Sending the issue back to the states has nothing, legally speaking, to do with whether certain states broaden their abortion options. Under Roe, 6 states already allowed abortion up to birth, and any other state could have done so had it chosen to by legislature or referendum. Since Dobbs, 1 more state, Maine, has effectively opened up abortion to the point of birth. The only real effect that overturning Roe has had on states broadening their abortion options is by causing a counter reaction to Dobbs in blue states that has pushed them to do what they might have just as easily done before Dobbs. In other words, "sending abortion back to the states" has ended up providing a net lowering of abortions in red states, while either leaving the blue states in their status quo, or provoking one of them to broaden its abortion laws, which they might have just as easily done before Dobbs.

Trump's position, therefore, is an overall win for opponents of abortion of all kinds, though not an outright victory for those who want it banned outright. Based on polls around the country, including within red states, outright bans are not what the majority of the electorate wants. If state legislatures continue to enact restrictions more narrow than the majority of their electorates agree with, they risk backlash in the form of popular referendums that re-expand the limits of abortion out beyond what the majority agrees with, such as Ohio did and probably soon Florida and Arizona will do.


Here's how the Senate voted:


Tuberville and Paul would have voted against the bill, but for whatever reason didn't vote. Tim Scott didn't vote either, but said he supported the bill.

So we have 17 good Republican Senators, and 32 bad ones. That's a great improvement since Trump started the MAGA movement. We really should appreciate what a great achievement that is! And more than half of Republicans in the House voted against the bill. Also, more good Senators will come in after 2024. Sen. Braun, who voted against the bill, will be replaced by Rep. Banks who also voted against it in the House. MT and OH are going to gain Trump-endorsed, MAGA-aligned Republican Senators. Unfortunately, I think WV is going to get a RINO to replace Manchin. Assuming at minimum 3 Republican pickups, the ratio after 2024 of bad to good Republican Senators should be 19 to 33. Also, if Lake, Hovde and Brown get in from AZ, WI and NV, they will be good Senators, too.


These are very red states, and both Republican candidates were the current attorneys general and Trump-endorsed. Every other statewide office went heavily Republican. How is this happening?


AZ and MI are the only two states that have significantly degraded in terms of their vulnerability during another go around of medical totalitarianism. Specifically, AZ lost the Republican governorship through election fraud to the Democrat occupant named "Katie". But safeguards passed by the still-Republican state legislature in 2021 and 2022 place AZ in much less peril than what it otherwise would have been. For details, see this announcement by AZ state senator Shamp:


In MI, the aptly nicknamed "Witchmer" occupant got reelected, while both chambers of the state legislature switched from Republican to Democrat control. These demonic totalitarians have already tried passing a law to make misgendering someone a felony. In addition, and contrary to AZ, MI has a state supreme court controlled by the same party as the other branches. Hence my prediction is that MI is the state next up to bat for circling the drain.

On the other hand, several states have significantly improved their political position since 2020, with the following specific changes: NH (Republican governor and both state Republican legislative chambers); VA (Republican governor and one Republican legislative chamber); MT (Republican governor and Republican state legislative supermajority); NV (Republican governor); LA (Republican state legislative supermajority, and a strong chance of replacing Dem. governor with a Rep. in 2023); KY (strong chance of replacing Dem. governor with a Rep. in 2023, and a legislative supermajority already in place since before 2020); NC (Republican state legislative supermajority, and a good chance of replacing Dem. governor with a Rep. in 2024); and AR (much better Republican governor than the terrible one called "Ada" in office during the scamdemic).

WI gained a slight improvement over 2020, having gained a Republican supermajority in the state senate, which enables impeachment of state executive officials including the governor. However, WI lost Republican control of its state supreme court, which might put in danger the several important Republican supreme court decisions during the scamdemic that allowed the fully Republican legislature to greatly limit the totalitarian attempts made by the lunatic Demonrat so-called governor "Evers".

Other states that have degraded in ways that should only be considered marginally significant are: MN (loss of Republican state senate, the last institution of Republican control); and PA (loss of Republican state house, but not Republican state senate); and to an even lesser degree MA and MD (RINO governors replaced by Demonrats).

