Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

The outlook seems to be, "We have to get ahead of the Chinese on this AI stuff." So, being Trump, we're gonna do it in a big way so that no one has a chance of getting ahead of us.

And with, unfortunately, the way AI is taking over everything and with how many very foolish normies can't wait to use it, it's probably the best approach. Hiding head in sand and hoping AI goes away is not going to cut it. Something like this requires an all-or-nothing response and Trump is giving us "all."

Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. Those commercials are just revolting to listen to and they get worse and worse and worse with more and more and more and more new drugs.

Get it out of here.

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Their smiles were unnerving

They did manage to inflict heavy damage on the USA, and found out how easy it was to manipulate close to half the population to do whatever the news tells them - to the point of getting that half to turn against and disown their own families.

They also still have their millions of sleepers hidden throughout the country, just waiting for the signal to act. We have to expect that they will inflict more and worse damage on us before ICE forces them out.

The Bushes, the Clintons, and Obama sat there smirking like the cat that ate the canary because they're looking forward to the destruction to come. I would put nothing past them.

Nessun Dorma applies to us, too.

Cuetardian 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trump telling the world Hillary is a good person at the inauguration

Say What? I missed that!

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

I gotta wonder if the actual Village People group know this and are ok with it - either way, it's pretty awesome

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, they really hate that one, lol - even though you're right. They're convinced all gay people and all non-conservatives are going to be rounded up and put in camps. These are otherwise perfectly intelligent people and you can't tell them otherwise.

And all the people being deported by ICE are just poor families who need a "better life." There's no such thing as drug cartels or terrorist sleeper cells coming in.

It's crazy what people will insist on believing when their worldview is at stake. And how they'll cut off their own family members at the knees if they dare try to tell them anything different.

There may be a cure for cancer, but I don't think there is any cure for losing your worldview. You either learn to roll with it and realize that NOW things can get better, now that you understand -

or else you bury your head in the sand and insist that it's crazy to think our leaders might be criminals (except for Trump, of course.)

A dark cloud in an otherwise great day.

Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Roberts had already started the oath. You can't place your hand on the bibles for just part of it. It was either go with it or stop and start over. Trump went with it, which was the best choice.

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

no - Roberts started too early, before Melania could get there with the bibles. Either way, there is no requirement to swear on a bible or anything else. All you have to do is raise your right hand and repeat the oath.

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

no - Melania was standing right there holding the two bibles - Roberts started too early, before she could get there - and that was no accident.

Cuetardian 9 points ago +9 / -0

No - Roberts rushed in and began administering the oath before Melania could reach the podium with the bibles, and before the rest of the family could get there to witness it. It was a screw-up that had to be intentional.

There is no requirement for any candidate to swear on a bible, or on anything else. The person is required to raise their right hand and repeat the oath after the person administering it. But that's all.

This was not a comm. It was Roberts messing things up and there's no way it was an accident.

Cuetardian 4 points ago +4 / -0

No - Roberts rushed him ands started administering the oath before Melania could even get there. Very poor job on Roberts's part and doubtful that it was an "accident"

*Apparently there is no requirement to swear on a bible or anything else - just that the person must raise their right hand while taking the oath. Which Trump did.

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fox News is showing everything live, sometimes with split screens. They're doing a good job today.

Cuetardian 16 points ago +16 / -0

Trump announced Mars the same was JFK announced the moon, at his inauguration.

Cuetardian 6 points ago +6 / -0

This morning, Melania looks like the most fabulous gun moll ever. That coat - black with pinstripes - and the wide-brimmed black hat say, "Do not mess with me or mine."

It's awesome. She doesn't say much, but if you watch she does speak through her fashion choices.

*Just noticed a lot of the Trumps, like Ivanka, are wearing black. Almost looks like a funeral. They are in Don't Mess With Me mode.

Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

and it will now be known as TrumpTok!

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

I liked it very much. I don't know exactly why they named the place "Babylon;" possibly because it was a crossroads of so many different cultures and races that it was similar to "Babel." But if you liked Stargate and Star Trek, you'd probably like B5.

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