
Listening to Devolution Power Hour from 2 days back.

The lads (PP, BB, JH) are discussing someone (apparently famous with a following, a pro-trumper) who went on an anti-Q rant blaming "Trust the plan and do nothing" Qanon, as well as "JFK jr is really Trump, Biden is not Biden, body doubles masks Qanon crap" for the election loss (Supreme Court?) in Wisconsin.

Such a good point. This is the exact reason why Q drew the very clear mark that what Q drops are about is not necessarily what anons are putting forward. There is a lot of crap stuff that has been pushed into the Q movement, either by deliberate shysters and disinfo artists or by people NOT actually focusing on Q content but on other theories while calling it Q. Too much of that stupid at best, damaging at worst content is, frankly, welcomed by too many people in the Q movement, and it does real damage to this movement and operation, and its ability to reach the normie world.

I've always despised that sort of crap, because I myself got sucked in a few times in the beginning, so I know the temptation. But it's so transparent, and pedes who attach to it seem so transparently to not be using critical thinking. Not Q methodology at all. Pseudo-Q. Which is a real shame.

It makes me realize there needs to be a LOT less tolerance for the dumb stuff. Not meaning it should be censored; rather, meaning that it should be called out when it rears its ugly head. The answer to fake crap is not censorship; it's community engagement with ferocious integrity.

As the lads in DPH point out, this is really our fault (collectively). We have let too much crap stuff enter into the Q movement sphere.

Seeking and tracking down truth requires diligence and responsibility. None of us are perfect, but it's really up to us to call out the crap stuff (low grade wacky conspiracy theory stuff) when it rears its ugly head.

<end rant>

Nothing Beats Honesty In Advertising.... (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 SHITPOST πŸ’©
posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron

Ausanons and Freedom Patriots here (and there are a LOT of freedom patriots who are not anons) wear the 20/21 badge with pride. We got hit harder than almost anywhere. 2 years of psychological terrorism. But there are a lot more of us unwaxxed than you would imagine.

Slash and Burn

In the island nations of the South Pacific, there is a common agricultural technique known as "slash and burn". The people slash at the jungle vegetation, burn it all down, and the ashes provide nutrition for new crops planted in the newly cleared soil.

Yesterday, I was at one of my regular outings, and who should sit down at my table half way through the evening but Luke. I met Luke when in mid-2021, a grassroots movement called Reignite Democracy Australia sprouted up localized activist groups all across the country, but mostly in Victoria. I was heading up the local RDA network here, and Luke was spearheading the network about 8 miles away.

Most of those networks changed over the past 2 years. I hadn't seen Luke for about 18 months, but we chatted at the tournament break like old friends. It's amazing that even seeing him after 18 months, we instantly click and know exactly what we're talking about.

Virtual - actual - potential connections

The upshot of the intense attacks we have all suffered is that connections have been established that can bear great fruit if we build on them. The connections may be virtual - like the GAW mob - actual, as in the many community groups and networks of like-minded freedom people that sprang up as a result of the 2020/2021 psyop attack - or they may be potential.

If you are out and about, and can find a way to meet with people who are awake, be they anons or not, then the connection can be instant and powerful. I've experienced that over and over again. If you do not have any local connections, then it may simply be that the right opportunity has not arisen. I'd lay odds that there are quite a few potential connections anywhere near where you are.

Anons are the GA Marines

IMO, anons are like a subset of the Great Awakening army. We're like the marines, or the special ops. But there is a massive army of freedom fighters, who are awake, who recognise the Cabal and the corruption, and the agendas, even though Q was not their direct conduit for awakening.

I as pumped to learn from Luke that the local RDA network that they set up about 8 miles north of me has transformed (and essentially disconnected from RDA, which has basically gone fallow) into a some 900 strong real actual community of like-minded freedom folks, engaged on all sorts of levels: socially interacting, holding markets, talks, events support networks, home schooling, etc.

If you ask me, this is what winning really is. A nation can only stand on the strength of its communities. THEY want us to be divided, individuals locked away without any real community. The only community they want us to experience is Big Brother, aka the Agenda community (globalism, climate change, LGBTQI, etc).

Our Era is One of Slash And Burn

From the ashes of the pain of the GA era (2017 +) God is raising actual, virtual and potential communities all around the globe. Everything the Enemy is doing is designed to lock us down, and prevent us from recognizing each other. Well, that's going to change.

Therefore, if you don't feel connected, and feel isolated where you are, I recommend casting your gaze upwards and be ready when opportunity strikes. There are frens everywhere. And in much greater numbers than anons. And like all good frens, everyone brings something different to the table. What unites us is our common values.


Running The Gauntlet

Well, they did it.

I woke up this morning (31st March) to see on Telegram the news about the indictment from the previous day (30th March in the US). I was surprised, and experienced the usual gamut of emotions, but over a very short period of time. The first thing I felt was an attack of discouraging and worrying energy. This usually happens when I get hit by certain informational 'attacks'. An event happens that I think the enemy seeks to invest with a raw destructive emotional energy.

So I decided to keep my distance from things, and delayed my usual GAW logon, to give myself time to process the negative energy. Had things to do in the afternoon anyway.

Anyway, after a short time, I felt a poignant mixture of sorrow and gratitude. I felt a real sense of sorrow for DJT., how he keeps getting hit with this stuff, again and again and again. He has taken so many hits. But I also felt just as keen a sense of gratitude, that God loves us so much that he would raise up a champion like DJT.