I judge all other states, red and blue, to be more or less in an equal position politically compared to 2020. Many red states, however, have enacted sets of laws, taken judicial decisions, and/or enjoyed governor executive orders, designed to prevent 2020 from happening again. Based on these state-level efforts in the past three years, there are many red states - perhaps most or even all - that are in a significantly better statutory, judicial and administrative position over 2020. Like the testing of a submarine for depth capacity, it appears we are about to find out how well these new protections will hold up. Nevertheless, the totalitarian actions that can be taken within the federal jurisdiction (and of course in fully blue states) are numerous and significant, and I can see the battle being lost again on that front until the Election-Defrauder-in-Chief, Resident Xi-den is thrown out.

Thank God for constitutional federalism and state sovereignty! If you're in a red state, defend your territory. If you're in a blue state, God bless!


I learned today that just this year, two of the three largest truck stops in America were acquired by bad actors. Pilot / Flying J, a merger of the two previous big ones Pilot and Flying J, was majority-acquired by Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffett), while TA / Petro, a merger of the two previous big ones TA and Petro, was acquired by BP (British oil major). The only remaining big truck stop company is Love's, which is still privately held by its founding family, and it is still the largest of the remaining big three. I wonder if this is part of the strategic maneuvering to bring down domestic transport, in line with what's been done already to railroad shipping and to the supply chain in general.


That unrealistic victory margin was likely the result of cheating, and was done to make him look like the most dominant Republican of the 2022 election. With the recent elections law bill that passed, the elections cheating reigns have now passed into RINO hands (see this GAW sticked post: https://greatawakening.win/p/16b5zaa3vU/is-this-bs-or-is-desantis-doing-). RINOs will threaten to turn Florida blue as a bargaining chip to keep the RINOs in charge as the senior coalition partner of the Republican Party, rather than the ascending MAGA faction. Without Florida, no Republican can win the presidency, so whoever controls Florida elections has a powerful veto position over the whole party. Good sense dictates heeding the warning sign when you find out that DeSantis was a member of the St. Elmo Society, a student secret society at Yale related to Skull & Bones, not to mention the very large amount of establishment RINO support he's now getting from Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, etc.


Hopefully this adds perspective to the accomplishments we made. And don't forget, a huge portion of these winning candidates were Trump endorsements, meaning the MAGA infusion has made it possible to start to really take over the party and shape it according to the direction that will be good for each state where they have won. Ever since the Conjob 19 tyranny, we know how important the state and local officials have become in shielding us from the federal tyranny. So these state level races will prove vital to the protection of our rights going forward.

With few exceptions, red states got redder.

In AZ, Kari Lake looks virtually assured to become governor.

In NV, Joe Lombardo also is virtually assured to become governor.

NC state legislature gained 2 of 2 needed senate seats to achieve a supermajority, while its house gained 2 of 3 needed seats for a supermajority. Alas, only one seat short! Traitor DEM governor up for reeleciton in 2024.

NC supreme court flipped two DEM seats, for a 5 - 2 REP majority.

OH held its 4 - 3 supreme court REP majority, with all 3 REP incumbents gaining reelection.

MT senate achieved supermajority, while house maintained supermajority.

WI state legislature gained the 1 seat they needed to take senate supermajority, but fell short of the 5 they needed for a house supermajority.

IA REP Attorney General ousted the DEM incumbent, 51% - 49%. The incumbent was the longest-serving state AG in the nation's history, having been in office for 40 years!

NE legislature, which is unicameral, picked up one REP seat to achieve a REP supermajority. This is especially important in NE as they have a filibuster system similar to the US Senate, in which controversial bills only move forward on a 2/3 majority vote. Last session they tried advancing an abortion ban bill, but it lost by one vote. Also, constitutional concealed carry will now be able to be passed.

One bit of bad news was that the MN senate majority was reclaimed by DEMS, so the MN state legislature is no longer split betwen senate and house chambers. This final backstop removed, MN now embarks on a neverending one-way journey into outer space.

Virginia is now the only state with a split-party legislature between its two chambers. REPS took over the senate in 2021 and are 2 seats away from controlling the house. State elections are held in odd years, so won't be possible until 2023.


Dear [addressee's zip code],

The Democrat Party that I joined — the party of JFK and MLK, the ‘big tent’ inclusive party that fought for free speech, freedom of religion, civil liberties and peace —no longer exists. It is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers who oppose freedom and take every opportunity to undermine our Constitution. That’s why I can no longer call myself a Democrat.

And that’s also why I am doing all I can to send Joe Kent to Congress, and why I’m urging you to do the same by donating at https://JoeKentforCongress.com/Donate.

