To add to u/ValueFuckingDeep's post: https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/17rT6e63ip/q-4966-explained/c

Q hasn't posted after the election fraud, until one and a half year later. By that time enough people realized that the election had been rigged. The lie that FJB won the election has been busted; the lie that vaccines are safe and effective has been busted, along with many others. This is an important milestone, as the Deep State can no longer manufacture any new lies without them getting noticed and exposed instantly. It is now safe to move onto the next step - exposing existing Bigger Lies.

This is a hard step for some, especially Christians. Do you know why Q spreads its message to the Americans? Instead of Latins, Europeans, Africans, Indians or Chineses? Because Americans are the most deceived people on earth. They are apostates to their own history. This is the same reason Jesus came to the Pharisees, instead of the Greeks, Romans, Iranians, or Hindus. Because the Jews were so alienated from their own heritage. Jesus called himself a physician, who came only for the sick. Americans are the sick men of the world. Yet it was the sick who rejected the physician. I have yet to see a Q hater who is not a Christian. And til this day in this sub, I have yet to meet someone who can refute my claims without evasion, interjection or omission.

As explained by u/ValueFuckingDeep, there is a higher level of deception that has kept on for centuries: "It is foolish to think that we have been lied and deceived about everything except the Church." In which I added: "Those who understand the objectives of GA know that Q would never advance a lie, let alone a 1700 year old one." He did not explain further, but I am sure some people here know what he is talking about. Before the Council of Nicea, the Church was not controlled by the State (of course, because the State at that time was against the Church!). This period of time came the greatest church fathers in history, Origen be one of them. The Christendom was growing, and the Pagandom was declining. Rome had to do something.

The fourth century witnessed the worst crime Rome has committed to Christianity, even worse than the suppression of Christians. During this time Rome violently suppressed the true believers of Jesus, Nazarenes, Ebionites and Gnostics, and burned their books, save for any surviving copies left. Rome inserted pagan concepts from Mithraism such as the Trinity and Virgin Birth, and removed the esoteric teachings, and banned the belief of reincarnation. By the time of Emperor Justinian the process is practically complete. The Byzantine text is essentially the manuscript sanctioned by Pagan Rome. What makes people think it could be any less corrupt than the Alexandrian text?

It was this time that marked the establishment of the church-state system which has not been challenged until the 18th century. (The Protestant Reformation did nothing to challenge the church-state system, but added even more unbiblical concepts such as salvation by faith alone - The word "alone" is absent from any manuscripts). The founders of America, who were Freemasons, by establishing the first Amendment, declared independence from the church-state system and secured the citizen's right to preach and believe without fear of persecution by the state, and re-opened the gate to the Kingdom that had been shut for 1400 years.

This was not done without opposition, as the same year the Americans declared independence, the Jesuit-trained Jew Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati and began infiltrating the European Masons. Just three years prior, the Vatican banned Jesuitry amid the wave of anti-Jesuit sentiment. Ever since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, they have been expelled from almost every nation on earth, in Europe, India, Japan and China. Infiltration and subversion is the primary strategy, and their goal is to retake control of the Protestantdom, and further beyond, of the world. Nevertheless, the Masons won and the Jesuit's plan to stop the creation of a free country failed.

The Jesuits have committed the worst crimes in humanity, as described in the report delivered to the King of France in 1762 by the Commissioners of the French Parliament. Since when did accusations of world domination and genocide shift to the Freemasons? One thing that motivated Leo Taxil to write a hit piece on the Freemasons, was a statement by Pope Leo XIII, which accused them of only one thing: the advancing of the idea of separation between Church and State. Before Leo Taxil wrote the hit piece, he was critical of the Catholic Church, to the point he was almost charged with seditious libel. He wrote it to lure the Catholics into believing the most ridiculous lies, as he admitted later.