Later in the day, the spirit of gloom and worry just drifted away. I returned to reality, having done a bit of a dive into the dreaded "doomies" for a few hours. The β€œdoomies” is that aforementioned negative energy that seems to be infused into informational attacks from the enemy.

Getting hit with the news and experiencing the resulting emotional response within can be like running a gauntlet. Another metaphor that comes to mind is being thrown overboard into a deep ocean of dark emotional energy, but then slowly, surely, patiently, rising back towards the surface and the light, all the time holding my breath so that I’m not overcome by what surrounds me.

I’m so used to this process now. A few years back, it took days or even weeks to process a negative emotional attack. (I tend to see certain emotional surges like a psychological attack from a satanic enemy, who intends certain information or news to be negative or harmful.) But I know so well how to process such attacks now.

Learning To Swim The Emotional Ocean

Key to my approach is not rejecting my feelings and emotions. For many years now, I have held the conviction and acted on the basis of the idea that our human emotions have a dual purpose. One purpose is the experience itself, and the stimulation of a response. Joy, hope, care, concern, determination - emotions deliver the flavor of life to us, and stimulate certain types of responses. Anger activates the fighting impulse. Concern activates caring and investment. Etc.

However, in my view, emotions also have a fundamental purpose to teach me about myself. They are a form of informational feedback loop. All the emotions I experience provide a clue of some sort as to something about myself that I may or may not have been aware of. Even negative emotions have the role of telling me important things, but this only works if I listen.

For example, if I experience anger, it means that I care about something. If I didn’t care, I would not feel angry. But the hard part is figuring out what it is that I care about. For a very long time, I had no idea that my anger arose because I felt hurt, and in pain, and I wanted to NOT feel hurt and pain. I cared about feeling good.

Often what really triggers the emotions is hidden. As fractured humans, we all misplace or project certain emotions. When I misplace, project or reject an emotion, I end up being unable to learn what that emotions is perfectly designed to teach me about myself.

Commonly, instinctively, humans tend to deal with painful emotions by locking them up, ignoring or suppressing them. We push them away, or down or we ignore them and bury them. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. At the right time, it can be a necessary coping mechanism. For example, a child experiencing severe abuse will naturally have to burying the emotions that arise in order to simply survive the ordeal. The problem is that later, when the cause of the emotions has gone, the mechanism of suppression will often stay in place, locking us in emotionally into that experience, and the buried emotions keep clawing at us like some distant and malignant spirit from the grave.

Eventually, the emotions have to resurface so that we can experience them, learn from them, and release them. But if we continue to suppress them, ignore them, deny their existence, then we cannot move on. We become stuck, and those painful or difficult emotions become our masters, instead of our servants.

MK Ultra and the like (Satanic ritual abuse) is a horrific distortion and abuse of the emotional dimension. However, to some extent, all people born in this fallen world suffer wounds and scars as we grow up, and many, many of those wounds end up buried in our unconscious mind, where they continue to influence us while consciously we live in a state of unawareness.

The Red Pills May Be Informational, But They Ride On An Emotional Train

The emotional condition is closely related to red pilling and waking up, as well as black pilling and staying asleep. New information will trigger thoughts and raise emotions that a person may or may not be ready or equipped to deal with. If the person senses that they are unequipped, if the emotions that are triggered are too frightening (think of how the fearful idea of a monster can truly terrorize or frighten a young child), then their subconscious and conscious systems will trigger a shut down.

The way I see it, what all of this means is that to truly traverse the Great Awakening as an instrument that pioneers the way, as someone who can open the future doors for more and more people as humanity wakes up, as an anon, I need to be open to learning the language of my emotions.

The starting point for me, then, is to firstly not deny any emotions or reject them. I observe them. I work on not reacting to them. I observe. What am I feeling? What does this mean? Does this emotion (aka emotional response in me) tell me anything about myself? My mind? My past? My priorities? Etc. If I don’t understand it, I don’t push it away. I observe.

I can do this when I am not emotionally or egoically identified with my emotions. My emotions are not me. They are simply something I experience. So pleasurable ones are fun, difficult ones are not, but I try to think of them all as having some fundamental purpose to fulfill, a purpose they can only fulfill if I don’t reject them.

Think about it. What primarily prevents people from waking up and causes them to reject the truth? It happens because they are locked into rejecting and suppressing the emotions that the information triggers in them. The prospect of what they might see, think or feel if they accept certain ideas triggers painful and difficult emotions like fear, doubt, anxiety, dread, vulnerability, etc.

If this is true, then being open to whatever true emotions naturally arise within should be the practice of anyone who strives to be more fully awake.

In other words, allow your emotions to be what they are. Don't react to them, and don’t simply reject them. Understand them like waves on the ocean of your mind. Sometimes the best way to navigate or survive all sorts of waves is to simply allow yourself to rise and fall with them, or to acquiesce to them until they pass. I think anyone who has swim in big surf will get the analogy.

Rejecting a true emotional response will only push it away, thus creating an energetic tension between yourself and reality. So observe, don't react. If its a difficult emotion, let it roll over you and wait or be patient until it subsides.

Are There True Emotional Responses and False Emotional Responses?

I should note, a critical idea here is "true emotion". Because, sadly, not ALL emotional responses are true. In my current definition, a true emotional response is one that is rooted in and stems from one's original God-given nature. Our God-given nature always seeks the greatest benefit for others, for the whole, and to understand truth and not deny it.

