Deu58 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not sure what you are getting at. Dogs are animals. Man has since the beginning bred dogs for specific characteristics.

I suppose you could point out that slavery does the same thing. Or royalty. Selective breeding.

But human DNA is human DNA. Any human can mate with another human and produce another human. Genetic defects are present all across the human genetic spectrum.

Environmental pressures over time will affect DNA. it can take generations. But it does happen.

Today, the entire genome is altered. I myself would be dead already if it were not for modern medical science. People who would normally not survive live to reproduce.

It is no longer the survival of the fittest/strongest. It is survival of those who have access to the best tech.

In developing nations poverty disease lack of proper housing education food etc all eventually effect genetic/mental development.

Deu58 1 point ago +3 / -2

Thats very good to hear. My reply was to a general audience. Not anyone specific. A couple friends of mine keep trying to convince of the truth of Q.

To be honest I have my doubts. Places they keep telling me will convince me are normally full of hate and racism. Voat was pretty bad.

I got kicked of Facebook for posting about election fraud. I found a nice home at Parler but we all know what happened there. So a Q friend sent me a link to this site.

Just cruising around looking at this and that commenting here and there. There is some interesting stuff here.

Conservatives are being pushed off the web. These are dark times.

I saw all this coming many years ago. When the gay movement began in the 80's and so called staunch conservatives flipped to pro gay marriage over night i said watch. Normalization of pedophilia will be next. I said some day socialism will be a real threat in this country. Everybody laughed at me. Well here we are.

Deu58 11 points ago +15 / -4

Just my 2 cents.

I will rarely participate in a site that permits racism. For one, its not biblical. There are no "races". Race is a term invented by Lucifer. Genesis 10 is the table of nations descended from the sons of Noah. There is only one race, the human race, divided into many nations.

Divide and conquer is the oldest tactic in the book. The Marxist have played this like pro's.

They have painted all conservatives as racist and it has served them well. I dont really believe it serves the patriot cause to prove them right. Anyone regardless of national origin creed or religion who supports our country should be welcomed to the cause and not slandered.

I challenge anyone to walk in the national military cemeteries and tell me what the color nationality and religion of the person buried there was. If it isn't already on the grave marker such as a star of David instead of a cross then how will you tell believer from atheist from white brown black?

But its your site. If you want racism have at it.

Deu58 16 points ago +17 / -1

Its like an occupying dictatorial power trying to accuse a patriot of treason. It backfires and the patriot is revered as a living marytr and hero among the people.

Fake Biden is a sick joke. Everybody knows what really happened.

Biden was booed at the super bowl. Everybody knows he is a fake and his entire party should not only be impeached they should be barred and disbanded as a political party.

They are no longer a political party. They are a communist 5th column that is actively and aggressively trying to overthrow our government.

Deu58 2 points ago +2 / -0

400,000 didn't die from Covid. And if the Marxist MSM hadn't lied about HCQ even less people would have died.

We will never really know how many people actually died from covid. They used it to help them steal the election. Every death from covid or resulting from the lock downs has been caused by the Marxist lust for power.

Every drug OD. Every suicide every person who died from not being able to recieve elective surgeries. All of it caused by this Marxist coup. And now another fake impeachment attempt by people who should not only be impeached but jailed themselves.

Deu58 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rand Paul is all about Rand Paul. I heard him in a video say that there were obvious discrepancies in the election and constitutional violations that need to be investigated.

If that's what he believes then why did he vote to certify an election he was not convinced was clean?

That is the whole point of voting to certify.

Was the the election clean? Yes. I will certify it.

Was the election clean? No I will not vote to certify.

Those are the choices. Not, well it looks dirty and maybe probably is dirty and we really need to investigate it but I will go ahead and certify a stolen election anyway because Mitch McConnell wants me to.

Fuck Rand Paul. He knew the election was dirty and stabbed our president in the back.

Deu58 7 points ago +7 / -0

Because our new dictatorship is out of control. They stopped following/enforcing the constitution a long time ago. Its just now the mask is off and we all see the most corrupt government on the planet exposed.

Watch these people during any kind of senate or house hearing. Most of them have no idea what is in the constitution and even worse they don't even care.

Especially the Marxist. Most of them actually sound like they retarded. I mean that literally.

Sheila Jackson? You think Maxine Waters could actually pass a test on even the basics of the constitution?

Our country is being run by an organized crime syndicate

Deu58 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just curious but it has been rumored for a very long time that the Trump family was interested in acquiring a social media outlet/publication. Last year there were rumblings of Don Jr investing in OANN.

I always figured the reason they didn't go big was because Trump was still the sitting president. Conflict of interest and all that.

But now there is nothing stopping the family from starting their own media empire.

Maybe they are going to buy or at least take controlling interest of George?

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