed will be able to be taken.

Anyways, that said, once the Notice of Default is served, the steps are to contact the attorney general to try the statutory law route, contact the military to try the military route, contact the sheriff (who is supposed to be common law but has been hijacked by the statutory system), and if none of those respond, the last step to file in one of the constitutional courts.

Christine_grab 7 points ago +7 / -0

I wish I could figure out how to get the attention of the Trump administration and Musk. So many people contact them... they have so much information to weed through... I feel like I get lost in the shuffle.

When I did the last round of reaching out to broadcasters/journalists, Mama Bears radio with Kristen Hurley mentioned me on her show: http://zbsradio.com/show_detail/id/60. But she and Jacques Israel (podcast linked in the post) were the only ones willing to cover it.

I'll try to reach out of broadcasters/journalists again this week.

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