On the other hand, we also have fallen nature inherited from the fallen angel that our ancestors united with. Fallen nature inspires selfishness, the desire for self-benefit at the cost of others. Avarice, lust, greed, spiteful anger, jealousy, etc. These are false emotional responses.
Thus, to truly be effective in the emotional sphere, one has to constantly make the effort to identify true emotional responses that are grounded in one's God-given good nature, and identify false emotional responses grounded in fallen (aka sinful) nature that is not of God. And, as one identifies, one has to deliberately encourage the former while discouraging the latter.

So it's tricky. I think that one of the hardest things on the spiritual path to learning to identify which motives, ideas, etc, are derived from God and which are derived from Evil. This, of course, is the primary purpose of the Word of God, in whatever form it comes. The Word helps us to identify what is good and what is not, and helps us to separate the two within ourselves, and to then foster the one or uphold it, while letting the other die off. (i.e. don't give it oxygen by interacting with it).

There is an important reason why God, in the Old Testament era, had the Israelites make offerings, by dividing the carcass into two. (In the case of Abraham’s critical offering (which he failed, sadly), God required him to divide the carcasses and lay the halves opposite each other. This symbolized separating the good and evil within Abraham himself, to make himself pure. When he failed to do that with the dove and the pigeon, the entire offering was claimed by Satan.)

Ultimately, the more one learns to recognize one's true self and one's true emotional responses (even if they are painful), the stronger one becomes and the less vulnerable one is to emotional manipulation. Increasingly, God becomes the natural subject of one's emotions and one ends up building a greater and greater resonance with God and Christ. Ultimately, this is like putting on the Armor of God.

A Day of Processing

I see the processing of emotional hits and attacks as being a common experience with anons. Someone posted "I heard that DJT was indicted, and I'm just like Meh!" "Or comfy". Newbies will find a lot of stuff on their emotional plate, and some may feel things more than others, but over time, many of us have simply become more and more resilient. Feelings that would have knocked us over 3 years ago almost bounce off our shoulders now. If they stick, they stick only for a short time.

Anyway, today, as when I heard that the indictment had been issued, I just let myself paddle about in the emotional waves that accompanied the idea that in fact the a**holes are indicting a true saint of modern era. I was surprised, because I really did NOT expect an indictment to be forthcoming, and I felt pretty confident in that belief. So the initial impact of the news kind of blew a hoel in my heart, as it were.

But as has now become second nature, I let the waves of negative energy flow over me. I put a pause on my engagement with things, and went about other tasks, and sure enough, over the course of the day, the negative energy just receded and then once again, the power of hope, comfiness and calm reclaimed my heart. Because, I’ve been here before. Many, many times. Many times. And once I process the emotional impact (heh. A bit like a punching bag....), the rational mind takes over and I’m feeling more and more comfy.

It does feel like things are certainly coming to a head. And, as PepeLivesMatters says, we have entered unchartered territory. So who knows what this will lead to or how it will play out? But the more intense it gets, the more I feel like dark, negative vibrational energy is seething through the information waves, the more I think that the beast is simply getting more and more desperate. Satan, in it’s heart of darkness, is slowly shrieking more and more as his minions and instruments get squeezed into oblivion.

Yes, the Cabal is truly a beast. (Personally, I think it is THE Beast.) Either way, the less and less power this beast has, the more it will rage and rage. Spiritually, that rage manifests as a dark, negative, sticky and clingy emotion of fear. So indeed, it is good to put on the armor of God, as our brother Saint Paul admonished us to.

God is good, and God loves the world. And by the way, I’m pretty sure that God loves the anons. We’re a special band of warriors. Oh, what an honor it is to stand and fight amongst the anons.


Have faith.... You were chosen for a reason....

Wise words...

FLCCC Protocol for Limiting Long-Term Damage from the C19 Jab Spike Proteins 🧘Mental/Physical Health πŸ‹πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ
posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron

Very early on in the COVID19 Debacle, the FLCCC (Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance) was issuing recommendations and treatments for prevention of C19 infection, etc, with an emphasis on Ivermectin and HCQ, etc.

Their protocols were some of the more widely recognized protocols, and I was able to get my local doctor to prescribe Ivermectin to me just before our Cabal government banned it for being prescribed of C19 prevention. (They had banned prescription of HCQ very early on).

In a recent Epoch Times interview, Dr. Robert Malone states that he is vaccine-damaged and his physician put him on the FLCCC protocol for Vaccine Injury recovery protocol. (Sadly, content is paid, and not accessible via Internet Archive, either.)

Sharing this here for pedes who may have taken the C19 injections or who's loved ones may have, and who might now be open to facing the painful reality and doing something about it.

It is a recovery protocol, but as I understand it, it can be used to prevent any "C19 vaccine" damage and remove the impact of the spike protein. Recommended; discussing this with your physician to see about getting this protocol working for you (or others).

FLCCC Recovery Protocol


From the FLCCC website

A suggested theoretical approach to limit the long-term complications of spike protein:

Intermittent fasting/time-restricted eating combined with a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet (ketogenic diet), low in Omega-6 vegetable oils.

