DonSpectacularis 3 points ago +3 / -0

multiple overlapping realities that occasionally let shit bleed through into our reality

Prepare to be...mindfoxed. Mindfluked. Mindflunked.

I'm sorry I meant MINDFUCKED.

Easily one of the most fascinating+intriguing+entertaining paranormal stories I've ever read in my entire life, no hyperboles there.

DonSpectacularis 6 points ago +6 / -0

Damn. Talk about alienation.

DonSpectacularis 4 points ago +5 / -1

Another gem from the same thread...

DonSpectacularis -1 points ago +3 / -4

LOVE is the only transforming power in this world

spinning our wheels in the mud of a hateful culture war is just the very thing the C_A would have us do to keep us divided and powerless

"His banner over me is LOVE"

Nailed it.

DonSpectacularis 2 points ago +3 / -1

Let’s save our retarded cousins

Well, basically just that lol. It is what it is, well, for now anyways.

DonSpectacularis -1 points ago +4 / -5

So, I don't get this. Most people on this forum talk about how they believe in Jesus, God etc. all day. But when it comes to following his actual teachings of Love, Forgiveness etc. suddenly it's a big no-no?

Even people like Q and DJT haven't thrown out calls for hatred, division and violence. Like, it would have taken these folks BUT ONE TWEET OR POST to kickstart a full-fledged fucking Civil War.

But they know better. And given that this very website, this very portal, this very movement is THEIR creation and contribution to our world to begin with...what exactly is so very "wrong" about us actually TRUSTING their damn PLAN?

Pray tell us!

DonSpectacularis -2 points ago +8 / -10

I'm not lecturing anyone on here. Rather, I'm merely reiterating what Q (and DJT and JCH and so many others) have always told us to do (and what we simply have NOT been doing all too well at this point in time, right now).

The Great Awakening and the 'spiritual war' are NOT just about some popcorns, memes and cozy. We are transforming the ENTIRE PLANET (ruled by unspeakable darkness for bloody MILLENNIA) back into the light. So there are indeed going to be some truly extraordinary lessons and learnings that come along WITH THAT.

Take it or leave it.

DonSpectacularis 6 points ago +9 / -3

Even when doing that, he wasn't doing it out of hate, but because it was the right thing to do. And being connected to God and GUIDED by God, he had the WISDOM to know just WHAT was the right thing to do, HOW to do it best, and WHEN. Can you honestly and sincerely say the same about yourself?

If Jesus was a psycho madman killer then they'd have firstly found Judas in a bodybag before absolutely anyone else.

In any case, I've clearly highlighted in my post that it is NOT about silently taking BS from those who are actively trying to destroy us or anything; but changing our PERSPECTIVE (firstly and foremostly) against those whom we have been TAUGHT to hate (just as THEY have been taught and brainwashed to hate US)... and that we WILL 100% NEED ALL OF THE LOVE and COMPASSION and KINDNESS and FORGIVENESS, and, above all, UNITY to get us ALL through this to the other side.

And everyone from Q and DJT to JHC and GOD are very much in alignment with that exact same perspective, from what has been made pretty obvious till date.

Hope this helps!

DonSpectacularis 3 points ago +6 / -3

My fren, regardless of whether you are actively or unknowingly working for the agents of the dark, I have to tell you this: All of this anger, all of this rage, vitriol, hatred, fury, negativity...it's not worth it. Doesn't help you sleep well at night. Doesn't fill your heart with a warm, fuzzy, happy feeling. Just makes you lonelier, depressed, broken and separated from the rest of the world. And it becomes an infinite loop of its own, filling you with more hatred and more distrust (and all other negative stuff) with each iteration.

Yes, changing into a different person can be (and, most often, IS) very much so hard and not something you're going to be able to do in a day. But, consider this; isn't it far, far better than that which is the alternative?

Your choice.

