DReggman123 2 points ago +2 / -0

The fundamental principle of losing weight is calorie deficit. There are about 3500 calories in a pound. You can go online and use a calculator to figure out your maintenance calories. If you’re eating say 500 calories below maintenance, then you will be down 1 pound in 1 week. A 500 calorie deficit is slightly aggressive, but your level of maintenance will go up with increased levels of physical activity.

A good way to stay lean and give yourself some extra breathing room with your diet is walking 7-10,000 steps per day. This is an easy activity on the joints and won’t fatigue you for a serious workout later in the day. It’s also very good for mental clarity as well if you can find a nice place.

I would also recommend cutting out any seed/vegetable oils. These are very calorie dense. A teaspoon or so may pack hundreds of calories and will affect your total calorie consumption without you realizing it. There is also the added fact that the amount of processing they go through make them very toxic to the human body, and I believe they are at the root of many diseases that plague modern society.

Extra virgin/cold pressed olive oil and coconut oil are okay though. Don’t be afraid of animal fats either. I’m willing to elaborate in another comment if you’d like.

Diet will be first and foremost for trimming down. If you want to put on some lean muscle mass while you’re at it, you can look up some beginner variations of push ups that you can do 8-10 of and do 4 sets of those every day in addition to walking.

Also be sure to consume ~0.8-1 gram of protein per pound of lean muscle mass, or your goal weight.

I’ll be happy to elaborate on any of these points further in another comment if you ask in the comments. :)

Happy training patriot

DReggman123 8 points ago +8 / -0

This. Jordan Peterson can and will obviously be wrong on some things. However, his ideas on upholding personal responsibility and living a life towards the good are some of the greatest ways we can resist the many forms of enslavement that the cabal has planted themselves in across all aspects of life, such as the food we eat, the media consume, etc. We should not be so quick to throw away such an ethic