Nattokinase: 100-200 mg twice daily

Resveratrol: 500 mg daily

Aspirin (ASA): 81 mg daily (in those with low risk of bleeding)

Magnesium: 100-400 mg daily

Omega-3 fatty acids: 2-4 g daily

Co-enzyme Q (CoQ): 200-400 mg/day

Melatonin: 3-10 mg at night (slow release/extended release)

Bromelain: 500 mg twice daily +/- N-acetyl cysteine (NAC); 600 mg twice daily

Berberine: 500-600 mg twice daily


So who exactly controls the Biden Administration?

No, who REALLY controls the Biden Administration?

Aside from all the kerfuffle and the Media narratives of the Biden mess, why does the "Biden" administration continually uphold or reinforce DJT's MAGA initiatives? IF Biden is fully controlled by Chyna, then why does the Biden administration not actively take steps that benefit the CCP?

Asking for a fren...


Epoch Times article, March 27, 2023

The Supreme Court decided on March 27 to not take up an industry challenge to steel import tariffs that then-President Donald Trump imposed in 2018 on U.S. national security grounds.

President Joe Biden has left the tariffs, which Trump said were needed to ensure robust levels of domestic steel production, largely intact. The Biden administration had urged the court to reject the challenge.

The tariffs went into effect on March 1, 2018. A 25 percent tariff on imported steel from most countries was imposed, along with a 10 percent tariff on imported aluminum.

β€œWhen a country (USA) is losing many billions of dollars on trade with virtually every country it does business with, trade wars are good, and easy to win,” Trump wrote on Twitter the next day.

β€œExample, when we are down $100 billion with a certain country and they get cute, don’t trade anymoreβ€”we win big. It’s easy!”





β€œIt is banned on government devices, that’s not going to change.”

The US has β€œlegitimate national security concerns” over #TikTok, said National Security Council’s coordinator for strategic communications John Kirby.

Chocolate sauce



About a week ago, a rally was held in downtown Melbourne, as part of the "Let Women Speak" tour apparently organized by UK activist Kellie-Jay Keen Minshull.

According to the usual propaganda MSM she is an "Anti-trans" activist, but she founded a group called Standing For Women, and the rally was organized based on women's rights. The basic idea is that letting men who identify as transgender women use women's public facilities, like toilets, changing rooms, etc, is a bad idea. That letting men identifying as transgender women compete in women's sports is a bad idea. Etc.

Danistan, Australia

Melbourne is a bit like Australia's California. It's more Commie than pretty much anywhere else. And, the Cabal here are total Marxist scumbuckets (pardon my French), so naturally, they organized for some Right Wing Neo-Nazis (Mostly men) to show up to the Women's Rights Rally doing Hitler Salutes, etc.

What better way than to paint anything that does not support the globalist LBTQI agenda as Nazis and Extreme Right White Supremacists. Of course, 90% of the Media here gobble it up.

The Rally was attended by one recently elected MP (Member Of the VIctorian Parliament). This is an MP who is strongly standing up for women's rights and children's rights, and is essentially counter-Globohomo neoMarxism.

The Liberal Party of Australia was founded as the conservative side of politics. Originally "liberal" in the normal sense of the word: individual rights, small government, freedom of citizens and anti-socialism types.

But of course, like the Republican Party in the US, the Aus Liberal Party has been infiltrated by neo Marxists, not to mention having probably been a FreeMason stronghold for decades. They were the "right side" of politics, so necessary to the Divide and Conquer strategy of the satanic cabal that has influenced politics (and everything else) in the western world.

Anyway, the Dear Leader of the Liberal Party of Victoria (a party supported by lots of Religious conservatives who haven't yet woken up to the divide and conquer ruse) came out and declared he would expel Moira Deeming MP being associated with the rally organizers who, according to the Dear Leader's research via wikipedia, have established ties with nazi and white supremacist and 'ethno-fascist' views.

That's how it started. Watch this video clip to see how it went.


The MP was not expelled, but was suspended from the Party Room for 9 months. The MP they targeted is about as opposite of their nazi, white supremacist, evil bigot boogeyman as you could get.

Moreover, Christian and religious conservatives around the country are absolutely outraged at the Liberal Party leadership's idiotic and self-destructive moves of going woke and abandoning their traditional base.

What does this mean for Australia?

For me, the interesting thing the situation shows is that while DJT is pushing hard on the operation to expose the RINOs in the US (He started with exposing the Media, then the Demoncrats, but now we might say that he's focus is exposing the cabal minion RINOs), the same phenomenon is taking place in Australia and I dare say around the world.

What phenomenon? To more and more and more people, it is becoming clearer and clearer that what they thought was the Left and the Right of the political game has been an illusion. That the mainstream "right" does NOT stand up for Christian values, or for individual sovereignty, or human freedom, etc.

The real Cabal agenda is control. Slavery of humanity. And they have used the Left in the form of Marxism and Socialism, on one hand, and the Right, in the form of Secret Societies, Oligarchies and Corporatism, on the other.

Divide and Conquer

But it is becoming clearer and clearer that in fact, the corrupted Right is just as devoid of ethics and principles and service to the people as the corrupted Left.

Coming on the heels of 7 days if the obnoxious behavior of the Lib Party leadership, the decision in the Victorian Liberal Party room today feels to me like a major trigger point that will drive many, many more religious conservatives away. In other words, the Liberal Party is step by step destroying their own traditional base.

This process went into overdrive in 2020, as BOTH sides of politics rode roughshod over the rights of every single Australian. Hundreds of thousands woke up. Not just here in Victoria, but nationwide.

