DuplexFields 1 point ago +1 / -0

Saw the movie, read up on him afterward. Absolutely fascinating story. A great example of a messy life and the uncertainty and humanity of ministers, and how God can (and does) use the messiest lives.

I didn’t know he was involved in the Vineyard movement too; it’s hard to do Pentecostal church Biblically. (I’m in a different Pentecostal denom in a conservatively Pentecostal church; I have opinions, but the Spirit is welcome to change my mind.)

DuplexFields 5 points ago +5 / -0

in completely unrelated news, transgender was recently ruled by a court to be a disability.

DuplexFields 6 points ago +7 / -1

Honeypot. It looks like a sooper seekrit in-club for cool kidz, but every bit of data is soaked up by the Feds, and every post is visible for the entire world to see. Sorta like Reddit.

by BQnita
DuplexFields 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meanwhile, if they mailed us each a bottle of vitamin D and a bottle of Zinc, not only would the “pandemic” be over in half a month, the common cold and flu would be too.

DuplexFields 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wow, this was a real GenX blast from the past!