The Trans Movement is a Eugenics Depopulation Plan πŸ€”πŸ’­ Theory πŸ˜²πŸ’‘
posted ago by DemonDMT ago by DemonDMT +44 / -0

Why else would government pass legislation like SB 5599 which allows state officials to take custody of children if parents refuse to consent to their sex change surgeries? It is part of a Global Plan to depopulate the globe, because people like Bill Gates feels that there are too many people on Earth, so birth control in the form of tetanus shots, covid-19 vaccines causing "died suddenlys", and confusing young children's gender identity so that they are so confused that they would never procreate.

No one knows how brutal these self-appointed Gods are that they will openly take your child away to mutilate its genitals, that is how far they will go to lower population. But they are already teaching children to be confused about their gender, telling boys to wear dresses, grooming them and forcing new language (pronouns) to further confuse what they are. Gay people cannot procreate, and what perfect neo-serf slave that would be?

In the 21st century of the New World Order, there will be no need for humans. "Transhumans" in every sense of the word will be mandatory. They do not want mankind to procreate anymore, that is why arbitrary rules like "Stay Six Feet" and masks are used during the "plandemic" the event that will officially divide and further the drop in birth rates and increase death rates.

A male growing up to parents that will call them "Lizzy" and refer to him and she/her while growing up will ultimately confuse the child. The child who is male will act female, thus the child will grow old unable to be a male masculine enough for a straight female to procreate with. This scientific manipulation is happening all throughout western society as a way for the state to DEPOPULATE by spreading this "education" to teachers and parents. This subtle scientific manipulation will happen in Democrat or "Far Left" individuals through the TV, movies, shows, etc as an acceptable way to raise a child. This motivation to harm their children will be way to "get back" at their political enemies (Trump & Republicans). Read this from Bertrand Russell, a renowned British philosopher, a supporter of eugenics and World Government:

"Children in school are taught what they are told and are punished if they express disbelief. In this way a conditioned reflex is established, leading to a belief in anything said authoritatively by elderly persons of importance.” β€œOn the whole, at present in education, the form of loyalty to the State which is most emphasized is hostility to its enemies.”

Children are taught by the State how to act in the public schooling system, they are punished if they do not agree with LGBTQA+++ propaganda, and a constant reflex is established in the child. This leads the child to believe ANYTHING teachers in the system say. The reason why they call it a "PRIDE" flag is to form a sense of Nationalism. It is ultimately a state sponsored cult, and usually the focus is on HATE towards people against the cult (Trump, Conservatives, Christians).

This is what we are paying for. Think of it is a weapon, like the covid-vaccines was a bioweapon.. this manipulation in the school system is a weapon against all children. Many children will have ruined lives through these forced genital mutilation surgeries that are pushed in far-left state governments. I do believe that this will go further into federal, where they will start taking children if "the enemy" does not agree to destroy the child's life through mutilation.

These plans are brought to you by Eugenicists Internationalists like Bill Gates, George Soros, Rockefellers and the Rothchilds. They no longer need large bloody world wars or insane dictators like Hitler, Stalin or Mao to murder millions. All they need are their scientific manipulation techniques, their sterilization plans (pandemics for mandatory injections) and their constant toxification via particulate and frequency along with quantum AI technology that will create their technocracy. There will be zero panic that the population is shrinking.. because everyone will be in a drunken mirth of videogames and sports to care that they are being targeted.

Not to doom, but we are definitely under attack.