What? Other than the NYT bit, what coincidence am I looking at?
Also, what the fuck is Hillary talking about...
Powerful Pompeo.
why march 4?
Look at you, so confident.
Good point.
On whose side is the FEMA leadership?
That is the big question. Is the military controlled by patriots, or globalists? Is the Great Awakening real or a psyop? We will see.
Disgusting. I got robbed once, and I felt violated, disgusted. This feels the same.
My only hope is that the military in DC is there to turn against the Biden administration and the deep state. The military could be there to defend against antifa, blm lefty moron asshoes. Who pays those asshoes? The people behind the Biden administration. If the military is there to defend the Biden administration, it's over. We'll see. It's all about what the military does next.
Fellow Americans, we are fucked.
Look, believe in Q or not, but don't blame Q people to be at fault for Biden winning. That is just looking for a scapegoat. "YoU dIdN't dO AnYtHiNg". Well, what the fuck did you do? 95% of Pedes just voted and spoke up for Trump. Most weren't politcally active outside of that. Blaming Q for the deepstate winning, if they are that is, is just looking for a scapegoat. They are not playing by rules! What the fuck could we do? Be violent and do illegal shit like they are? That's what they want. I don't accept that blame shift towards Q people, it's just Trump voters pouncing on other Trump voters.
The Great Reset vs The Great Awakening
Yes, could have been a psyop. We'll see.
If you can't watch it on Telegram, watch it here: https://twitter.com/TheBobWhoKnew
it's called Ep/stein partial #...
What he says makes sense. How often have we heard "But people can't keep a secret, these large conspiracies can't be true because there would be whistleblowers". Well, the reason there aren't, is because the ones in the club are ALL compromised. They are ALL dirty and guilty of child rape. That is the big secret that binds them. And children that grew up in these circles HAVE come forward. I have listened to many interviews of very disturbed grown up adults, that speak the truth about their past. But, only very few listen to them. This world is fucked.
In 10 years you'll sit in a Fema camp and yell: "NO DATEFAGGING!" at your fellow Q inmates
Imagine you'll wake up in the hospital on the 21st, after the inauguration, like the guy from 28 days later. Society collapsed and all that is left are tons of brainwashed leftists REEEing at you with very few Pedes fighting for their survival.
I feel extremely doomy. Sorry, just had to get it out. I'll wait until tomorrow and hold the line.
I'm afraid Biden will be inaugurated and the great reset will commence
These people are evil. Never forget that they will get theirs. In this life or the next.
So holding the line means clicking new and rising and not dooming, right?
Oprah promotes every spiritual view, as long as it's not the gospel.