It is time for Australian citizens to become armed once again.
Based on 8 rallies I've attended I would be there at 4 am to get a seat. You should be out of there by 4 pm.
Doors open at 8 am.*MTYwNTAyMzUxNS4xNzI0MTc0OTk4LjE4NjYyNDg1NzUuMTcyOTA4NDgzMy4xNzI5MDg0ODMz&_ga=2.257556931.950891871.1730208953-327939298.1683977408
An entire cell block in GITMO soon.
One Federal Court has ruled this to be unconstitutional in another state so it will be struck down immediately. States cannot violate federal law in the elections.
Cops who participate in the Dem election Fraud schemes need to be charged with Treason along with the Dem Traitors to this country. These cops know they are committing Treason and need to be held accountable.
Rest easy Liz, the weather in GITMO is lovely this time of year.
The only people who need to buy ammo one week before the election are Leftards and criminals. I think the rest of us have enough to last through any war they try to start.
She even danced her way on to the stage for us.
This rally is great and the lineup of speakers is awesome.
Many think that GITMO Justice is way too humane for all of you Commie trash.
President Trump doesn't speak until 5pm but this rally is epic.
The title of the story should read: "Pedophiles Rush to Subscribe to LA Times and Washington Post So They Can Publicly Cancel in Support of Pedophilia".
Brawndo is what Leftards crave.
47 second video and all of the 47 signs. Q post #47 seems to tie in also.
I support a very short sentence for these monsters of just one minute in the woodchipper.
Most of the so called "Senior Citizens" I know carry self-defense devices. Punk ass kids going to pooping in a bag if they survive.
We have the more than yearlong celebration of our 250-year anniversary. Trump announced it will kick off Memorial Day 2025 and end 4th of July 2026. Add the Military Tribunals that will last at least 4 years and every day will be a celebration.
The history books will refer to it as the 15-minute war.
The Military Tribunals will be televised live so nobody will ever forget the price of Treason.
Just optics since the lefty media has portrayed the Q movement violent after the Comet Ping Pong shooting. Leftards declared it to be a violent cult like the Nazi movement in the 1930's. I was at one rally where the music WWG1WGA was played, and people held up one finger before Secret Service and other security made everybody stop.
Bring a cheap cooler with some sandwiches and drinks. The chair in a bag is a must and the rallies I've attended the stuff was where you left it when you exited the rally. No telling if that will be the case at MSG.
I've been to 8 rallies, and they make you remove Q stuff or turn it inside out. They will remove you from the rally if you don't obey the rules.
McD's French Fries sales will skyrocket tomorrow.
Those times are about what I was guessing. Trump has a Rally in Nevada after Albuquerque so I am confident you will be heading out by 4 pm.