They're the DC Avengers. ("DC" because some superheroes are from DC comics and because, well, DC is where they're going.)

Trump is Bruce Wayne/Batman, of course.

Elon is clearly Tony Stark/Ironman.

JD Vance is totally Captain America.

RFK Jr. could be Bruce Banner/The Hulk. Looks like a regular mild-mannered nerdy guy, but when he's angry -

Kari Lake is trying her best to be Wonder Woman.

Who else have we got from The Avengers and DC Comics?


Wolf Neve has multiple livestreams right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuwSPutCQ68

Portland Andy is driving to Chicago right now and will be live from the street this week.


Sounds like content creators are being threatened by UK authorities, so Portland Andy is on Rumble right now and not YouTube.



Portland Andy got u with multiple livestreams. It's happening all around the UK:



It really does work. Try it!


The piece was being rehearsed in the convention center a short time ago. Martha McCallum on FoxNews mentioned the title.

For anyone not familiar with the aria, here are the lyrics. Draw your own conclusions:

None shall sleep,

None shall sleep!

Even you, oh Princess,

In your cold room,

Watch the stars,

That tremble with love

And with hope.

But my secret is hidden within me,

My name no one shall know,

No... no...

On your mouth, I will tell it,

When the light shines.

And my kiss will dissolve

the silence that makes you mine!

(No one will know his name

and we must, alas, die.)

Vanish, o night!

Set, stars! Set, stars!

At dawn, I will win!

I will win!

I will win!


With the election coming up - no matter what side you're on - you really ought to know about this. Please share it wherever you can.



Family and acquantainces are rejoicing over this. They're all vindicated now, though at the same time terrified of "MAGA Attacks" to get even.

Which means "MAGA Attacks" will happen. They'll be huge false flags but the communists and leftists won't care. They'll be THRILLED.

It's literally sickening. Sickening.


Link here: https://www.reddit.com/r/KateMiddletonMissing/comments/1d40z2e/an_announcement_for_the_princess_of_wales/

Yes, it was created by an individual who wanted to show how good the AI is getting now. And yes, this woman and two of her children are still missing with no believable explanation for any of it.


Portland Andy has several livestreams of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XskjPMm-5Lg


This could not be more obvious. It's just screaming what he is: a monster. They aren't bothering to hide it any longer.

BTW, Catherine, the Princess of Wales (married to Prince William) is still missing - has been since Christmas Day 2023 - and so are their three children. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-68981200



You may not care anything about royalty, but you might care about losing the UK as a free country and notice the huge red flag that the following royals are missing:

King Charles

The Prince of Wales

The Princess of Wales

Prince George

Princess Charlotte

Prince Louis

Prince Edward

and now Zara Tindall, too, the popular daughter of Princess Anne? How long before Camilla is out, and Edward's wife Sophie, and maybe Anne, too? They're the only ones left with any upcoming appearances scheduled.

Let's see: That would leave Andrew, Sarah Ferguson, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle as first in line to publicly representing the royals. All of them have been soundly disgraced for years, and suddenly they're the only ones left?

Well, maybe that's just a coincidence.

Of course, an excellent way to destroy a country from within is to first destroy its cultural icons. Yes, it's true that we recognize no royalty in the USA, but the UK does. They are already crumbling and getting rid of their monarchy would be a huge step in destroying them completely.

I am hoping the Wales family are in protective custody somewhere due to threats from those who want to control William. But this is all highly abnormal and it's amazing how the mainstream news doesn't want to touch the story.


Q once posted "Watch the Wives." I've noticed that some of the famous ones have virtually disappeared from public view. I think that's because a leader's wife, especially if she has young children, becomes the prime target for the Black Hats to threaten.

The most famous missing wife right now is Catherine, The Princess of Wales. She is married to Prince William - soon to be the next king of England (and the rest of the UK, a highly influential position - ) but Catherine was suddenly said to be ill and having surgery and now she has not been seen in public since Christmas Day.

