CuomoisaMassMurderer 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're welcome. This is very sad. I was raised in the Episcopal church, and it wasn't like this when I was a young kid but I did see it go astray right in front of my eyes.

This is the same location that antifa burned and DJT was filmed at during the summer of love. I think this must be the same person that ragged on him for doing the right thing then, just because Bishops don't change very often.

No way is it Biblically ok to ordain a woman as a Bishop, which is just one more proof that the Episcopal church can't be bothered with details like that.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bots. I'm surprised I wasn't swarmed by them.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 0 points ago +1 / -1


CuomoisaMassMurderer 0 points ago +1 / -1

Read your own words and realize what a complete hypocrite you're being, since you pre-judged over half the Christians in the planet, yet address me as "Mr judgmental."

CuomoisaMassMurderer 0 points ago +1 / -1

Never get your theology from Wikipedia.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thank you for saying ALIENS. Even our side of the aisle has let crazed Marxists control the language, improperly calling them illegal immigrants. They are not immigrants at all, as that word depicts a legal process.

DJT could have stood up and corrected this speaker that simply, concluded that common sense will be returning, and walked out.

He'll need some strong Spiritual "soap" to cleanse himself from her filth, and no, holy water won't do the trick. "Washing of water by the Word" is known to work ;)

CuomoisaMassMurderer 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's not Catholic. You broadcast ignorance by saying this. Better not to speak to that which you haven't learned. It's enough to simply say this is obviously wrong; fortunately everyone here realizes she's thoroughly wrong.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Never have I been a RC, am not, and never will be! (A play on the wording of that Senator from WI, Joe McCarthy)

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +2 / -1

No Episcopalian has done that for well over 20 years. Paul wrote about "having itching ears"

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +2 / -1

I scrolled to the end, hoping to see DJT stand up and say something similar. Or at least walk out on her.

Am disappoint.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +2 / -1

The fact that she's ordained at all violates Scripture. Episcopalians have no use for that ...

CuomoisaMassMurderer 0 points ago +1 / -1

Did you make up that 20 year provision or is it part of some law or EO?

CuomoisaMassMurderer 0 points ago +1 / -1

The word "cathedral" may give the impression that this is Roman Catholic, whereas it is Episcopalian.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Worse. The speaker is THE highest authority of the Episcopal church in the US :(

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +2 / -1

My first Pastor taught that if there was ever a perfect church he wouldn't want to go because then it wouldn't be perfect anymore ;)

Which is not to suggest that we should abide teaching that is obviously false.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 0 points ago +1 / -1

I suppose it's possible that there isn't a good church within 50 miles of you, but if so then you're behind enemy lines. Generally it's still possible to find a good church, but it is harder than it used to be.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +2 / -1

That is THE single highest position in the Episcopal church in the US, and yes it's biologically female.

This is more than enough to tell you that the Episcopal church fully apostasized, which happened right in front of my eyes long ago and far away. I could tell you the gory details but it's not necessary. (OT Prophets used the term "a byword and a hissing" to describe this sort of thing; I find it wonderfully poetic in the KJV, whereas in modern English "garbage" would suffice)

CuomoisaMassMurderer 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's Roman Catholic (RC) this is Episcopal. Bad example.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is FAR beyond merely "allowing" it; you are watching the single highest authority of all who are ordained in the Episcopal church in the US. The mere fact that it's a woman is far beyond Biblical scope, before you even add the other things you mentioned (which should never have reason to be mentioned as being done among us)

A yawn would not have been "french kiss;" I scrolled to the end hoping to see DJT respond verbally. He had the duty to get up and walk out at the very least.

At his second inaugural speech Monday he appropriately gave God glory. I just hope he's now established in the faith enough to endure this single onslaught, but no one can expose themselves to this garbage endlessly and remain unaffected.

The speaker's concern about breaking up families is addressed by having cancelled the anchor baby program; keep the family together - out OUT OUT!!

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