I have a friend who raised her kid in a Christian Conservative home. That kid (woman) is now an uppity up in the military in charge of granting exemptions to vax. Mom friend is certain most, of not all, are being stamped “denied” by her daughter.
“How DARE you ask questions, peasant!”
Lol! I will never look at her again without thinking of Chucky! What an absolute horrid troll of a human being.
Praise.The.Lord. Bring it!!
Wow. This so encouraged me today. Thank you for posting this. It’s so cool that your wife recognized the light and change in you, just by you seeking God. I am recently estranged from my daughter, mostly bc I opened my big mouth and tried putting her in her place instead of trusting God with her. She’s 23, claims she’s a communist, no longer attends church, voted Biden, and I just couldn’t handle her social media posts claiming everything that everyone does is racist. Your post makes me want to turn back to God with even more bible reading, and time in prayer. He truly is our only hope. Thanks for posting, fren.
Based. I freaking love her!
I stayed up late reading it. Shouldn’t have been surprised but I was totally horrified by the info..
She was absolutely brought up as an awakened, red-pilled person.. when she was old enough to understand things, maybe 12, 13 and up. She was on FB, and brought up in a homeschool community, but it wasn’t news, or MSM, as MSM back then wasn’t as blatantly propaganda material back then (of course we had Obama-era press-titutes and media lapdogs but it wasn’t as bad as now, right? So I think the social pressure of social media, combined with certain music -she got into Lana Del Ray and in that time a whole sea of 14 year old girls thought it was “cool” to be depressed. (I’m certainly not baggin on depression and anxiety here, it’s just that it actually became trendy. I saw it.) And the movement of telling people they’re “compassionate” when they support democrat victim subgroups (that the Dems exploit for power) was really playing the hearts of people. She is just like me, all for justice, for truth, for compassion, but she was manipulated completely into thinking there were groups being victimized that really aren’t. Other than that I can’t say what happened, but I’m praying for God to open her eyes to truth. She says she loves God, but honestly I don’t know how you can say that and support pedo Corrupt Dems.
Thanks! She knows the truth. Just tryna be “woke.”
Put an iPod in her hand when she was 13.. I was not diligent about checking her web access, and I thing the internet honestly just got ahold of her in a weird way. She was raised understanding false flags, questioning the narrative of 9/11, told about architects and engineers for 9/11 truth. Now she supports blm and has totally gone off the deep end. Her Dad and I pray for her.. it’s in Gods hands.
It is so freaking hard. My daughter (23 years old) literally brags about being a “commie”. I homeschooled her! She literally grew up using Ron Paul curriculum. She has known about the war on information for the last ten years. We are at the point of not talking. My heart is broken. This is such an important topic, OP. Many of us are experiencing division in our families. I’m so sorry you are hurting.
I’ve been thinking about this a ton. Remember Aesop’s fable, The Ant and The Grasshopper? You’re the ant. I’ve been expecting this for years and for years I was made fun of as a conspiracy theorist. Shits not too funny anymore, is it? My response. While everyone was busy living life, I was working my butt off and prepping, moved to the country, etc. Grasshoppers will come knockin, but they didn’t listen.