You must be new. Its Marana Az where all the planes are housed for junk. Blue Bell army reserve base. They practice H.A.L.O jumps there,kill bin laden operation supposedly launched from there. When you ride fast and take chances with certain types youre privy to certain things....
I have said this shit since i was 13! That was in the 20th century gang! 20 years before it ended! I got stage 4 cancer now with NUTHIN TO LOOSE. ILL TAKE 1 FER TEAM!
Theyll happily morph out of the closet and embrace communism,hes right! We all knew this long ago
This is old shit! Talked about almost a year ago
Spudey sense tingling! You guys are onto something here
Quite possibly. Thought this for some time now....
Been saying this to doomers at the donald. We shall soon see
Been asked aboot this too. Trying to verify!
Now we need to shit can his "institute" so fattie bitch face cant claim status other than "view"ewwwrship
I like your approach .....jedi...this IS the way
There are new anons? I thought q was deas?