by BQnita
CreateAnAccountant 7 points ago +7 / -0

any 'new system' would have to be in place already, there would have to be an overlap or transitional period when the failing system and its replacement are simultaneously available

CreateAnAccountant 0 points ago +1 / -1

all part of The Plan, or had you not figured that out yet?

CreateAnAccountant 3 points ago +3 / -0

yeah, the COVID virus never leaves your system, like shingles, herpes, AIDS, etc, you have to keep suppressing it. and it pops back up if you're around the vaxxed, i know this from personal experience, had to take the full ivm/zinc/etc regimen after being around a vaxxed guy who then got super sick, then came back to the job site, i was around him for about 6 hours and started feeling dizzy and feverish. anyway, yeah, expect to be semi-permanently on IVM or whatever zinc ionophores you can get, at least if youre out in public amongst the vaxxed.

CreateAnAccountant 0 points ago +2 / -2

Same for me with TQS, over simple differing opinions of the Q op.

Now I'm wondering why "Quila62" is shilling TQS.

CreateAnAccountant 1 point ago +1 / -0

no 'foundation' is legitimate. theyre all a psyop, whether they "promote" liberal or conservative agendas, you will still lose.

CreateAnAccountant 1 point ago +1 / -0

yes, i spoke with one of the mods who ended up giving me my account back, after banning me purely based on instructions from TQS. TQS had enough pull to get you banned, without review, thru a friendly mod, idk. note that i said "GOT ME BANNED".

still a dick or a divide and conquer shill, and youre shilling for him.

CreateAnAccountant 4 points ago +4 / -0

the better solution would have been using a TR3B or DEW or orbital kinetic to vaporize the wuhan lab. guess that wasnt on the menu.

CreateAnAccountant 1 point ago +1 / -0

or, equally perplexing, what (really) happened to voat

CreateAnAccountant 3 points ago +5 / -2

i dont miss him, he was either a dick or an intentional destabilizer. got me banned as a "shill" for disagreeing with some of his interpretations.

CreateAnAccountant 4 points ago +4 / -0

thats been my theory, the vaxx lowers the immune system enough for the original virus to come back again...none of us will ever not have the COVID virus, it will stay in our systems like shingles or chicken pox or herpes or AIDS, it's just a question of suppression.

by Quelle
CreateAnAccountant 1 point ago +1 / -0

those "Republicans" are part of the uniparty political theater, they dont care if you vote for them or the other side, either way their goal is achieved: the population is distracted and enslaved, voluntarily.

by Quelle
CreateAnAccountant 2 points ago +2 / -0

trump/Q engineered the 2020 fraud, that IS the plan, it's both a legal and psychological operation....theyve had control of the electoral process since 2016.

CreateAnAccountant 2 points ago +2 / -0

dont save your money as an initial goal, put a down payment on rural land and build a cheap domicile of some kind, then spend on durable goods, food, etc, cash money is going to be worthless if this all continues

CreateAnAccountant 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah, tho you'll want to search for " suspicious0bservers " with the zero

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