The jurors are TRAITORS. If they were threatened the TRIAL IS NULL.
Take that socialist crap out of here.
That is a french site leaching on the french state.
I hope this is a game changing moment that can see some momentum building out of it.
Don't hold your breath.
No shit. And the police is in on the gig. That is why drugs are illegal in the first place . To drive prices up , drive corruption , and keep the control in the hands of the state.
Or maybe you think the drugs are brought in by people up their ass.
please explain further
Schools demanding something AIN'T the same AS A FUCKING LAW. A school can also demand you wear a retarded uniform that doesn't mean the government should MANDATE UNIFORMS FOR EVERYONE .
Everyone who doesn't like socialism and wants to fight against it.
The same fascist construct has ruled that calling mohamed the pedophile a pedophile is ILLEGAL .
I'm perfectly fine with serfs suffering this kind of shit.
No it's not.
They shouldn't accept the jury duty if they can be swayed by threats. THREATS come with that duty. But they accepted ... SO FUCK THEM they are traitors.