Even then, a LOT of mainstream religious conservatives did not wake up, and still don't see the Great Awakening vs the Great Reset war.

But as those traditional religious conservatives watch what they thought was the conservative party abandon any semblance of standing up for its founding principles, pandering to the exact same propaganda spouting points as the Marxist traditional Left, I believe they are becoming disgusted.

We don't have a DJT here. We don't have someone masterminding the collapse of the corruption system of systems, but nonetheless, reality is being exposed. The so-called conservatives are just like the woke left. Once people wake up to that fact, the divide and conquer operation loses its wheels.

It stops being about Left vs Right. It becomes about Right vs Wrong. That process will unfold organically because the globohomo agenda cannot be stopped by its controllers, even as its wheels come off.

Things might get harder and harder, but the more they do, the more people will wake up.

Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore, but the Wizard behind the screen is being exposed, and we can see the whole Wizard of OZ thing is just an illusionary pile of garbage.


Don't y'all think its totally amazing just how many people including many anons are all in a tizz about the 'Trump arrest'?

Just look at that alone. Look at the affect this 'leaked' announcement is having. On who? Where? What?

Call me a skeptic, but I thought we'd be used to this by now. It happens again and again and again. Narrative build up, enhanced of course by DJT in the middle.

I feel like DJT (with his team) is a master magician, tweaking the dials on a massive telescope that focuses the attention of the USA and the Cabal and the population on one particular area or target.

Red dot, meet cat. Cat, meet red dot.

Frogs should not be cats, but should study the cats, observe their behavior, and figure out exactly how and why they move like they do. The red dot operator is doing what he does, but we are not the target.

That's how I see this all.

I never make predictions, but I'm really biting my tongue hard to not say flat out there will be No arrest and by the end of next week, we'll ALL understand why.

But, like you, I'll have to wait and see.

Note: remember the 'Trump' digital trading cards (big announcement) and what actually followed it later in the day....

Note 2: It's already March 22 here, so I'm wondering what I'll see tomorrow morning.

Stay frosty, pepes. Specially you US frogs.

It's A Wonderful Precipice! (triptych) (media.greatawakening.win) πŸ’₯ BANK COLLAPSE πŸ’₯
posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron

On the occasion of so many pills being dropped, and the recent post Tucker Carlson’s J6 Disclosure Strategy is Brilliant - And MAGA Nation is Missing It, and a number of comments therein, I present:

~Ode to New Frens ~

(sing to the tune of Neil Sedaka's Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Do do do

anon newbie don’t you frown

maga, maga, oh normie don’t you frown

maga, maga, oh normie don’t you frown

Waking up is hard to do

Don't let your mind slip into reeeee...

Don't you block your ears in misery

If you doom then you’ll be blue

'Cause waking up is hard to do

Remember when you saw the light

And you researched all through the night

Think of all that you've been through

β€˜cos waking up is hard to do

They say that waking up is hard to do

Now you know

You know that it's true

Don't think that this is the end

β€˜cos after waking up you’ll find your mind begins to breathe again

I think you knew, you’d have to try

So hold on tight and let your logic fly

Come on, human, just start anew

'Cause waking up is hard to do

Now you know

You know that it's true

(Don't think that this is the end)

β€˜cos after waking up you’ll find your mind begins to breathe again

I think you knew, you’d have to try

So hold on tight and let your conscience fly

Come on, human, just start anew

'Cause waking up is hard to do

maga, maga, oh normie don’t you frown

maga, maga, oh normie don’t you frown

maga, maga, oh normie don’t you frown

maga, maga, oh normie don’t you frown


A post on our board of a retruth by Trump that expounds on him winning his THIRD presidential election, etc, (https://greatawakening.win/p/16aTCaUCb0/nbd--just-trump-openly-promoting/c/) elicited a number of responses.

Top comment: "and how is this exactly going to happen when they stole TWO elections since he had been in office? Did something fix that problem?"

This is reinforced by several sub-comments, offering the all-too-frequent "nothing happens until we get justice" and "nothing happens", "they never face consequences", "I'm getting impatient".

While such reactions are understandable, they are essentially doomerism. They need a response. The following is an attempt at a big picture sketch, to hopefully draw out the large lines that pedes need to grasp in order to really understand what it going on, and avoid falling into reactionary views that undermine and sap the energy.

"Overcoming the systems of fraud? If so, what happened in 2020?"


it had to be this way.

Grasping The Big Picture

For decades, the white hats have been battling against the Cabal and their evil operations. However, for decades, the White Hats have also been in the underdog position. The corruption too heavy, the odds too difficult. Look at what happened to JFK.

So, the white hats had to plan, collect, bide their time until the right opportunity.

It came some time before 2016. They were able to move and in a wink of an eye, switch the positions, so that they "had everything" and "caught them all". That was 2016.

But the corruption in the system is far too deep and penetrating to be uprooted in a single term, or by a single government, or in 4 years, etc. THe corruption is an international cabal and the US is simply one location, albeit the central one.

So, beginning from 2016, an operation was put into place. Q is just one part of that. And, several things are necessary for that operation (aka extrication and eradication of the Cabal) to succeed.


One, the people of the world must wake up. But there's a problem. People have been brainwashed in the matrix for decades. Whole generations have grow up not understanding how the Cabal matrix was all around them. So, you cannot simply say "hey! this <truth>". It would be rejected and shot down. So, there is a lengthy process required to gradually and successfully wake up enough of the world's population (including the US population) to the fact that things are not what they have seemed to be.


