DonaldQQQQTrump 0 points ago +1 / -1


And if Trump's really in charge, then why all the complaints and protests about election fraud? If he's secretly still the President, he (and his followers) should just sit back and let Biden continue making a mess of everything, unhindered.

In fact, if proof of election fraud was presented and Trump was reinstated as President, that would ruin his plan of showing everyone how bad it can get.

So, no, this whole idea of Trump still being President makes no sense whatsoever.

DonaldQQQQTrump -1 points ago +0 / -1

That's a complete word salad and means absolutely nothing. Vortex mathematics? 15 is a "fractal" of 6? Universal mathematics is only singular digits? That's absolute nonsense.

DonaldQQQQTrump 0 points ago +1 / -1

Haha, that's one of the weakest links I've ever seen. Well spotted though.

DonaldQQQQTrump 0 points ago +1 / -1

How do you get 666 from Fox?

F = 6, OK, but how does the O and X fit into it?

DonaldQQQQTrump 0 points ago +1 / -1

What, so his big announcement is basically "I'm coming back to Twitter"?!

We need to think bigger than that. Coming back to Twitter is something he can just tweet about, it's hardly earth shattering news. Doesn't need a big announcement.

DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +2 / -1

OK, so Trump has just let Biden make a mess of everything, while secretly being in charge behind the scenes?

So he's been in charge, but not actually doing anything? What's the point of being in charge then?

DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +2 / -1

Maybe it's a subtle dig at Barry (who's a smoker)

DonaldQQQQTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why has that tank got a cigarette for its gun?🚬

DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

He doesn't need to be house speaker to ensure that happens though.

DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would Trump want to be speaker of the house? It's a largely administrative, quite boring job. It's 2nd in line to the presidency, but unless something happens to both Biden and Harris, which is unlikely in the next 2 years, that won't really count for anything.

For Trump to come back as president, he needs to go straight in at the top. So for sure this announcement will be about him running in 2024.

Possibly a wildcard as his running mate to spice things up a bit. MTG maybe?

DonaldQQQQTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, you could be right there. Like the people supposedly waiting for JFK Jr to "come back" - clearly organised by the DS to make the Q movement look like a bunch of crazies.

DonaldQQQQTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

One flaw in this theory is that Elon wanted to pull out of the deal, but they forced him to go ahead with it. If it really was DS owned, they'd have been overjoyed when Elon wanted out and wouldn't have contested it at all.

Also if it was DS owned they'd have banned Trump a lot earlier than they did.

DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

If they make their money from gender reassignment surgery on children, then why did you go there in the first place?

DonaldQQQQTrump -1 points ago +1 / -2

So if Trump gets unbanned, which looks likely, and he starts tweeting again regularly, what does that mean for the future of Truth Social? There's no real point to it if Trump's back on Twitter again.

DonaldQQQQTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. Peddling this kind of nonsense just makes GAW, and the Q movement as a whole, look like a bunch of crazies.

DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

These videos you're taking about, they're not on InfoWars are they?!

A known conspiracy theory website that makes its money by peddling fake theories, conspiracy theories and other bullshit. Alex Jones himself has admitted that the Sandy Hook shooting happened. He also very publicly denounced the Q movement.

People talk about doing research, but if this is your "research", come on...

DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dunblane wasn't a school shooting. After it happened, gun laws were tightened up in the UK, that's true (they were already pretty tight though) and there was little resistance to it. People's attitude was that it makes sense to make guns very hard to acquire to prevent a repeat of that tragedy.

However that's all it took, one terrible tragedy and gun laws are changed. If the USA was the same, gun laws would have been revised a long, long time ago. Gun lobbyists would surely realise this and wouldn't be so depraved as to plan yet another school shooting, killing dozens of innocent kids again, in the faint hope that it will actually change anything.

DonaldQQQQTrump 0 points ago +2 / -2

We're dealing with people that rape, torture, ritually sacrifice and eat children

People still actually believe that? I thought the Q movement had moved on from those more extreme conspiracy theories.

DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK, so you think the US government sent in some crazy dude to shoot up a school as an inside job to back up a campaign to abolish (or at least heavily modify) the 2nd amendment?

Either that or the killer was just crazy.

I mean I guess it's possible that it was planned. Still seems a bit far fetched though.

And what about the other school shootings, aside from Sandy Hook? Are they all planned?

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