During the 19th century the European colonists spread Christianity abroad, but they were terrified that the esoteric knowledge long erased from Christianity were still largely preserved and preached in the East. That was why they failed to convert the Hindus and Buddhists. Do you know why Atheism plagued the East in the 20th century? If they could not convert the East to Christianity, they could at least introduce Atheism to make them reject God totally, and remove the last traces of esotericism in the process, so they can introduce Pagan Christianity to the masses without opposition.

The Deep State is willing to do everything to divert your attention and keep you down. Today America is divided between the Bible-believing Christians and the God-denying Atheists. They are controlled opposition to each other, but only a few know the existence of the real opposition, which is attacked by all sides. This included the corruption of the opposition, know by most as the New Age Movement (Orientalist wannabees with the aim to bury true esotericism).

Now going back to the beginning of this post. Remember u/Mister_Winston who illustrated the four stages to wake up mankind? I think we are already past Level 4, and now into Level 5 - Spirituality. The Vatican was scared of its secrets being revealed to the public. They are scared of a people of free will and free thought. Pagan Christianity is the one-world religion they are trying to impose. It is time to expose them all.

Organized religion will disappear as everyone achieves their own unique spirituality. - u/bubble_bursts


Reposted from here:

The plain text of the constitution clearly articulates that states lose a proportion of their representation equal to the number of Trumpless ballots they print. Both their electoral votes, congressional seats and senators are reduced proportionally.

14th Amendment, Section 2:

"Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State."

This also applies to polling places where all the election equipment "mysteriously" stops working, anyone who shows up to vote on election day and is told they already voted, fraudulently verified signatures, etc.


A review article by Blavatsky in 1882, writes:

THE VACCINATION INQUIRER and Health Review, the Organ of the London Society for the Abolition of Compulsory Vaccination, published monthly at the Office of the Society, 114 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., etc.

The August number of this journal—which belongs to the same class of heterodox publications as the Homœopathic Journal—is on our table. The subject matter of this fearless little monthly which may be viewed if we could be brought to believe a bilious admirer of Vaccination—as “a direct incitement to a breach of the law,” is very interesting. It does its level best to upset the illusions of orthodox medicine, and to expose the legal quackery of its practitioners, and show “how Prestige is worked.” In its own words:

"A favourite method of recommending fancies under the name of science is to canonize some noisy quack, and to have him represented in lands where he is indifferently known as an authority, whose words are to be accepted with pious subservience. Thus we have paraded before us a scientific saint in America, another in France, another in Germany, and so on. In London one starry quack appears to be well-nigh extinguished, whilst another is waning, although his beams still continue to dazzle the Continent. It will require much shouting of hosannas to succeed in canonizing the saint, who proposes to ‘vaccinate’ consumption into us. But if it is a praiseworthy thing to do, it ought to be done openly, and not under the disguise of cow or calf."

Would that our great innovators could succeed in “inocculating” some drops of common good sense into themselves, before proposing to “vaccinate” into the human system more diseases than it is already heir to! An artificial permanent issue in the brain of some of them, whenceforth their bigotry, prejudice and malevolence to everything and everyone bold enough to oppose their papal bulls would freely run out—is a desirable experiment to make. We generously offer them our advice to that effect free of charge for its publication.

Reply by William Tebb, excerpt:

On the first of January last, at the instance of an active medical propaganda, the Swiss Federal Chambers passed a Vaccination law of an unusually stringent character. The penalties which might be imposed upon recalcitrants were as high as 2,000 francs [1] and one year’s imprisonment. The law was hailed by the leading medical journals in Europe as a great victory for the advocates of the Jennerian rite, and a crushing blow to the anti-Vaccinators, whose second International Congress had but a short time previously been held at Cologne. Forty delegates were present, representing eight nationalities, Switzerland having sent a distinguished delegate in Dr. A. Vogt, Professor of Hygiene and Medicine at Berne University. The victors, however, counted without their host, and their triumph has been of but short duration. According to the Swiss Constitution the people have the right of a Referendum, or an appeal from the decisions of the Federal Chambers to the suffrage of the people, providing 30,000 signatures are obtained. Only ninety days from the date of the promulgation of the law (on the 14th of February) were allowed for this purpose, but the Swiss people had not forgotten their traditions and previous struggles for freedom, and were equal tot he occasion. A despatch from Bale has just reached me, which states that not only have they the 30,000 signatures required, but they have obtained a surplus of about 50,000 to 79,000 and upward in all (the largest vote ever polled for a similar purpose), which have been laid before the President of the Confederation. The final vote was taken on the 1st of July when the advocates of state medical coercion received a most disastrous and crushing defeat, the Vaccination Law having been rejected by a majority of 253,968, against 67,830! amidst the rejoicings of an emancipated people.


