CrackCocaine -1 points ago +1 / -2

Also said to trust Mitch

CrackCocaine 1 point ago +1 / -0

They didn't do that.

This is a phrase that should be based in hard fact though. I agree that we can't have confidence on what people in power would/could do, but to remove "they didn't" from your lexicon means accepting every story that comes your way.

CrackCocaine 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think that's a pretty big generalization. The people who own PS5's don't have to take some personality quiz to get one lol

CrackCocaine 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't see how the AP Fact check is an attempt to normalize grooming

CrackCocaine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah that's what I understood grooming to mean too, hence my confusion

But I'm mostly confused about their definition of sexualizing children. Breitbart makes no further mention of what they mean by that in the headliine.

CrackCocaine 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't recall ever seeing anything there, and pictures I looked through didn't show much, so I have a hard time understanding this second stage story

CrackCocaine 1 point ago +1 / -0

It would really surprise me if a secondary stage he would continue his speech on would be small enough to get lost in the crowd. Trump is not a soapbox man, he's a grand stage man!

CrackCocaine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Correct. I don't think it's a good or accurate summary though.

CrackCocaine 2 points ago +2 / -0

Basically yeah. The second one would imply that this quote is pulled from the AP fact check, and would absolutely be headline worthy, because to claim that action isn't grooming is downright heinous.

The first one, intentionally or not, implies it to someone who may not know any better, or reads headlines without doing their own research, when in fact the AP Fact Check didn't address that at all

CrackCocaine 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't like fake news. The way this post is presented is a little misleading and I'm only looking to correct people who may be misled.

I'm not trying to smear Breitbart at all, but I think it's important to give the whole story. Breitbart is summarizing their thoughts on the AP article, and the way the headline is written implies AP wrote the statement, which they hadn't.

Maybe you're just trying to point out that the quote in Breitbart's headline isn't an actual quote from the AP fact check of April 12?


So, does "It’s Not ‘Grooming’ to Sexualize Young Kids Away from Parents" properly summarize the AP's fact check from April 12? I believe it does.

I don't think it does, tbh. I mean, the word "sexualize" isn't once mentioned in AP or the Breitbart article at all. Where are they drawing that conclusion in the headline when they don't even seem to address it in the rest of the article? Where is the sexualization?

CrackCocaine 3 points ago +3 / -0

But the article that is referenced doesn't include that quote anywhere. The only occurrence I can find of that quote is from the Breitbart article.

A colon is a great introduction to the meat of a sentence, such as in this case or where there is a list following. However, in journalism it's more appropriate to have the actual quotation marks around the statement if they're pulling a quote. They did use single quotes around "grooming," but nowhere else.

But again, the biggest flaw in the argument you're making is that you can't find the supposed quote anywhere affiliated with AP. Unless Breitbart can source the origin of the quote (which it doesn't in the whole article), it looks like it's just the title of the article

So, if you can find this quote within AP, please let me know! Because I can't

CrackCocaine 2 points ago +2 / -0

I did, and I don't see how the title sums it up well, unless they have a different definition of sexualizing children

CrackCocaine 2 points ago +3 / -1

That fact check wasn't written by AP. It was written by Breitbart. The AP stance itself is very different from the headline.


CrackCocaine 6 points ago +6 / -0

This headline was actually Breitbart's headline. AP didn't say that

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