Two, to wake people up, the system must be exposed. That requires letting the system operate, but in increasingly more 'sunlight'. If the system was simply shut down, behind the scenes and from the top down:

Firstly, very few people would even accept that the system exists - you cannot simply "tell" people. Realization needs to come, can only come through waking up via the very painful experience of experiencing REALITY.

Secondly, because the root cause of the problem is the deception of the people, the root solution is humanity throwing off the deception, so without the people experiencing the reality of the world, the Cabal system would simply return and grow back, even if it were removed partially or temporarily. A permanent solution is required, and that requires the system being fully and completely exposed, which requires the reality of it hitting the world BUT with sunlight and exposure now added to the mix.


Three, meanwhile, as the world is waking up, steps have to be taken, mostly behind the scenes to neuter and disarm the potential nuclear-level bomb that is the Cabal. Think of the most complex bomb in a James Bond movie, and multiply that by 1000 or 10,000 in terms of complexity. Once the war was openly declared (2016), the Cabal became a more deadly opponent. They could resort to anything to strike back, including nuclear bombs, massive destruction.

In other words, there needs to be a controlled demolition of the Cabal system, done in such a way that the damage and fallout is as limited as possible, and this takes both time and very careful planning and action. In a game of chess, there is a point where both sides realize that one of them has won the game. The better the chess masters, the earlier they see this. But the Cabal has NO RETREAT option. They cannot surrender. At all. That's because surrender means their destruction and annihilation. So, over time, the white hats have to force them more and more into compromising positions, gradually reducing their options until the final blows can be openly executed.

Controlled Demolition

Look around. So much of their system is being exposed, so many people waking up. Meanwhile the controlled collapse of the fiat currency system, which underpinned all their power and wealth, is underway.

For this reason, in the large scale of things, 2020 had to happen. All of the collapsing of the system could NOT take place under DJT. Afghanistan 'pullout'? Collapse of the fiat USD? Rowe vs wade? etc.

Painful as the process is, the white hats who understood what has been going on, for decades, for centuries, had to come up with an operation, a plan, that took the whole thing down. 2020 was painful, but necessary. And Joe Biden is the biggest red pill the Americans could ever ask for, in reality. Meanwhile, so MANY things DJT's admin put in place have been continuing under Biden, despite appearances.

We want to get to the place where everything is fixed, certainly, but it requires the above elements - exposure of the reality of the system > experience of that reality by the people > the awakening of the people + controlled demolition of the corrupt system behind the scenes.

It is so, so, so much bigger than election fraud in the USA. The election fraud is miniscule in comparison to the corruption endemic to our societies. Election fraud? What about economic fraud? Judicial fraud? Propaganda (information fraud)? Corporate fraud? Education fraud? It's everywhere, and as such, it requires a wholistic solution, as painful as it may be.

And, the controlled demolition requires the White Hats stepping out of the way in certain cases to allow the black hats to take steps that will end up only hurting them. Think jiu jitsu.

Our Part

Our part is to learn to think again, for ourselves, and grasp that there is indeed an operation under way. Collectively, we have been ignorant of the Cabal agenda and malignancy for decades. Waking up to that is the first step, but then we also need to wake up to the White Hat agenda, and see it for what it is.

That's where Q was the kickstart, and that's why we are here.

The war was over before it began. How long it takes, and how it unfolds, well, you, me, and every other individual involved becomes a factor. Nothing can stop what is coming, but we can hasten it or delay it by what you and I choose to do. That's our part in this. But, we are not alone. Not by any means.

Follow up:

Devolution series, re-read Q drops, and review from 40,000 ft. Meanwhile, hunger for truth. Q is/was a psyop to kickstart the process or awakening. We have to continue it.


It's the Only Path 🧘Mental/Physical Health πŸ‹πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ
posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron

It's not an easy path, but it is the only path. To relinquish all the emotions, ideas and determinations we have tied into our own perspective. When did it start? It started when our ancestors chose to view the world, and the fruit, centering on themselves, instead of centering on the One, the Father, the Original Heart.

Since then, the tie and the knot have perpetuated down through history, and all the while, He has been working, arduously, to untangle, to liberate, to set us free, so that in unity with the One, we become whole, and integrated to the whole, as we were destined to be from the start. It's a layered approach, and we are awaiting the final installment.

And so we come to the present day. Is the final installment already here? Is this why it all comes crashing down? When do you see the buds on a tree? Is it before or after spring arrives? Spring starts before you see the buds. The buds are telling you, spring has arrived already! Because all things start in the invisible, and progressively manifest to the visible.

Only a few knew that their time had come when He arrived 2000 years ago. Even when all the price had been paid, to prise off the grip of evil on the Spirit and the Heart (tho not the flesh), very few knew. It took hundreds, and then thousands of years, for the truth to become widely known.

And so, should we ask ourselves: Oh Father? What time do we live in? Is our Time come? How will we know?

"Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its branches become tender and sprout leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near, right at the door.…"

Is it time to wash our robes? Yes, it is time to wash our robes. And it begins with the smallest of washes. So, divest yourself of that which is not in unison with the Father. Separate it out. Humility is the only way, the way the Opponent could not go.

If you knock, the door will open. How loudly are you knocking? Now is the time.

Welcome to the Great Awakening.