  1. Gold franc. Roughly equal to $37400 today.

I say INVADE UKRAINE, send the xoxols back, end the endless!


To prevent dollars from going back to the US, the US has to dump them to the "black hole of Eurasia" that is Ukraine.



Why do Ukrainians hate Russians? Article about how history was changed, or what is taught to schoolchildren in Ukraine

After the events in Ukraine in 2013-2014, many researchers are trying to understand why Ukrainians hate Russians, giving out their thoughts article by article. Why is there such a dislike of the entire Russian world among ordinary Ukrainians, especially the younger generation? "We are Europeans, not Asians," the new generation shouts furiously, perceiving everything Russian as something a priori bad.

At the same time, even the most insignificant ties between Russia and Ukraine, such as the Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak receiving an award in Russia, are perceived as a betrayal of the motherland. Why so much hatred and anger? You don't need to go far for an answer - just open the textbooks that Ukrainian children have been studying for 23 years and everything will fall into place. On every page and in every line it says that in all the troubles and misfortunes of Ukrainians, only and exclusively Russia is to blame. And there were so many troubles and misfortunes in the history of Ukraine.

I can be called a real child of Ukraine's independence. The years of my high school education came in the turbulent 90s, when a new policy, a new vision of history, and everything new was just being formed. In 1991, I moved to the 4th grade. It is today in Ukraine that textbooks on literature and history are only slightly corrected and corrected. And in my time, we were supplied with completely new textbooks, where literally the entire history of Ukraine was rewritten from scratch. Made in a hurry, they became the basis for all modern pedagogy. They also contain the answer to why Ukrainians hate Russians.

Why do Ukrainians hate Russians? Article about the school

From the first grade I studied at the Ukrainian school in Kiev. Here it is necessary to explain that in the times of the Ukrainian SSR, we had two types of schools - Russian, where all subjects, for example, mathematics or physics, were taught exclusively in Russian, and Ukrainian language and literature were just ordinary subjects. As well as Ukrainian schools, where all subjects were taught in the Ukrainian language, including the same mathematics and physics. In general, Russian schools were more popular, and parents preferred to send their children there for many reasons.

And not because of Russian chauvinism or fear, as we are assured today: but for other reasons-someone planned to send their children to study in Moscow in the future, someone wanted the child to go on vacation to Lithuania to visit his grandmother, and in general many families were interethnic and everyone was drawn to everything Russian as a good thing. The Kiev Russian school of those times can be compared to a modern lyceum with an in-depth study of English or Chinese-parents naturally want to send their child there in order to give him more chances for a happy future.

In the Ukrainian schools where I studied, children were sent by those parents who were nationalistic in one way or another, who loved and honored Ukrainian literature, traditions and the identity of the Ukrainian ethnic group. And in the same way, a team of teachers was formed: in Ukrainian schools, teachers with nationalistic tendencies worked, and often even with some inflection. For example, my math teacher was the wife of a dissident who hung a yellow-and-blue banner on his balcony in ' 70, and then served several years in prison for it.

And the grandfather of a physics teacher was sent to Siberia with his whole family from the territory of western Ukraine for being a nationalist. These people did not find it strange why Ukrainians hate Russians. All our teachers spoke excellent Ukrainian, and only the teachers of Russian language and literature were among them outcasts, kept away from the team.