Like me, Joe is an army veteran. And like me, he understands the danger posed by complete control of our government by so-called ‘woke’ fanatical ideologues like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.

Joe’s opponent in this race, Marie Perez, is no different. She supports open borders, allowing fentanyl and cartels to continue to put American lives at risk. She supports new gun control laws that infringe on our Second Amendment rights and will prevent Americans from purchasing the same firearms she herself already owns.

Worst of all, she would be another so-called ‘woke’ Democrat voting in lock-step to push our country farther down the destructive path we’ve been on for the last two years: more record inflation, record gas prices, open borders, and rampant crime.

The only person standing in Marie Perez’s way is Joe Kent, and he needs your help. Join me in supporting him by contributing at JoeKentforCongress.com/Donate.

Thank you.

Tulsi Gabbard

PS: The same extremist Democrats that caused me to leave the party are trying to defeat a great American patriot, Joe Kent. Join me in sending my friend and fellow veteran, Joe Kent, to Washington by making a contribution today JoeKentforCongress.com/Donate.


Abe's "execution" didn't exactly look like a convincing take down with a gun, did it? First shot he didn't even whince, and nothing looked to be disturbed on his person or clothing. He then turns sideways, peering back at the shooter. Another shot fired, this time a little closer perhaps. Still no sign of distubrance to Abe's person, however. He was standing sideways at this point, as well. The only thing that could have killed him was a shot in the side of the gut (a very lucky shot when the target area has been made so small by being sideways), or else a head shot. In fact, the head is really the only exposed part of his body due to him standing on some pedestal while being mostly covered up by two bodyguards before the second shot. No visual evidence exists that either of these areas were injured. Even if he were hit in the side above the gut, it would have been in his shoulder, which would not have killed him. Nothing even happened to the bodyguards that covered him up before the second shot. Then Abe just steps down and forward, quite apparently under the strength of his own muscle power. But there was a hell of a lot of smoke, wasn't there? Smoke always makes for good theater. I'm smelling a rat. Did you see the "homemade" gun? With electrician's tape wrapped all around it? It had a bore the size of a shotgun. Whether it was a shot round or a slug, something that big being fired that close would have made a nice big juicy entry wound. The only effect I see on his clothing is that Abe's right shirt collar has a recoil effect from the shockwave of the second shot.





Also available as an audiobook.

There are also many interviews of the author online talking about mass hypnosis.

Quick sample of his ideas:


Full interview:



Everyone hates Oz, so I'm not going to tell anyone they're wrong for turning up their nose to him. However, after looking into this issue, I've discovered a lot more nuance in this race than can be easily transmitted en masse.

For one, Trump's original endorsement - Sean Parnell, who would have made a great candidate - got out early on because of a divorce case in which his wife accused him of abuse. That left Trump with no good options. Kathy Barnette, who ran in the primary but lost, is an up-and-coming star, hopefully, in the Pennsylvania Republican Party. But she's an unknown at this point, which Trump pointed out. So he felt that she's unelectable for now. How is Trump's judgment in such matters to be taken lightly? McCormick is a boot-licking RINO. There's no way anyone can argue that he would be better than a Trump/MAGA-controlled Oz.

The thing with Oz is this: he's got huge name recognition and experience in the public eye, AND he can be marketed as sufficiently moderate to appeal in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is the most purple and "swingiest" of current battleground states. This is no small consideration in a state where it is quite doubtful whether Mastriano, the Republican candidate for Governor, has much of a chance, being considered so deeply MAGA-Republican as he is. Anytime Pennsylvania has a Republican in statewide office, that person is always more of a mainstream Republican. We all know that they cheat in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, but even without cheating, no one can argue those are two very large and liberal obstacles to overcome.

Finally, because Oz's entire political career will be 100% beholden to Trump and to his endorsement (he only beat McCormick by a thousand votes!), no matter what Oz might personally think, he will be have no choice but to adopt the goals of the MAGA Movement. And now Oz stands a good chance of winning, with his opponent Fetterman having suffered a serious stroke (no ill will, just sayin').