DonSpectacularis 20 points ago +20 / -0

Thank YOU! I couldn't have put it any better myself! :)

DonSpectacularis 4 points ago +11 / -7

In any case, I'll use your post to remind one and all reading this that there are many, MANY agents of the dark agenda who lurk right here amongst us, pretend to BE us, with the whole and soul purpose of dividing us (even amongst our own selves, before doing so between us v/s rest-of-humanity), and whose core purpose is to promote hatred, war, and strife. And that regardless of whether I speak for God or not, that it is but common sense that Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Unity, and Kindness are values worth fighting (even dying) for; I don't think even hardcore Atheists or Agnostics will disagree with this one. After all, the ONLY people (temporarily) benefitting from War, Violence and Other Dark Acts are Power-Hungry madmen and madwomen of LESSER-LIGHT.

The ones who actually suffer from war and violence and separation-consciousness, the mothers who lose their sons and the fathers who lose their daughters and the kids who lose their beloved pets RIGHT BEFORE THEIR VERY EYES... those people KNOW FOR A FACT that separation and violence and hatred is NOT the way to go unless you are of the most depraved, most messed-up, most psychotic, evil type of being.

I have nothing against the person who has posted this comment, and I'm not even implying that they are (voluntarily) serving the negative agenda here; but I find it appropriate to use this comment to re-mention the obvious.

I wish this person well.

DonSpectacularis 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm just glad to know this helped :)

DonSpectacularis 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes, I feel that the more we take up responsibility of healing and helping ourselves (and others), the faster we can BE joyful and then, be able to SPREAD that joy around wherever we go. Being sad and depressed and crying and bitching about the current world situation, while understandable and everything, ultimately offers us NOTHING and helps the world around us NOT. Whereas, even adding in a little more POSITIVITY to our world has the potential to take our world forward in ways that have as of yet remained unimagined!

DonSpectacularis 4 points ago +4 / -0

I know. These animals don't even ask for much...just give them a few pets and they light up like it's the very best day of their lives. Giving them some of our time is the least that we could do for these incredible, loving, and wonderful souls. Thank you for your comment.

DonSpectacularis 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fair enough. Thank you for sharing. Regarding the "tone-deafness" of it however, perhaps this comment of mine (you'll need to scroll down a bit to see it) might help shed some light on things. Cheers! And have an incredible day.

DonSpectacularis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wasn't Jesus Christ's (and literally every other spiritual teacher's) core message something along the lines of: "Be kind, loving, and helpful towards our neighbours and the rest of the world"? Or am I reading all of these books all wrong?

Anyways, given that this post has 95 likes and 0 dislikes at the moment of my writing this, I'd say that the mods' decision to sticky this was/is well on point. Besides, there are other places on the internet to spread negativity and such, so I'd request you all that you please not do it on here. Thanks!

(All constructive criticism is most welcome here though --- but it should at the very least be based on solid logical arguments and such is what I feel here. Cheers! And have a great day!) :)

DonSpectacularis 2 points ago +2 / -0

My favourite, in all honesty, is the super-awesome "GTA Radio" playlists on YouTube (and so many fun genres at that). GTA did such a brilliant job at curating their musical playlists, that shit hard to top.

DonSpectacularis 5 points ago +5 / -0

More people want to be around high frequency folks.

So much THIS. One. Hundred. Fucking. Percent.

Why do people LOVE home-cooked meals? Bc they are made with LOVE (high frequency) and it’s actually PALATABLE.

If I could sticky a comment, yours would most likely be the one (as of this moment of writing, of course). Great job! :)

DonSpectacularis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you, and wish you the same! :)

DonSpectacularis 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree with nearly everything you said here. Though I will say that using gaming to increase reflexes is something of a net positive. And also sport can be fun, with or without analysis / over-analysis, simply by the means enjoying it (in the moment) for what it is, rather than using it to create and experience an "us vs them" type division ("MY" team vs "THEIR" team etc.) which only leads to more separation, violence and such.

DonSpectacularis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very well written and kept it brief too! Good job! :)

DonSpectacularis 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s a dark world but you would never know it looking into my kitchen around 6:15 pm every night

My very favourite part of this entire comment, other than the quick and memorable three-pointer of course!

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