Report that Mike Lindell is going to sue McCarthy for sharing the J6 footage with Carlson Tucker: https://archive.md/fPUW8

(See post: https://greatawakening.win/p/16aT7o6mbl/mike-lindell-says-he-will-sue-sp/c/)

Let's apply some potential counter-analysis. The point is NOT to reach any specific conclusion immediately, but rather to apply the processes and methods Q advocated, in order to become effective thinking digital soldiers (as opposed to reactionary online 'conspiracy theorists', as the C_A would paint us as).

Twitter Files being released to selected journalists? Jan 6 files being released to Carlson? Coincidence? I don't think so.

Anons need to apply 40,000ft view thinking here.

What are the tangible strategic imperatives here? Wake the people. Without waking the people, NO justice will be done. It won't.


That's why the twitter files were released to a small number of non-aligned journalists. Because, otherwise, normies would ignore most of it, if not everything, and it's normies on Twitter, on the Left and on the Right, that need most to hear about this so that it can lead to congressional hearings that are meaningful to the general, wider population.

If only anons saw the twitter files, while they were abused, distorted, etc, by the Lamestream propaganda machine, the wider population would have no real sense of their significance, and then the followup congressional hearings would not have enough general context to be MEANINGFUL to the wider population.

There's a strategy behind the release of information. Didn't Q tell us that big time? Why should we think that the operation to release the information came to a screeching halt when Q stopped posting? What if Q was merely phase 1 on a multi-phase operation?

Likewise, Jan 6 footage.

J 6 Footage

One, if it was released openly to the general public, you can be certain that the corporate propaganda machine would distort it, bury it, and use what they could access to poison the public awareness.

Two, scarcity generates demand. If these files cannot be seen (yet) anywhere, it generates a focus. In this case, how is the target audience? It's MAGA normies and conservatives etc, who follow Tucker, and the pundits, and MSM who follow Tucker because they know he's a threat. It's NOT us.

Does it make sense that the entire footage would ONLY be released to the Carlson show? Then, that's it? Obviously not. So, what's the strategy here? Successful warfare requires strategy, not just shoot from the hip reactionary action.

Strategic Planning?

In my opinion (opinion only, pedes), this is part of a larger strategy that folds in very neatly with the Musk Twitter takeover, release of "Twitter Files", the House being reclaimed, congressional hearings, McCarthy being put in place by DJT team and then controlled release of this footage NOW.

If it is part of a larger strategy, then it doesn't stop here. There is more to come. And a soldier who doesn't understand the strategy could easily end up going against it if he's simply reacting without thinking.

Demanding the wider release of the footage is appropriate on one level, but it isn't strategic in my view. It's a reactionary response, understandable because people are tired of being deceived, not being included and they don't trust anyone (sadly). But it's also a reactionary response rooted in fear, doubt, distrust.

Personally, I do not fear that the release via Tucker is going to be the end of the process. Rather, I think it is a necessary forestep required to get certain critical content into the wider public sphere, in order to more segments of the population not yet awake to Q.

I think there is a much bigger game being played here, and we ALWAYS need to remember what the military objectives are: Waking up the People, all the people in the Middle Ground.



We are going to show you a new world. 
Those who are blind will soon see the light.
A beautiful brave new world lies ahead. 
We take this journey together.
One step at a time.

The Conundrum - Which Information is Real?

Went to visit the doc today with my significant other (re: wife) and we were talking on the way back.

Thankfully, she and I have been (by and large) on the same page since she and I started red-pilling in 2015. Curiously enough, our red pilling was individual and separate and we didn't talk to each other about it. I was sweating it a bit, because like, "what if she doesn't get this? That's gonna make things tough. These things are really critical...." etc.

So after about 5 months of red pilling, etc, I said, let's go grab a coffee, and was stunned to learn that she was by and large in the same space. Not as much into research as I, so not quite as informed, but in terms of interpreting what is/was going, same-page-a-mundo!

Suffice it to say that she's fairly based, and usually has the right take on things. On the other hand, she's not quite as analytical as I, or as research oriented, so she also falls a bit for the rumour mill and fake truthers who inject a certain amount of sensationalist garbage in to the mix of things.

Anyway, today, driving home, talking about the Yufos and balloons and stuff, I mentioned how all the yufo stuff really has the hallmarks of psyop territory. "what's a psyop?" she asks, coz her firstly language isn't English. I explained the idea about intel agencies, and what psyops are, and what they attempt to do, etc.

She nods in agreement as she gets it. And then she says;

"These days, I just don't know WHAT to believe. It's like we cannot trust any of the information out there. You just cannot know."

Lens For Engaging With The Information Battleground

"You just cannot know what information is real." That chimes with me, and when she said that, it provided a really neat segue into something I've recently found to be quite powerful in terms of helping me approach the craziness of the infowar battlefield.

I have to give big kudos to Burning Bright, from whose podcasts I have essentially drawn the following paradigm:

Two Types of Events - REAL and NARRATIVE

There are two types of events. REAL events and NARRATIVE events. A lot of the time we cannot even know what the real events are. "Z happened in Russia", "X happened in Ukraine", "Y happened in Turkey", "Epstein is dead". All we have to go on, often, are reports that come into the infosphere via institutions like the govt, or spokespeople, or the corporate media complex. In all those cases, they could be embellishing the facts, adding fake details, or even just plain making things up. Without alt media and citizen journalism, we'd literally have no way of knowing, and even then, there are limitations from those sauces to.