To find out more, start watching videos with Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Jon Rappaport, Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Stefan Lanka, or Kevin Corbett.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/DWqulaZuLuzw (Brief explanation)

https://www.bitchute.com/video/EqwPajvIhivM (Longer explanation)

Watch the documentary called "The Viral Delusion":


Read, or listen to, the book "Virus Mania", 3rd edition:



To find out more, start watching videos with Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Jon Rappaport, Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Stefan Lanka, or Kevin Corbett.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/DWqulaZuLuzw (Brief explanation)

https://www.bitchute.com/video/EqwPajvIhivM (Longer explanation)

Watch the documentary called The Viral Delusion:


Read, or listen to, the book Virus Mania, 3rd edition:



I have followed a high fat, low carb diet for eight years and I love it. It is how I live, and I will never go back to living on carbs. The energy is steady and always available, the appetite is perfectly controlled by the automatic rebalancing of appetite hormones that naturally occurs, and the mental clarity is astounding. Running on fat for fuel instead of carbs produces about 30% less metabolic waste, so it's much cleaner than burning glucose (all carbs [sugars and starches] are broken down into glucose). As far as your mitochondria are concerned and how they make all the energy for your body, it's the difference between heating your wood stove with rolled up newspapers or heating it with hardwood. I only feel like eating twice a day, I NEVER get cravings (you will no longer find bread tempting, or even chocolate cake), and I never have to watch how much I eat or exercise to stay trim. I eat like a king everyday with fatty steaks or cuts, ground meat, bacon, unlimited eggs, cream, butter, sour cream and cream cheese, cheese, whole milk yoghurt, and animal fats of all kinds like butter, lard and tallow added to everything, as much as I want. When you eat fat as your fuel, your body tells you when to stop, so precisely that it signals you to the very bite by taking your desire away to take another bite. You've experienced this before when eating something fat-rich like chocolate mousse. But it happens with every meal when you are fueling up with fat and your body is "fat-adapted." As long as your carbohydrate intake is low enough and your fat intake predominates, you can eat all you want, sit around all day, and you will lose weight and eventually become thin. It happened to me, and it happened to everyone I've ever advised who started eating this way.

It's the reason you've never seen a fat wild animal. Animals in the wild, eating what they are designed to eat, eat as much as they want, but never more than they should. And if they're hunters, they sit around all day except when hunting. Of course, they're not conscious of any of this, but nature takes care of everything. And we humans don't have to be conscious of it either. When a human eats the way it's designed to eat, its body signals when it's had enough. ALL mammals run on fat as their primary fuel. Herbivores turn the plant fiber (cellulose) they eat into mostly fat, some protein, and a little bit of carbohydrate. Carnivores eat the fat of the herbivores, and take in no other carbohydrates than the little bit of sugar circulating in the blood and muscle of their prey. Humans thought they were getting a free ride when they invented agriculture and started living on carbohydrates. But all they really did was cheat themselves of their natural, God-given design as mostly fat eaters that came about during the eons before agriculture when humans had converted to hunters.

The mechanism behind why eating fat doesn't make you fat, but eating carbs makes you fat, is rooted in the role of insulin. Insulin is the only tool the body has for signaling fat storage. When your insulin is too high, your body will convert the carbs you eat to fat for storage, even if your body needs those carbs for immediate energy. This is why overweight people are hungry a lot. They are not overweight because they are hungry a lot, they are hungry a lot because they are overweight. Being overweight is in essence a state of artificially-induced starvation. Conversely, the only tool the body has for signaling the release of stored fat, is a relative absence of insulin. The only thing that causes your insulin to be too high is carbs. Cut down enough carbs, and your insulin drops. As soon as your insulin drops sufficiently, your fat cells start releasing their stored fat for burning to energy. All you have to do is take your insulin levels way down by lowering carb intake. It's that simple. Eating fat does not affect insulin levels, and you can run on fat permanently without any need for carbs. Fat and glucose (carbs) are the only two options your body has for fuel. So when you cut down carbs, you must replace them with fats, otherwise you'll go hungry. Making yourself hungry is completely unnecessary for effortless weight loss, and in fact will set you at war with nature which you will most assuredly lose.

My top recommendation for learning about all this is a relatively thin, well-written, well-researched and somewhat humorous book called "Low Carb High Fat Diet Revolution", written by a Swedish doctor named Andreas Eenfeldt. Another great book if you want to take a little deeper dive is Gary Taubes' "Why We Get Fat". I can also recommend other sources for anyone who wants to delve even deeper.

I'd love to have a discussion about this with as many people in this community as possible. I think this community is a perfect match for an Ancestral way of eating. And if you all have any questions, I'd be happy to answer as best I can.

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