I love that line, but I take issue with something. Not out of the Declaration, but the seditious conspiracy charge. For those unaware of what I'm talking about:
"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."
Now as I understand it, this law/charge is actually in directly in conflict with that line. As it attempts to deny our right to throw off the chains of a suppressive government to form a better one. If anyone has any other perspectives on this, please by all means, enlighten me.
I can't tell if the writer of that article is being genuine in their belief that what we think happened is a conspiracy, or if they're just being sarcastic. But in the event that it's the former, fuck that guy.
News is saying that one of the officers is dead. Believe I heard one of them say that he was declared DOA when he got to the hospital. Not sure how much I really believe the news right now, but if any of it is true, then they're going to continue to use that as ammunition.
It can't come quick enough in my opinion, I can't be the only one who hates cliffhangers
Texas is just giving him a big ole "Go fuck yourself."
Speaking of hypocrites, take a look at how many down votes you've got dumbass. He's probably got vacation time saved up that he can use on whatever the fuck he wants. If he wants to spend the day researching and paying attention to the news that matters to him, then that's his choice. Quit being a dickhead AND a shill.
Yeah, I'm not going anywhere near a Covid vaccine. Put me on a no-fly list because of it - whatever you have to - but I'm not dyin because they want to do some population control.
Quit being a fucking Debby downer. If you don't want to be here, then go find some other forum to watch. The people here have their reasons for being here, and aren't about bringing down other's hopes.
You've also got to remember that, at least from what I've seen there isn't much that made it through the media's field of flak. I've no doubt that they censored the hell out of anyone who tried to open their mouths. Wouldn't be surprised if some of them had been threatened, it certainly wouldn't be the first time someone has attempted to use that to shut their opponents up.
Ya know, I distinctly remember when Trump's administration dealt with a shutdown, and I remember there being Democrats left and fucking right talking about how, "We would never shut the government down.", and "We can't let this happen." On top of a whole slew of other insults aimed at Trump, thinking that any of them have the balls to do better.
Not saying that I'm surprised, just something else that they ragged on Trump for doing, and then they turn around 9 months into Biden's "(p)residency" and they're preparing for one because funding is supposed to be an issue. I do wonder how many more times they'll try this shit IF they're not removed.