Crimson_Identity 2 points ago +2 / -0

Come on, what' another month, 3 months, 4 years, 10 years to leak that.

That's gonna be a no from me. If I don't see results by summer, I don't see how ANYONE here can still have any faith.

I'm supposed to put up with 4 years of Biden just because my neighbor is a fucking moron? How is that good for anyone who lives in our country, Q supporter or not?

I think, quite possibly, the only real action we'll see in the day light is Biden being taken in for election fraud.

If this is the case, there will be many Q supporters who feel very burned. These people eat babies, and I'm not supposed to expect justice which is known to the public?

The ONLY way to stop this shit from ever happening again is to let the world see the whole truth. We didn't keep any secrets about the holocaust, why should our government keep secrets about this?

Crimson_Identity 2 points ago +2 / -0

This would be my ultimate victory lap.

"Q's not real, huh?" Would be my catchphrase for a few weeks...

Crimson_Identity 1 point ago +1 / -0

While I agree with this, some people have already lost their jobs due to some of these orders.

Unless, that is, it's all part of the misinformation game and nobody has actually lost anything yet?

Crimson_Identity 2 points ago +2 / -0

My wife thinks this is all a pattern related to the Bernie gloves.

Remember we are in a movie.

I'm trying to look at it like I'm an extra in "Last Action Hero"

Crimson_Identity 1 point ago +1 / -0


Movies have foreshadowing, right?

This is hilarious.

by V2021
Crimson_Identity 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't set yourself up for disappointment though.

Those days may not mean to us what they mean to Q or Flynn.

Crimson_Identity 9 points ago +10 / -1

Patriots.win looks at this as just terrible.

It actually gave me alot of hope that our theories are correct.

Crimson_Identity 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think there is a fine line between spitballing theories that are based on speculation and posting verifiable information, and it can often come down to the language of the post. The same word can mean different things to different people, for example.

I agree, we should have sources for our main points, and should be clear when we are speculating. But I also don't think there is anything wrong with making a post about your thoughts, because sometimes it will help another anon's lightbulb click on.

Besides the obvious shills, I think we all have the best in mind, we just have different methods. There has been so much division after the 6th, we shouldn't become part of that problem.

Crimson_Identity 1 point ago +2 / -1

It simply isn't possible that this is all a show.

I disagree. The mockingbird media has been in full control for so many years, that our entire MSM lives has been a show. Now the white hats control the mockingbird media, and so are slowly pulling back the curtain.

Crimson_Identity 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think we need more.

Push their shit in so far, no lube, for a month!

Crimson_Identity 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, I am saying that the government is no longer controlled by satanic pedophiles, it just seems that way. It is now controlled by white hats who are doing a reverse controlled psy-op to DEPROGRAM the public.

Like when mom found you smoking, so she made you smoke the whole pack? Yea, we are going through that right now, with the end result being for the general populace to pay attention to their government and what's going on around them.

Crimson_Identity 4 points ago +4 / -0

holy shit I didnt even see that hag back there. I thought she was just some assistant.

Semen assistant...

by BQnita
Crimson_Identity 1 point ago +1 / -0

And another


And this is a well reasoned post for why we may not see action for awhile. It does no good to datefag.


by BQnita
Crimson_Identity 2 points ago +2 / -0


It's hard to accurately predict, and that actually leads me to disappointment, but here are a few things to think about. What this video at the 1:16:27 mark. https://youtu.be/Ec3mkoSWf0A?t=4587 Thats hunter biden talking about a plea sentence. Ok, now thats a publicly available video on the white house's youtube channel, and they haven't taken it down. They actually uploaded it that way. Do you think that's on purpose? If it was an accident, why is it still up?

This is one of the many examples they are using to slowly awaken people to the truth, that the mockingbird media has controlled EVERYTHING. The difference this time is, its actually the good guys doing it.

Another example, why all the negative attention on "Qanon?" If you actually investigate, you come here and find most of us are god loving Christians, and those who aren't are still very amicable. We aren't violent, but very accepting for the most part. It's the opposite of what the media has said. Why? Could it be that the good guys are directing the media to flat out lie about everything now, to FORCE us to look for our own information? It also teaches us how to be digital soldiers, because forever more if we want to have a free internet we have to fight for it. China will use bots and shills to tear us down.

My point being, this entire thing is absolutely a movie. Stop being so wrapped up in the outcome, because we all know Batman wins, right? There may be moments that you are on the edge of your seat, but you shouldn't have anxiety in a movie, or what's the point?

There are so so many recent examples of this absolutely being a show, like on TV, that you really don't even need to look hard anymore.

The dress Lady Gaga was wearing at the inauguration was eerily similar to Hunger Games. The body language of Trump is that of a winner, and the body language of everyone at the inauguration yesterday was that of someone attending a funeral. They are simply acting out their last parts, because Trump has FORCED their hands. They literally have no other choice, besides death.

Crimson_Identity 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was more getting at the fact that he simply couldn't believe it, although he had clearly done at least enough research to know about the Clintons.

When I refer to the next few months, I'm talking about once the hammer drops, and the curtain on this mockingbird media is pulled back to reveal the true nature of the world. I'm not going to datefag and try to predict when that may be, but I think we can be positive it will be within a few months time.

Crimson_Identity 17 points ago +17 / -0

My coworker brought up Qanon today. I asked him what it was. "Didn't you see the riot at the Capitol?" and then he proceeded to laugh about Qanons believing in violence, and that the world is run by pedophiles, and also that the Clinton's are involved.

I just let him ramble.

So... The MSM has done a great job. I actually feel kinda bad for some of these people, the next few months are gonna be REAL hard for them.

Crimson_Identity 3 points ago +3 / -0

You and I, we are frens!

I love Ron, he woke me up, and Trump showed me how to win.

Crimson_Identity 6 points ago +6 / -0

Your description just sunk it home, thanks!

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