The term X'mas has been used by athiests based on the false idea that X has nothing to do with Christ. X is short for Χριστός, which means Christ.
The Hegelian Dialectic: The Church created the problem, and then offers the solution, for the purpose of quashing all other oppositions. Many people, especially those on our side, fell for it.
Black Magic vs White Magic
I believe God is creating himself a new legion of followers worldwide, free from the Church’s perversion and influence.
From what I have seen, when the replicon vaccine is pushed in Japan, the Japs stood their ground. They boycotted Meiji products, and many hospitals refused to administer the shot businesses increasingly refuse entry of replicon-injected customers.
Apparently the resistance worked.
Could someone recommend Christmas songs not written by Jews?
Have anyone ever been using SimpleX Chat?
Christians always warn about the incoming of a "One World Religion", but I think they do this to deflect from noticing the elephant in the room.
Someone explained earlier that how Q is not Operation Trust.
But I feel that there is still a real OpTrust, except it is opposed to the Q operation.
“Do nothing but wait for His return, for only God can sort out all evil. And attack whosoever trying to take down evil with his own might.“
Now compare Christian end times doctrine with Operation Trust.
“Do nothing but wait for His return, for only God can sort out all evil. And attack whosoever trying to take down evil with his own might.“
When all this shit is over, Trump and Putin shall oversee the reconstruction of Ukraine. The Ukrainian diaspora shall be deported, and they will rebuild their own country.
On the same day President Yoon declared martial law, he met with the president of Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan had addressed its election fraud problems and corrected its internal affairs. That country also used the same voting equipment developed in Korea ("Made in Korea"). It is speculated that Kyrgyzstan may have offered advice to President Yoon in completing his final strategy.
On the same day President Yoon declared martial law, he met with the president of Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan had addressed its election fraud problems and corrected its internal affairs. That country also used the same voting equipment developed in Korea ("Made in Korea"). It is speculated that Kyrgyzstan may have offered advice to President Yoon in completing his final strategy.
Blanket pardon
No more 5A protection
Must testify and tell everything
Forced to admit your own crimes
Testimony is televised
No longer able to walk down the street
This is nothing new. It is widely known that early Gentile Christians believed Jesus is God incarnate.
Xi, Putin and others are allowed to remain as they are still being used against the DS. When all shit is over they will be gone.
Today is the 2 year delta of the last Q post.
Hong Kong's income tax is almost never referred as "Income Tax", but referred separetely as Salaries Tax, Profit Tax and Property Tax.
As it is called, "Profit Tax" is taxation on the income subtracted by expenses. And like Salaries Tax, it is capped at 15%.
The name "property tax" is mesleasing because it actually refers to taxes on rent. That doesn't mean HK has no real property tax – for that is called Land Rent and Rates.
HK largely follows the Georgist model, with the government's income sourced largely from selling land.
Hong Kong literally uses this kind of tax system, but with an additional rate cap at 15% of entire income. Half of the wage earners in HK pay less than 2% of their income.
I’ve never had any nail fungus myself, but so many people have emailed in on this that it is an obligatory post. Yes, Ivermectin seems to clear toenail fungus with an almost unbelievable speed, according to my inbox. And we’re talking about people who have fought it for years and even decades.
What it shows is that early Gentile Christians already believed Jesus is God. Not surprised.
There is a guy in Japan reselling ivermectin online. He also has been taking ivermectin since early 2021 and sharing testimonials of people getting their diseases cured with ivermectin. And Tess Lawrie knows him.
Why did Jimmy Carter die for the third time?