Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Western governments, intelligence-linked agencies, StopFake, and InformNapalm, allegedly supporting NEO-NAZI

[NEO-NAZI group] admit to receiving funding from a host of Western governments and intelligence-linked agencies, such as the Atlantic Council, the International Renaissance Foundation (the Ukraine branch of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations), the Foreign Ministry of the Czech Republic, the Embassy of the United Kingdom, and nearly $250,000 from the British Foreign Office.

Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

UK Cormac Smith Allegedly Supports NEO-NAZI

According to his own account, he is a “private citizen” supporting “[NEO-NAZI] Ukraine/global freedom.” Yet until December 2018, he was the deputy director of communications for the British Cabinet Office – the official body responsible for supporting the prime minister. He was also previously attached to the UK Foreign Office as the strategic communications advisor to the foreign minister of Ukraine.


Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden’s new alleged disinformation czar

Painting neo-Nazi paramilitaries with an extensive record of war crimes as patriots helping refugees, all while working with a ‘disinformation’ group that turned out to run interference for violent neo-Nazi formations—that’s the experience Biden’s new disinformation czar brings to the table.”


Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0

How Russia sees its role in the construction of the multipolar world

Russia does not position itself as an enemy of the West, does not isolate itself from it, has no hostile intentions towards it, and hopes that in the future the states belonging to the Western community will realize the futility of their confrontational policy and will rally to the principles of sovereign equality and respect for mutual interests. It is in this context that the Russian Federation is ready for dialogue and cooperation.



Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0

Saudi Arabia and the Multipolar World

Saudi and Iranian negotiators, Faisal ben Fahrane and Hossein Amir-Abdollahian respectively, who signed a rapprochement agreement on 10 March in Beijing, have met there once again to put the finishing touches before the implementation of the document. ‎



Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0


The multipolar world may be born this summer at several international summits. A new way of thinking in which might no longer makes right.

We publish a weekly bulletin, Voltaire, international newsletter, intended for all those who want to follow live the end of Western hegemony and the transition to a multipolar world.



Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Iraq Abandons US Dollar: De-dollarisation Wave Gathers Steam in West Asia In a bold move, Iraq has prohibited transactions in US dollars. This surprise announcement last week was an effort to stabilise the Iraqi Dinar. But increasingly, the US dollar’s dominance is being challenged in West Asia.

Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0

Boris Johnson had two people from the video on his honors list, as they freely admit to breaking the draconian rules in the footage.

Francewhoa 0 points ago +1 / -1

If you can see them coming they are not hypersonic.

Dear igoape :) I disagree

There are plenty of videos in which we can clearly see hypersonic speed. Here are a few of many examples:

  1. Can you see this U.S. Mach 10 speed? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPpsHiZcvbE

  2. Can you see this Russia's Mach 12 hypersonic speed (KINZHAL) hitting Neo-NAZI-Supporters in Ukraine?:

  3. More videos at https://greatawakening.win/p/16b5lUKuLU/video-april-22nd-2023-new-eviden/c/

For those not familiar with hypersonic missiles, Mach 5 and more is hypersonic. Source at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypersonic_speed

Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0


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