FreedomOrDeath 3 points ago +3 / -0

Link to admission?

FreedomOrDeath 12 points ago +12 / -0

This is 100% false. Organ donation is insanely difficult as the person donating needs to meet very specific criteria to even be considered. In addition, they need multiple next of kin to agree and sign paperwork authorizing the donation. We don’t look at patients’ licensed when they’re hospitalized, nor do we use their license as a “go” for calling the organ donation physicians/surgeons. Source: I work in the ICU as a healthcare provider.

FreedomOrDeath 1 point ago +1 / -0

I work in an OR. We do not get extra “O2 piped into the OR”. O2 is flammable. We have a higher pressure system, but the oxygen levels are the same. The air being pumped around is at a much higher turnover rate to limit bacterial spread.

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