Cognito 9 points ago +10 / -1

Those thumbs up/thumbs dwn numbers won't remain accurate very long. Youtube will see to that.

Cognito 2 points ago +2 / -0

But whatever happens will just be part of the "plan". If Biden/Harris serve 2 consecutive terms, we'll still be "trusting the plan" that will reveal itself...soon.

Cognito 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, I'm wondering the same about those numbers.

Cognito 1 point ago +1 / -0

My take is:

Everything changed after Jan 6th. Because of the "riot" and the massive media driven fallout afterwards, Trump and everyone associated with him had to change their tone.

No more "We won by a lot!" or "The election was stolen!". After the 6th, it was pure damage control. For them and for us.

Already, we've been painted as a 70 million strong army of white supremacists, a dangerous mob waiting to explode, and Trump is the one sitting on the blow-up switch. He had to go "neutral" in order to prevent any more violence, and any more demonization of us.

Everyone else, with the exception of madman Pillow broker, Mike Lindell has gone tame and careful.

I wish, wish, wish there was a secret plan to get Trump back in office, but it's just magic thinking. Most probably, and anti-climatically, the actual plan is to rest, recoup, and start a new social media platform centered around Trump and maybe a Patriot Party to keep the populist movement he created alive.

Cognito 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who or what court would bother to attempt this? Based on the last few months, probably none would even consider it. Trump was abandoned.

Texas seems ornery enough to try, but I don't think this will happen.

Cognito 1 point ago +2 / -1

This Q this will haunt us forever, won't it?

Cognito 4 points ago +4 / -0

That was nice to see. Thank your for posting :)

Cognito 0 points ago +1 / -1

How does anyone verify the accuracy of this? Just because we want to believe it? And what's the point of this anyway? IF TRUE, how will it affect tomorrow? Or the next 4 years?

It's just energy wasted on juicy conspiracy stuff. No wonder the last few months have been a dumpster fire. C'mon.

Cognito 1 point ago +2 / -1

Me too. This unfolding reality sucks. Getting harder and harder to buy any of the "wait for the Kraken" stuff anymore.

And STOP calling her "Dr." Jill Biden!! What a joke.

Cognito 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks! I want to listen to this guy right now. Call it "Hopium". Since I don't drink, I need something to take the edge off this gut punch defeat I'm feeling right now.

Cognito 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good advice. Thank you. Need to get off the site and go to bed. Good night.

Cognito 1 point ago +1 / -0

Listening now. Not sure if it's pie in the sky larping or based on actual insider info, but it's pretty compelling. Thanks for posting.

Cognito 5 points ago +5 / -0


Cognito 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not fun to think about:

If something does happen to Joe, guess who will be responsible. A Lee Harvey O with a Red Hat who somehow managed to get off an incredible shot despite 20K + troops all around.

But I thought it was a virtual inauguration anyway.

Cognito 9 points ago +10 / -1

Very well said. Please let this happen.

But I doubt this because the Constitution hasn't meant much to anyone in or around Govt. for years. Especially the last few months, where we've seen federal and local breaches of Constitution happen with no repercussion. Will all those election fraud enablers face military trial also?

I'm not sure if military tribunals will be "allowed" to do what needs to be done - to Pelosi, and other high ranking people. The rioting hordes have had all Summer to get ready, with real world destruction. The MSM will make any attempt at lawful resolution by military courts a "Coup" by demented dictator Trump. Saboteur White House insiders...Hell, JARED, are all poised to keep something like this from happening.

What I think will happen is so different than what I hope happens. I PRAY what you outlines happens verbatim.

Cognito 21 points ago +21 / -0

If such a video is produced and shown, there will instantly be dismissals claiming it's deep fake/CGI. This scenario isn't the Trump Card.

Cognito 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ahhh. I see. Damn, I really hope so. Can this happen after the inauguration, when Trump is no longer POTUS? Cause as much as I hope this happens, I don't see it happening before the 20th.

Cognito 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very nicely explained. Thank you! I can understand why they have cause to worry about this.

But one thing I still don't get is...who will enforce any prosecution on whatever is discovered on the hard drives?

Like what authority, and what court are willing to do anything about it? We've seen four years of Dems getting away with anything they want to do. Sessions, Barr, Durham, Guiliani, Powell, FBI, CIA, SCOTUS...nobody seems able or willing to do anything regardless of the evidence.

Cognito 5 points ago +6 / -1

Sorry to be a dick, but that's a click bait title. I read the linked article. It could be a patsy cover story, or it could be legit. The actions of the FBI investigators and Pelosi for that matter don't strike me as "scared shitless".

Honest question: am I missing something big? What effect would the contents of Pelosi's hard drive have on what's about to go down, or not go down? And how could special ops have extracted, analyzed and organized damning evidence from the contents in a few weeks? Rudy/Sidney & co. have been doing the whole "we've got the smoking gun" thing for months and look where we are.

I'd love it if someone could break it down for me.