Naturally, my school and all the students and teachers were overjoyed when Ukraine finally became independent in 1991. We tore off pioneer ties, trampled them underfoot and had fun. And neither did I, even though I was 11 years old and didn't know why I was doing all this and why Ukrainians hate Russians. Teachers enthusiastically announced to us that the bright time had finally arrived, when we would be able to live in a new, truly Ukrainian way, freely and independently.

And to reinforce this statement, the very first decision was made - to completely remove the Russian language and literature from the school curriculum. However, a small piece of Russian classical literature was still left out, introducing the work of some writers into the program "world literature". This was the first, but wonderful victory, according to our teachers. I perfectly remember our first anthologies on "zarubezhka", where excerpts from the works of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Tyutchev, Nekrasov, Pushkin were translated into Ukrainian (here is an example of such a book (link 4book.org/images/shcoolbook_ua/10/10_slh_sh.pdf).

I also remember how our teacher of the once Russian language and literature, and now "zarubezhki", still offered us to read them in the original, especially poems, for which she was punished with a severe reprimand-of course, because the children no longer learned Russian and could not read in Russian. Then we, children, did not even ask the question, what is so bad about the Russian language itself and why do Ukrainians hate Russians? - it was clear from the behavior of the teachers that we didn't need to study this topic.

But textbooks on world literature, as well as on other subjects, were flowers. Most of them simply removed the quotes of Lenin and Karl Marx about the victory of communism over capitalism, and that was the end of it. But textbooks on the Ukrainian language, literature and history, both of Ukraine and the world, were completely rewritten. There were made adjustments, which constantly focused on the tragedy of Ukraine, which it experienced all the time, but especially in the XX century, in the era of the USSR.

From the pages of these textbooks, I learned that my nation was " purposefully destroyed by the Russians." This was stated directly, without any hints. It was the Russians who artificially created the Holodomor, put my grandfathers in the trenches during the war, shot them in prisons, and planted a nasty ideology - every page of these textbooks is literally permeated with sadness and tragedy, as well as horror pictures. And you also ask why Ukrainians hate Russians.

We, ordinary schoolchildren, purposefully evoked a sense of compassion for our ancestors, as well as a sense of hopelessness and sacrifice that they had to endure. And then there was a pointer to who was to blame for all this-Russia. And today, according to the same textbooks, young Ukrainians are forced from a very early age to think that Russians allegedly despise them, allegedly put them below themselves.

Why do Ukrainians hate Russians Article about the exam

There are many examples of what I am describing, just open any Ukrainian textbook on any page. Don't believe me? Then take the 2013 EIT test in Ukrainian language and literature (osvita.ua/doc/files/news/361/36102/ukrmova2013-1. pdf) (or any other, I guarantee that it will perfectly illustrate my words).

Consider a passage that is offered to graduates for analysis on page 7 of the text. It is dedicated to the cinematographer of the Ukrainian SSR, Danila Demutsky. The fragment perfectly tells about the fantastic creative zeal, about the wonderful talent, about the genius of this film artist. But in the following paragraphs, the text is overshadowed by the fact that Danil was " tortured in Soviet prisons." And then about how he had to shoot propaganda films about the heroics of the Soviet people, he was forced to do it, he was psychologically broken.

Why do Ukrainians hate Russians so much that even for the exam it is impossible to choose a text without sadism, for example, to give an example of a description of the beautiful Ukrainian nature or the achievements of modern Ukrainians. After all, there is something beautiful in our life: Ukrainian athletes win gold medals at the Olympics, our scientists make discoveries. It turns out that you can't. Simply because there is no place for beauty in the modern version of Ukrainian history and literature: its authors seem to have set an end in themselves-to prove to the student that everything that connects Ukraine with Russia is bad. And since the whole story connects , the whole story is bad.

Why do Ukrainians hate Russians? Article about revealing the little truth on hiding the real truth

As a child, I took my teachers ' words at face value. In high school, I was a maximalist and romantic, I was tormented by any injustice in this world. Why Ukrainians hate Russians article about this I did not come across. But when I was particularly hurt by some work that showed bullying of Ukrainians, I always asked my teachers with tears in my eyes, " For what? Why do Russians dislike us so much?" And the answer always came down to one thing: "Because we are Ukrainians, because we have always wanted only one thing, freedom and independence!"

