Enjoytheshowww 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its possible, id like to think he didnt, but its most definitely possible.

The guy was a billionaire who lived in a, gold plated, top floor penthouse. If that were the only context youd think he was a supervillain.

It is sad how many "useful idiots" for the establishment exist. Anti fascists supporting fascist policies claiming to be the "resistance". These people are stupid.

Enjoytheshowww 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah its going sideways no doubt. With mandatory vaccines and gun laws in the form of executive orders coming down the pipe.

Even the fake biden scenario could be set up. Everyone is sitting back laughing at the "fake" biden, not worrying about all the crazy shit hes signing, because no one thinks its real. I think we're being played.

Enjoytheshowww 4 points ago +9 / -5

Its not looking good to be honest. It very well all could have been a psyop against us and trump could have been involved.

Think about it, who in the DS could have pulled it off? They needed an outsider, a well liked tv personality type to pull off an operation like this.

Neither us or our families are safe. We're having a vaccine forced on us thats killing and debilitating thousands, that who knows could sterilize half the country. A vaccine that was pushed by trump and still is.

Trump pushed for a bump stock ban that was denied by scotus. Trump made the president the head of the fed, just like the chinese system. Trump pushed an experimental vaccine. Trump destroyed the republican party and gave the house, senate, presidency and scotus to the left.

Maybe everything seems fabricated because it is, against us. The hillary being arrested video etc. Set up to string us along.

What positives do we have? Nothing good has happened yet.

Maybe trump is traveling with all that security because once people find out, "they wont be able to walk down the street".

People need to acknowledge the fact that it could all be bs and be very ready in case it is.

Enjoytheshowww 4 points ago +4 / -0

Last i heard, it was moved to an inspection pool.

Enjoytheshowww 1 point ago +1 / -0

MMXV in roman numerals is 2015.

Enjoytheshowww 1 point ago +1 / -0

Coincidence that "b obamas suicide by mmxv" comes up in gematria?

Enjoytheshowww 1 point ago +1 / -0

"B Obama suicide" comes up in gematria

Enjoytheshowww -1 points ago +1 / -2

The ship is already moving and is nearly out of the canal. It was a big ol nuthin burger.

Enjoytheshowww 3 points ago +3 / -0

Too bad most of the big cases are sealed, otherwise we could look up what/who was acquitted on that day.

Enjoytheshowww 2 points ago +2 / -0

What do we have thats solid and real? and not some nonsense like "ooo so and so posted a tweet at 10:52 and 10+5+2= 17 its happening!"

Enjoytheshowww 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its a small private airport in fiji, not the main one sorry, should have specified.

It seems intentional to me. Some others have pointed out that "B Obama suicide" comes up in gematria.

Enjoytheshowww 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nice dig!

Continuing the trend, lmg is Lamassa Airport in Fiji.

But what the heck is ;;l; ?

London is EGLL, which i think is the only 4 letter airport code where the 3rd letter is an L.

Those 4 make almost a straight line across the globe. Major trafficking route?

Enjoytheshowww 9 points ago +9 / -0

Mirror: wasszxlmg;;l;

No clue on this one.

Enjoytheshowww 18 points ago +18 / -0

When was that said? If thats the case im not for this plan at all.

Enjoytheshowww 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey thats a good start anyway haha. Everyone is arguing whether or not hes real or if hes AI. Maybe theres an acronym that explains it all.

Enjoytheshowww 35 points ago +36 / -1

Yep this is setting up for the "great reset" more than anything else. An Indonesian oil refinery blew up a little bit ago. Attacks on oil all over the world, driving prices up and protecting the petrodollar. Major trade routes being blocked causing up coming food and supply shortages. All while everything here is going to hell fast with no signs of slowing.

The only thing we have is that trump will have a social media platform in 4-5 months.

Enjoytheshowww 8 points ago +8 / -0

Lets see how far this rabbit hole goes.

Enjoytheshowww 6 points ago +6 / -0

They were doing a 4 hour chimney reliner job for at least a month. Looked convincing with the boom trucks over the house though.

Enjoytheshowww 3 points ago +3 / -0

What possible acronyms are there for durham?

Enjoytheshowww 12 points ago +13 / -1

Unless the takedown is us and we just sit on our thumbs cheering it on.

We actually havent seen any results yet. Sure there are piece that we could put together to make it look like something, but how much of it happens every year we just never pay attention? We need to see something and soon.

If they have made all these arrests, why hide the fact? Just post up a gitmo tribunal docket schedule and put everyone at ease.

Enjoytheshowww 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what would that mean? Wasnt the durham investigation supposed to be a big piece of the puzzle?

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