Do you understand that the flu vaccine is different each year? There are different variants of the flu every year. The vaccine manufacturers are guessing ahead as to which strain or variant will present the next year. Sometimes they guess right, sometime they don't. This is nothing new. This is why people get a flu vaccine every year, because it mutates! However, I do believe that COVID-19 was engineered in the Wuhan lab, which makes it even more dangerous!
He drives me crazy with his utter naivety! My husband loves to listen to him, so have to hear him, too, since we live in a small condo. Today Scott was complaining about Twitter being dead lately. I was nearly screaming, "You dumbass! Don't you realize how many people have been banned?!?!?" It's like obvious stuff just flies over his head! ??
My Dad would be 96, if he were still alive. He was a proud WWII Navy Veteran, and as a 19 year old radarman guided the entire Pacific Fleet through the Leyte Gulf! I'm so proud of him! As much as I miss him, I'm also grateful that he's not here to see what has become of our country. He would be horrified.
I'm a Christian, but I feel anything but peaceful right now. I am truly afraid for us and our country. I discussed this with my cousin the other night. I wholeheartedly believe that it was by divine intervention that Trump was elected in 2016. As I told her, God doesn't always answer prayers the way we want. Many have prayed, but sometimes God says no. He will do it his way, and we have have to accept his will. May his will be merciful. ???
He's the best president my lifetime. I've been praying so hard for this to this to work out in his/our favor. But, I'm a practical person. I still hope for the best, but we've prepared for the worst. God bless Trump and America! ???
I have never used facebook, and I never will.