By the way, today this very wording is used in Arseniy Yatsenyuk's political advertising, allegedly Putin does not like him, because he only loves Ukraine. I recognize this stamp from my childhood - an excellent explanation, which will not even be followed by unnecessary questions. Maybe I would have lived my whole life with the certainty that Russians hate all Ukrainians wildly, if fate hadn't brought me face-to-face with Russia. I first visited Moscow in 2006, when I went on a business trip. It was then that I was surprised to find that ordinary people live in Russia, cheerful and pleasant.

And everyone who found out that I came from Kiev, became especially friendly. And here I was struck by why Ukrainians hate Russians, but they don't hate us. Many people asked me how I got settled, and some offered me the services of a guide around Moscow. Even then, I had the feeling that I was being deceived at school, that something was being misrepresented somewhere, but I did not attach any importance to this and dismissed the analysis. The name of Russia ceased to sound like a threat to me, and many colleagues and friends appeared among the Russians.

Today, when my fellow citizens are tormented by a military conflict and an economic crisis, I can no longer dismiss it and constantly think about what I was taught as a child. About what children of Ukraine are taught in schools today. About why Ukrainians hate Russians with articles of slander fueling what is happening in Ukraine. Analyzing my school years, I understand that my teachers were offended by the Soviet government for their own personal reasons. Each of them had his own little truth, a little resentment, which did not allow us to look at the world more broadly, to cover the entire history of the country as a whole, to understand the huge significance and role of the socialist era for ordinary people of the entire Soviet Union, including Soviet Ukraine.

And their answer "they hate us because we are Ukrainians" did not apply to the whole society, but only to them personally, to their families. And by the way, the correct answer to my question was not "because we are Ukrainians", but "because we (I personally or my family members) are nationalists, and nationalism, like Nazism , is unacceptable to society, because it is destructive."

Now I understand that the creators of new textbooks for Ukrainian schoolchildren were exactly the same people as my teachers. Why do Ukrainians hate Russians? Because they are offended and vindictive owners of the anal vector. They were not allowed to speak out during the Soviet era, their national aspirations were restricted, they were constantly afraid of political persecution, and after 1991 they literally broke down - they could already write what they want and how they want. Uncensored, without checking the correctness of the facts.

You can't blame the new Ukrainian government for this, it did not have the desire to rewrite history - at that time, the politicians of independent Ukraine were engaged in sawing and putting people's goods in their pockets, and they did not pay attention to historians and writers. As well as those who supplied these textbooks and financed their distribution.

Vax segregation in Hong Kong (media.communities.win) ⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
posted ago by EnoughGunControl ago by EnoughGunControl

(according to our source from the Office of the President of Ukraine)

Zelensky received information about preparations for his assassination by radical nationalists of the Azov battalion as a sign of retribution for the surrender of their brothers at the Azovstal plant in Mariupol.

In Banderites' opinion, Zelensky deliberately brought the situation to a catastrophe in order to get rid of the nationalist formation Azov, which is the most dangerous for his government. Among other things, nationalists believe that Zelensky is already secretly preparing to surrender the country and flee to the West. At present, he is negotiating the introduction of a Polish "peacekeeping" contingent into a number of western regions, under a plausible pretext, all available stocks of wheat and other grain crops are being exported from the country.

And this indicates that the independence of a significant part of the country will soon be actually lost. At the same time, Zelensky’s office understands that in the coming weeks the Ukrainian army will lose its combat readiness and the predominant part of Ukraine will come under the control of Russia, which will form its military-civilian administrations in these territories. The SBU, under the supervision of Western experts, is taking measures to neutralize the most dangerous nationalists. And at best they are sent to the front ...

Source: https://t.me/no_one_is_forgotten/2672

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