"trust muh IC/DARPA products guise they'd never lie mkayyyyy" 🤪🤪🤪
lol oh look a 4chinzz botpost. didnt know the .wins were important enough to rate that level of shill, im honored.
if he's not mentioning the coming solar micronova/crustal displacement or whatever the worldwide catastrophic disaster that is going to happen within the next 20 years, hes only describing part of the truth
ah ok thx
milken as in michael milkin? the guy that supposedly funded his own cancer research?
how'd that work out in the end lol
"but Muh JesusBro ScienceMan, he was ourguy, our based xtian "
theres really nothing to be gained by escalating the vax/anti-vax split, unless the Q ppl want a split, but according to their own material they dont, just a social stressor that causes ppl to care enough to want to take back control of their environment rather than leave it up to gubmint and elites
yes, as far as informing you of my thoughts is concerned
lol youre awake and theres no food gas or healthcare. cool.
then it will just be viewed as a partisan witch hunt. and before any of this, supply chains will have collapsed. if you wanted accelerationism, you got it.
theyre just mid-level contractors, distracting from the Royals, and the Bankers, and the children of Francis Bacon.
why seal it if youre only going to broadcast its existence
the mask increases CO2 levels, acidifying the blood and/or requiring the body to continually re-alkalize to maintain pH
yeah, i hear you, ive had it autocorrect to diebold as well lol .... i like Vogt's material, especially his speculations about who moses and joseph were, the hidden gold, and the informational layer of reality, ive always thought reality was composed of discrete steps of Planck time length choosing its way thru the quantum multiverse a bit at a time. Suspicious0bservers on youtube has a similar take on a coming civilization-ending event...
lol stew peters can hold the exact same head position and facial expression for literally 20 minutes without moving. like a terminator or smtg.
i dont have a problem with ppl getting a pension, taxpayer funded or otherwise. the SocSec/unempl/disability system is abused by many, and used as a political threat by every fed politician, but the basic idea has nothing wrong with it.
so ive heard.
Diehold. Diebold is another disaster waiting to happen lol, those guys couldnt fix an ATM even if you gave them a new one to replace it with.
depends on when the solar micronova or crustal shift or whatever resets the world and human civilization every 12K years happens to occur
not a great feeling, tbh
housing politico-economic migrants?
the problem with that is that we're all getting whacked along side of the leftoid idiots
when did the first happen? trying to find any video