ElectionPredictor 5 points ago +5 / -0

The film is scheduled to be released by Universal Pictures on January 7, 2022. It was originally scheduled to be released on January 15, 2021, but was delayed to January 14, 2022, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, before moving up by a week to January 7.

This part was the most interesting to me. We all knew (or thought) what was supposed to happen around this time..

Great share OP.

by BQnita
ElectionPredictor 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can hear the lying media already...

Ghislaine Maxwell has tragically died suddenly.

FACT CHECK: Our team of research experts has concluded that her cause of death was unrelated to any COVID booster shot. These rumors are false.

ElectionPredictor 5 points ago +5 / -0

Absolutely stunning. Thanks for sharing!

ElectionPredictor 1 point ago +2 / -1

Some people are probably not going to like this answer, but are we truly above fibbing in this case where parents have lost all sanity (as they clearly have here)?

What people do not know, will not hurt them. Especially re: this shit.

Just a passing thought. It is not ok to do this to this boy either. So imo fibbing would be justified. Let the downvotes begin. 😉

by BQnita
ElectionPredictor 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, they are largely the ones being culled, so of course they cannot see it.

ElectionPredictor 19 points ago +19 / -0

It is essentially because your healthy immune system keeps cancer at bay, and these gene altering jabs mess up the immune system entirely.

ElectionPredictor 5 points ago +5 / -0

Prayers OP. So sorry for the loss.

Sadly, it is certainly related. I know three people who had their cancers return and flare up right after the COVID shots. The one man died within 2 weeks of jab (and he was tough as a horse!), the other two (a mother and daughter pair) are struggling with their cancers, which were in remission prior to the jabs.

They will not get away with this.

ElectionPredictor 4 points ago +4 / -0

I implore the mods to leave this sticky up as long as possible, and for frens on here to bookmark it to share with folks they know (i.e. normies).

People need to read this shit; in my opinion, this is the sort of thing that just may wake people up.

Godspeed, and thanks for sharing, OP.

ElectionPredictor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everest Romney (17) a healthy 6’9″ high school sophomore hospitalized after experiencing severe migraines and swelling in his neck post-vaccination . Within 24 hours of getting the vaccine, Everest began experiencing an “exorbitant amount” of pain and swelling in his neck that originated on the same side he received the vaccine.Everest’s dad experienced a similar reaction following a Moderna injection. An x-ray revealed he had over 100 blood clots in his lungs.

Haziq Kamaruddin (27), Olympian archer died of coronary artery disease. Died 10 days after Pfizer injections on 13th April and 4th May 2021.

Christian Eriksen (29), star Inter Milan footballer collapsed with cardiac arrest on the soccer pitch 12 days after receiving a Pfizer shot. Revived with defibrilator.

Sage Canaday (35), Czech TDS-145km ultra marathon runner died on the Mont Blanc trail with a bilateral pulmonary embolism and blood clots.. He was double vaccinated and started having problems in May after returning from a flight. After the Pfizer booster, he started to have difficulty breathing.

Chinelle Henry (26) collapsed on field with teammate Chedean Nation. Only a few days prior, the club boasted on Twitter that it was “Vaccinated and ready to face Pakistan Women!”

Yusuke Kinoshita (27) Baseball player collapsed during practice. Died 03/08/2021, five weeks after COVID-19 vaccination.

Vladimir Dorozhkin, 38 years old, coach and athlete. Died the same day as he got the COVID vaccine. “Vaccinated just after noon, died at midnight. Cardiomyopathy.

Christian Blandini (20), a University of Catania volleyball “rising star” died of a sudden cardiac arrest. A university statement described the industrial engineering student’s “sudden death.” Catania requires students to have a Covid-19 “Green Pass” showing vaccination.

You are a rude, taunting, insolent, person. And brainwashed, if you continue to deny these occurrences. What I posted is a fraction of a fraction of examples.

ElectionPredictor 2 points ago +2 / -0

In a lot of the cases, the news articles came right out and said they were! I am talking about the high school athletes suddenly dying.

No, I am not digging up articles to serve to you. Look a little, and you will see for yourself. Do a tiny bit of research yourself, instead of nagging everyone in the thread. Take off the horse blinders, mate.

Your post history, considering you just joined four days ago, is pretty suspect, too, by the way. I understand everyone wakes at their own pace, though.

ElectionPredictor 2 points ago +2 / -0

When 100-fold more people are suddenly dropping dead, it isn't hard to find the culprit.

ElectionPredictor 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am hoping for swift action early in the new year. Stay well with God, fren. 👍

ElectionPredictor 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are probably being held in FEMA camps in the U.S., under Xi’s control, the way things have been going lately.

ElectionPredictor 1 point ago +1 / -0

He 64 and weird looking, she 33 and very pretty. He sure outpunted his coverage there.

Too bad he juiced himself to death. A pity, really.

ElectionPredictor 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yup. Most patronizing way possible, for sure.

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