DeusVult2 2 points ago +2 / -0

"I wasn't aware of him until now." - brain_dead

Sorry! I couldn't resist. LOL

DeusVult2 1 point ago +1 / -0

In the ops shedding article, there is a sentence with a web link to "DMSO treats". The link talks about the breath of things DMSO helps. That link is literally the buried lead associated to the ops article.

Here is the sentence with the web link location, just above the "Shedding Patterns" section in ops article, click on "DMSO treats" link:

"Interestingly, most of the (fairly varied) shedding symptoms overlap with the conditions "DMSO treats" (e.g., strokes), suggesting that DMSO’s key mechanisms of action (e.g., increasing blood flow, eliminating large and small blood clots, being highly anti-inflammatory, and rescuing cells from the cell danger response) are the exact opposite of what shedding does to the body."

Or cut to the chase and click on this: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/dmso-is-a-miraculous-therapy-for

DeusVult2 2 points ago +2 / -0

And let's call a spade a spade: the CIA controls Roberts. Kash better get busy and neuter them so we can watch film at 11. That's icky. And not funny... Sorry folks. KEK

DeusVult2 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm just repeating what all pepes have known for awhile.

The JFK assassination role in the solidification of the power of the CIA, as the top dog, is giantnormous. It solidified in the minds of the blackmailed elite insiders, that they can be disposed of, when they do not comply with the CIA.

And it's a problem outside the USA, because the equivalency can be made with the top dog security services everywhere on Earth.

We The People should clamor for the release of all the CIA files since 1947. To hell with redactions for "national security" reasons. I could be wrong with that...

And how bad is it going to get now that AI contributes to perfect fakery, when we do not get a handle on this? Even the shit hole nations can buy AI programs to do this.

Which end is up? Funny or not funny?

DeusVult2 2 points ago +2 / -0

What does Chief Justice Roberts have in common with the Brazilian Supreme Court? Answer: Both are political.

DeusVult2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Simple. He is a radical islamic leader in a sheep's disguise. Let get rid of the one's stirring the pot.

DeusVult2 2 points ago +2 / -0

This guy is a radical. He is a leader. And you remove leaders above all else. What is so hard to figure out?

This article splits hairs a lot, yet never mentions if this guy is Shia or Sunni. The Sunni, which make up about 80% of Islam, are usually the ones that are fervently against the existence of other beliefs. Isn't that the buried lead? I guess I am splitting hairs... And the author is not that talented.

It is obvious he was arrested, so why waste time on agonizing and splitting hairs over the motives of this dude, and the motives of law enforcement? And wondering what sect they are in? Birds of a feather flock together, leading the predominate extremists to control the Muslims hive. Simple as that...

This Khalil is a leader, and is just like Islamic radicals everywhere, are contradictory and duplicit, for sake of confusion it causes, to further Islamic aims. Cut the head off the snake is always sound logic. Deport him after the usual cursory legal things our Constitution requires. And never come back Jack.

Bottom line, Islam is always on the march, and where opportunity exists, it will spread like an invasive infestation, and the Christians, being tolerant souls, will allow this scurge to flourish in their backyards.

Isn't it a beautiful thing to be able to spread their ideology on college campuses, and have this virus spread by our very own American brainwashed youth far and wide across America. And what should we expect from our friggin education "system". We need to cut the head off the snakes. All of them, Marxists included. That might decimate the education system for awhile. KEK

DeusVult2 2 points ago +2 / -0

@ Sadness: Thanks! The behind the scenes deceit is not surprising. Krainer mentioned WWII "historian", David Irving. His views on the Nazi's being good guys is rather controversial in most circles. That might discount everything Krainer said in this video. Oh well... I won't throw the baby out with the bath water! But Hitler and his henchmen, and his disciples today, are evil.

DeusVult2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Zelbuttisky, starmer, bore johnson, and other europeans leaders, aka the inhumans, trying to manipulate and outwit President Trump and his cabinet is laughable. Shit like this has been a significant aspect of human history. Killing hundreds of millions of people so the inhumans can profit off of human misery. Well... it is not going to work this time!

DeusVult2 1 point ago +1 / -0

At least they are being honest in the meme scheme of things. And the meme scheme of things on the right is the truth. KEK

DeusVult2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those democrats unified in stupid hijinks. Anyone that believes in that party has a mental illness. No doubt about it now!

DeusVult2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your right! My very BIG BAD! I hope I don't get kicked to the curb with the chris chrissy sized turd al green now...

fetterman just declared himself an ally to trans athletes and letting men compete in women's sports. What a shit head:


DeusVult2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Paper ballots and hand counting would kick the crooked politicians out of our lives, and al green specifically, in a normal world.

Anyone know if there would be enough marxist brain washed proletariat remaining to reelect the chris christie sized turd that is al green?

Same thing for all the friggin democrats. But should we keep John Fetterman around?

DeusVult2 11 points ago +11 / -0

The DOGE people could be called "Guardians of America", vis-à-vis "Guardians of the Galaxy". Supremely talented they are.

DeusVult2 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's the Department of Redundancy Anal Retentive Department actually.

DeusVult2 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is a true boilerplate response for many years. Politicians are by definition liars and cheats. All we can do is make them afraid of us. We outnumber those mfers!

DeusVult2 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is better to forget stuff, than not knowing stuff to forget.

SKB likes to say "There are decades when nothing happens, and there are weeks when decades happen."

There is too much going on now, that I forget in order to make room! LOL

DeusVult2 3 points ago +4 / -1

I simply observed "Germany uses paper ballots marked by hand and counted by volunteers".

Tell me where this is warranted from my comment, your words: "So because of paper ballots, fraud miraculously disappears? You don't seriously believe that do you?"

Do I have to answer that silly question? Being in my 70's I know things...

Do we have to take the badgering of slings and arrows of inane criticisms from fellow pedes? Depends...


DeusVult2 3 points ago +3 / -0

CDU has changed it stance on migration. They are aligned with AfD in now being anti Islam and migration. CDU has kicked Merkel to the curb on that.

DeusVult2 10 points ago +10 / -0

In Germany, they use paper ballots marked by hand and counted by volunteers. The majority voting block consisting of a coalition of CDU and AfD won. CDU is anti Islam and migration, which aligns with AfD. Which means CDU is separating itself from the Merkel era, is what I have heard...

DeusVult2 3 points ago +3 / -0

However, you touched on the real situation: Nigerian gangster excuse offers plausible deniability for the ICRC to hide stashes of cash. ICRC is an organization that in recent history is a proven tool of the globalists.

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