Yes I’m clearly the artificial one here, as you copy past from sone cointell or mossad manual lul.
So artificial in fact I didn’t spent all day here arguing with you, I was out living the American Dream, perhaps walking around a carnival!
Or wait…. Maybe I just punched in! What TIME IS IT IN TEL AVIV!?
Whatever you do DON’T ask me about Israel’s nuclear weapons program!!!
Yes now tell me about the hundreds of posts about DIVISION
Especially the ones comparing and contrasting Nazi tactics then vs today.
Hitler, Nazis, Jewish Kabal > Saudi’s, Roth, Bush, Obama etc >
All one in the same Deep State NWO.
Haha yes professional.
Hey uh any job opportunities? Haven’t really looked much since my last job stacking thousands of cases of soda pop for !sded!
Preferably like a desk top job I’m getting really sick of grocery stores, soda, and even a little Home Depot back in the day!
Undercover Soda Merchandiser JDIF SHILLZ!
And don’t even try guilting me for selling bubbly soft kill death. I drink plenty of the shit of that shit, who am I to preach!
Well I haven’t seen you post on any other topic as of yet?
It seems the majority of your posts and comments are the few hard line “No Good Jew” threads and rants against me for simply pointing out that one of the basic core sentiments of Q is this concept of
Yes but say Allah is a bitch, and this video is factually relevant.
Say yes this is true and horrible! The Jews are also responsible for similar tactics!
I don’t have to pick a side, and certainly not this conflict as you say.
AMERICA first, NO dual loyalty, WWG1WGA MAGA
5x5 I imagine a lot of them made accounts that go to the ultra Nazi based “new” voat upvoat which kicked off probably roughly 2 years at this point since voat closed.
Could be more “sinister” element, their posts read as your average Nazi agitator shill post on 4chan.
Or could just be someone hardened in their belief.
Like I said even a basic Q post like “who funded Hitler then? Who funds now?” Will get a downvote and an argument from him. There are some basic Q posts that are very touchy with them.
Even the concept of WWG1WGA they struggle with.
Israel is a problem, but their puppet masters are the over-encompassing “deep state” even way back to Hitler, if you take Qs word.
Ah so you have some experience with them lol! I noticed something off when they didn’t agree to basic plain English Q post.
Could be some people from upgoat aka “new” voat ceasing opportunity to rail against Jews, I imagine a lot of them made accounts here roughly 2 years ago.
I noticed some other accounts pop up on here around them telling me they don’t follow Q and refuse to waste any more time after reviewing, they just come here for the news!
Ok well then don’t post!
Catch them in basic logic traps, like how they keep downvoting Q posts about Nazi, then deport > non Q!
I agree and my posts here n there will show I think Oct 7 was as much a FF as 9/11.
My issue is people who won’t say wether or not a baby deserves to live because he’s Jewish. Basic logic human rights stuff.
I’ve also backed up how I believe Q has shed a pretty dark light on HITLER, Nazis, etc
More importantly that indeed if you follow what Q has put out, even in easiest to understand posts Q has implied Hitler was a bloodline puppet, NWO goes back to pre WW1, Antifa/Nazi comparison posts.
Who funded Hitler then? Who funds now?
That’s a pretty big implication. The “Now” part. This is saying we are in fact in some sort of 4TH REICH?
I refrained from downvoating you till you started personal attacks of “stupid” and also downvoting my posts, along with your two hanger ons that have seemingly followed you here.
Edit: lol did you really downvoat my comment below asking how to embed a Q post?
Who’s the real stalker?
Was the NAZI party ever truly destroyed (eradicated)?
Did the belief carry-on [re-deployed]?
Background of Soros?
Still upset you’ve been called out as a shill/non Q supporters and the 2-3 others that came over here with you?
Still won’t answer who funded Hitler then? Who funds now?
Not hard to miss when you made 2 threads, and then also felt the need to copy paste into the chat that you made said thread.
For a 2 year slumber account you sure seem very hyper active suddenly.
You clearly have much more time and energy for this than I do!
Farewell, best of luck on your conquest!