How many ufo-type balloony things are being shot down? How do we know? What is the REAL event? Very hard to know.

But what we can know and directly observe are the NARRATIVE events. The stories that are being put out there, the narratives that are being created by those stories. "Sleepy Joe did X", "DJT posted about P being a scumbag", "The corp media is reporting that 10,000 ukrainians were killed in Russia yesterday", "Canada shot down their own yufo three days ago". Etc. Etc. Etc.

In being reported, all these reports become narrative events, and whether they really happened or not, they emerge out there in the narrative space and have some sort of impact or effect.

To gage the effects of narrative events, we want to be asking questions: who is creating the narrative? What are the impacts or net effects of the narrative? How does it help or hinder the Awakening cause? Does it benefit the globohomos agenda? Damage it? What are the limitations of factual information in those narratives? Etc, and so forth.

Looking at the narrative events, and using them as a prism or lens to begin thinking about actual events and analyse what may or may not be happening behind the scenes... that's what the Q drops teach us to do. In the current Great Transition, from Great Sleepiness to Great Awakening, this approach seems like a very useful, if not powerful, way of engaging with the macro around us.

Questioning the Impact of Narrative Events

Often, a narrative event will happen - for example - Chyna Balloon floats over the USA for a bunch of days. Normies (and some anons) tend to react, while many anons will generally question what's going on. Normies react from a place of being in the matrix - e.g. freak out, fear, scorn for Brandon, etc. Anons who are more reactive than otherwise tend to do so from a more informed place, having at least seen behind the curtain that the matrix represents. Nonetheless, a portion of our community is still given to reactive responses. It's easier to leave the matrix than it is to remove the matrix within.

The challenge is to engage with events, both REAL events, when we can confidently identify them, and NARRATIVE events, without reacting. Instead, it's important to question and adopt a questioning attitude: Why? Who? What impact? What net effect? Effect on who? How does that event fit into the Great Awakening narrative? Into the Black Hat Cabal narrative? Deep State narrative, etc.

A Useful Assumption

One useful assumption here is that none of the real event information we get is reliable unless we obtain it first hand or it is conveyed to us on our local level. Why? Because 5th G warfare is psychological warfare, and everyone involved is building narratives. Sure, some of those narratives may actually be true, and others false, but either way, how do we know what's real? Unless we get the information first hand, or see the receipts, etc, it's useful to assume that all the information is disputable, potentially unreal and may not even be factual.

Having that assumption as a logical and mental starting point helps to tone down one's emotions and therefore reactions and reactioning responses. The response might be a positive emotional response "Hey, Pete Buttguy got arrested and has been placed in DOJ custody!" Response: "yay! About time!!!!" Or it might be a negative response: "Elon Musk just posted a picture of himself in a satanic costume!" Response: "See! I knew he was corrupt and a globalist. Definitely a black hat!"

But if you use the lens that interprets any information you are getting in terms of how much you can actually be sure it is a real event (based on evidence, logic, data, etc) and what sort of narrative event it creates, then you're much more likely to think about the ramifications of accepting the event as real and also much more likely to question: who is creating this narrative, and why? How does it affect me? Our community? The normies? The world? etc.

Narrative Spaces Are Like Psychological High Pressure and Low Pressure Systems

If a real event happens, but is not reported, that's a sort of negative or low-pressure narrative space (to utilize a meteorological analogy). "DJT's administration facilitated the most consequential Middle Eastern peace accords in decades". If the corporate media complex is silent on this, it creates a low pressure space that they will need to be filling with something that serves THEIR objectives. That's the conditions that generates "Look Here! Don't Look There!!!"

If a real event happens, and they need to acknowledge it or minimize it or spin it, to reduce the potential positive impact (for the White Hats) or damage to their objectives, they'll create a narrative event that serves that purpose, and attempt to limit the increase in Narrative Pressure or create a negatively charged High Pressure space. "DJT's peace accords were orchestrated by his agents, with ties to the Jewz, and they benefit Trump businesses"

Whether we can identify the real events or not, we can observe the narrative events being created by different actors/agents/parties: For example, white hats working with Trump, such as Flynn, Kash, Scavino, or even (possibly) Putin, Xi, etc, or the black hats seeking to enslave humanity, such as WEF and their minions, Leftists and Marxists, their corporate propaganda machines, etc. When we observe narrative events for what they are, we can begin to track the direction and flow of the fifth generation psychological warfare, and who is suffering setbacks, who is increasing their wins, etc.

Such a way of looking at the macro leads to (in my opinion) a much more grounded view, something similar to the 40,000 ft view, and this yields direct benefits to us and our loved ones.

We think better. We are less reactive and therefore less vulnerable to manipulation. Our emotions are healthier, and more appropriate. We make better decisions and choices with regards to the world. We have much more access to the inner resources we need to wage this war, and if we don't have such resources, we are prompted to begin finding and building them. Perhaps most importantly, our collective power is enhanced and increased, and we continue to march towards the tipping point of mass awakening.


At this stage of the Great Awakening, with more and more new anons coming on board and regular normies waking up, we should be open to the idea that HOW we think about and engage with the information coming at us is at least as important as WHAT information is coming at us, and possible at this time, MORE important.

When we adopt that attitude and approach, it empowers us to look inside and both modify and develop our internal skills and resources. That in turn activates and motivates our true inner capacity to engage with and also influence the world - both the real world and the narrative world - that we and our loved ones live and breathe in.

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