Neither have their three young children. I'll say again: Their kids seem to have gone missing, too.

Prince William looks absolutely terrible of late. Here is a recent video of him at a ceremony, swaying and looking dead-eyed. No, I don't think he was drunk. Stressed to the max and sleep deprived, more likely. https://twitter.com/Mrs_K_Suleiman/status/1755375041145884903

We all but stopped seeing Melania and Ivanka in public a long time ago. They are also married to famous/influential men and they have children. Now they're gone.

The story surrounding Catherine grows increasingly bizarre. In the past week or so, Kensington Palace released three photos of her that were apparently supposed to reassure the public - but two photos were so distant they could have been almost anyone, while a family photo was claimed to be fake by the AP as in "stitched together from older existing photos."

The public isn't buying it. They want to know where she and the kids are. And the palace will only release obviously fake pictures. That's never how they do things and it's quite a red pill for some.

So. Yeah. Watch the wives. Especially when they disappear.


And it's Super Tuesday! Probably just a coincidence.


The United States, Great Britain, and most of Europe are all being conquered from within.

It's being done by flooding them with hostile foreigners who care nothing about the culture there and actually would destroy it if they could (and are, because its western values are diametrically opposed to their eastern values.)

The native citizens of those lands are being severely punished for resisting this invasion in any way. Anything that would promote patriotism, a sense of unity, or a national identity is crushed and twisted and turned into something negative as much as possible.

In Britain, the Royal Family is a longstanding, rock-solid cultural symbol. Getting rid of the RF would go a long way towards the further dismantling of traditional British culture. And what better time to make a move against them than now, since the beloved Queen Elizabeth is dead?

Note: They NEVER back out of public appearances. What's happening now is unprecedented. The monarch has a great deal of influence over the government there. They are not just figureheads.

King Charles has cancer and is no longer seen publicly.

His wife, Queen Camilla, started to pick up the slack but just announced that she, too, will be stepping back from public appearances.

Catherine, the much-loved Princess of Wales, was last seen on Christmas Day and is said to be suffering from an unnamed serious illness that will keep her out until at least Easter. There are no other reports about her in the news, even though the public is clamoring for them.

Prince William, Catherine's husband and next in line to the throne, is trying to appear when he can but has lately been pulling out of appearances at the last minute.

A second cousin of Williams, 45-year-old Thomas Kingston, was found shot to death on his parents' property just last week - just a few hours after having lunch with his parents. He was a good man by all accounts and showed no signs of being suicidal, which is what the news is saying he did.

So: If you don't care about the royal family, that's fine. But you might want to be aware that they are a very large piece of western culture that appears to be very close to falling, and if they do it's going to make a bigger crash than you think. It bears watching, especially when you look at all the other cultural icons under attack in the western world.


Saw this on pdw and wanted to share it here. It's pretty great. https://files.catbox.moe/r8ic6y.mp4


Why does the Deep State need us, the normal humans? Because psychopaths have little to no artistic ability or creativity. It's one of their hallmarks.

They build nothing. They produce nothing. They create nothing. They do not build their own great cities or produce their own strong families or create their own works of art.

All they do is take from those who do, and force the creative types to build and produce and create for them. They're just like pirates, or the Mongol hordes, or the Klingon Empire. It's the same thing every single time.

Back when Trump was running for the 2016 election, someone on TV pointed out that one of the best things about him was that he was literally a builder. He coordinated efforts himself to create great skyscrapers that benefitted everyone and even worked on things like a skating rink that, yes, everyone could enjoy.

How many of his opponents could point to one single thing that they created? A school, a library, a skyscraper, a home, a skating rink, a normal decent family, anything at all?

So yes, the worldwide psychopaths still need us. They don't want as many of us running around, hence the depopulation agenda; but they still need some of us. And that's where we've got them over a barrel if we'd ever figure that out.

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