Entenphobie 5 points ago +5 / -0

To leftists? all of those. "Far right" is Natzees, Christians, Conservatives, heck even White Germans. These muppets don't represent the German population.

Entenphobie 6 points ago +6 / -0

Keep in mind, even if it were anywhere near 1.4M "protestors", that's still only 2% of Germany's total population, most of those are probably illegals with temporary residency permits or paid leftist shills. It's a piss in the ocean.

Entenphobie 7 points ago +7 / -0

Doesn't look anywhere near 1.4M, but if it is that's 2% of Germany's population. I.e every single communist in the country. Probably a whole bunch of blue haired fags from neighboring countries too.

They're getting paid to be there, these muppets are unemployed welfare parasites anyway, they have nothing better to do.

Entenphobie 2 points ago +2 / -0

So far, not much. The loudest resistance has been the environmentalists who's been trying to block roads but they're not really violent and they're getting beaten up bad by angry drivers obviously.

Parliamentary systems works slowly, so for the WEF bozos it's gonna be slow and painful I guess watching their life work of destruction being reversed one policy at the time. 👌

Entenphobie 4 points ago +4 / -0

Globalists don't want any place to be safe during the upcoming banker war. When looking at it for more than about 12 seconds, it's obvious to anyone that Sweden has nothing to win from joining NATO.

They have their own weapons industry, but being a member of NATO means buying all American. Doesn't make any sense for Sweden to abandon all of it's major industries.

Entenphobie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Russia can't go all in, they have a very big country to defend. Sweden is surrounded by NATO, they can send everyone to the tiny gap between Finland and Estonia from were the Russians will come and sink the Russians before they even reach the mainland.

Whoever attacks first is gonna lose big, hence why such war is retarded from both sides.

Entenphobie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Already done, however good luck getting the civilian defense to fight another banker war. They'll stay at home and defend their own land and village.

Entenphobie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Take the trash out of the bomb shelters and stock them up with supplies. Sweden has shelters for it's entire population.

Gun laws have been loosened up, you can now hunt with an AR-15 or AK-47 which was illegal before. Always good to have many civilian gun owners in the rural areas.

A shitload of money is being invested into upgrading rail and road networks, most of which are already in good shape, but it's an indicator that a war is not expected just yet, perhaps in 2030 or something.

The army may be a joke, it's the civilian defense that gets the job done in case of invasion. 3M people with superior technology spread across the forests and the mountains. If Taliban's in sandals with AK-47 can beat the US army, Sweden's civilian defense should have no problem dealing with Russia.

That said, there's no way Russia will try to invade. Nothing to win, and even outside of NATO, the Swedish navy could shoot down Russian ships and planes before they even cross the Baltic sea. Same goes the other way around obviously, Sweden would have no chance trying to invade Russia, it would be Napoleon allover again.

Entenphobie 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's no local interest in going to war, neither is there any interest for Russia to invade. They're low in numbers but their technology is superior to the rest of the world.

A war between Russia and the Nordics would have an even outcome, the Nordics could allocate everything against Russia, while Russia would still need most of it's army in other parts of the country.

Nobody wins and both sides loses. Follow the money. And keep in mind that a NATO membership would require them to buy American, which is just retarded from Sweden's point of view.

NATO and the bankers want war, the Nordics and Russia neither has anything to win.

Entenphobie 1 point ago +1 / -0

A nation that allows its women and kids to be raped by migrants is going to war?

America has done this for centuries, sure it's weird but until recently this fuckery hasn't been happening in Sweden. Same bankers are in control.

Entenphobie 3 points ago +3 / -0

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