GingerPatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

Just wanted to chime in about muscle testing. We have been doing this in my family for 3 decades, we learned of it when I was 16 and I kept losing a necklace I had with a crystal in it. After the 6th time I was telling my chiropractor about it and she said, let's muscle test it! My body was rejecting this crystal in every way possible. She suggested I give it away and perform this test on the person I give it to. I can't even begin to tell you how that one move leveled out my teenage angst!

We use it for everything! I have used it dozens of times to choose an antibiotic for many ailments and it is always accurate and always works. (P.s. fish antibiotics are fine, I have a full cabinet and they work).

So just a 2nd vote for muscle testing, if you have never heard of it, look into it. Your body knows what it needs, listen to it! Do not discount this method if you've never tried it. I usually have to hold a can of soda to remind myself of what my body is rejecting and what it is accepting. FYI my body has never accepted soda or any food full of sugar and preservatives.

GingerPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Right out my nose! But mine was Mt. Dew, I'm too old to drink coffee at this time of the evening!

GingerPatriot 11 points ago +11 / -0

Bravo! We need to bridge the divide, not make it bigger. I think this takes great patience and tolerance. I understand the below sentiments, this is a frustrating process, but slow and steady wins the race. Act in love so you can never be accused of alienating anyone when they are ready to open their eyes! Be the example-this is a great message, thank you!

GingerPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Especially human touch that has not been tainted by the evils of this world. That is PURE love & instinctual knowledge that this touch is from a loved one and makes you feel better. I believe we lose that as we grow up indoctrinated into this society. My twins are 17 and they have not grown up with a loving caring relationship despite my efforts to nurture it. I wish we could go back to when they were best friends sometimes, but this world had its way & now I rely on prayers to remind them of when they survived by being close to each other. These stories give me hope and remind me that none of us have totally lost these instincts, we have been trained to ignore and shunt them. We CAN overcome this if we collectively Awaken!

GingerPatriot 13 points ago +13 / -0

This actually made me laugh out loud! Failed president who brings thousands to his rallies vs. Biden who is welcomed anywhere he goes with 'Fuck Joe Biden" chants, flags and signs. Honk honk!!

GingerPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am so grateful that this was standard procedure when my twins were born. They were only in separated for the first few hours after birth. They were moved to the same crib shortly after and were released from the NICU 18 days earlier than expected. I imagine this will be reversed before long since the "science" says we must not interact with other humans, especially family!

GingerPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I second this! I did large, time consuming projects that challenged me to look deeper. Our program was called "Challenge" & that is exactly what it did. I specifically recall doing a research project on DNA in the 5th grade. I remembered all of it when I became pregnant with twins and I'm still drawing on the knowledge at 45 years old in the middle of a "pandemic" with pushback for the "vaccine"....it taught me to always dig deeper. I see why they want to cancel this behavior, because most of us that benefited from those programs will dig deeper and they want unquestioned compliance.

GingerPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree, we need to hear more human interaction stories of people helping people because they want to, not for the publicity but because it's the right thing to do. Love thy neighbor ❤

GingerPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't post because I'm not on par with everyone here, but I enjoy the banter and appreciate the research everyone here does, no laziness!

by BQnita
GingerPatriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

I like the way you think!

by BQnita
GingerPatriot 20 points ago +20 / -0

Could we all print this as a letter and start mailing them to the cabal? I know mail is now delayed but it would be a fun homeschooling project for all of the recently unindoctrinated kids!

GingerPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Every time I see one, it just makes me laugh because I've never seen that person post useful information. Keep your head up & keep on keepin on fren, those kids aren't part of the movement, just here to discourage & don't deserve your energy.

GingerPatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Adding to thank u/rooftoptendie as well. I certainly appreciate all of these names being mentioned but have had a few eye opening days from her comments and posts. Thanks for all you do, especially when you have no idea you've done anything!

GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can't recall the name but you had a stalker on here for awhile that was posting nonstop complaining about you. I would be willing to bet that is the down vote and I think you should be giggling like a maniac that you live rent free in this person's brain. Definitely someone in junior high with no life of their own. Let it roll off, the majority here appreciate you & the chodes are outnumbered!

GingerPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are giving your body the best chance by using the zinc, quercetin, Vit. C & D along with the ivermectin. If you can get all of these, that's your best game plan. If you only have ivermectin, use it until you can get the other vitamins & supplements. It's an attack on your whole body, so fortify everything that you can.

GingerPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is exactly how I see this conversation & I am thrilled you agree. I thank God for every moment he creates to give me hope, comfort & meaningful advice. Thank you for listening & lifting me up, I will be praying for you as well! Also I'm glad I can use a "not profane" username when I pray over you LOL! Some of these would make that an awkward prayer full of giggles comparable to 10 year old boys!

GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have so much saved to show her when she finally approaches me. It has to be her move and I'm just trying to be prepared with this type of information when she does. She is in a relationship (he got the clot shot) but he lives many states away. I want her to weigh the pros and cons herself so the decision rests fully on her. I do think the more reports I have of injuries and deaths, the better chance I've got to help her see both sides and make an informed decision! Having kids is something she wants so that might be the one piece that pulls it together for her!

GingerPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow! I am SO glad we had this chat, this is incredibly helpful! I think this approach would be really beneficial with her. I was also a stubborn (asshole) teen & sparred with my folks at every turn. I'm saving this and going to repeat it to myself over a couple of days so I can present this with conviction to her. I really am grateful for this advice, it's one thing I have not tried & doesn't feel like it would be immediately scorned. I have always tried to assure my kids will talk to me by not being condescending whenever they talk to me about serious stuff. I have not really stated that to them in this way though. Thank you, seriously, I think this could help get the conversation moving & will need to hold my stubbornness at bay too!

GingerPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for the pep talk! I have always told my kids to THINK for themselves, no matter WHAT you are being told, research and always look at both sides and come to your own conclusions. My goal was to teach them to never accept what they are told, find the truth. My girls are 17, will be 18 in November so we are on the edge of her being able to do this without me (although I suspect she could do this anyway since some states allow kids that are under 12 to get a sex change without the parent even knowing about it). I hate that they are growing up this way, even my based child struggles with the transgender epidemic because she knows kids who believe they are transgender & she hates the idea of isolating her friends based on these issues. I try not to tell her it's all brainwashing but fuck...it's all brainwashing!! She is very spiritual, planning to go to a Christian college & I am praying they are not buying into all this shit. She has to make the decisions for herself, just like her sister does. She is just more confident in her beliefs whereas her sister has always alienated herself and she has really succumbed to peer pressure & going along with whatever crowd she is into at the moment. I don't fight or argue with her and she has never come right out and asked me to get the jab. I can hear her talking to her friends though and I am the tinfoil hat antivaxxer who is batshit crazy. So I pray for her, all day every day, because she is stubborn and hard headed & will do anything to spite me or prove me wrong. The best I can do is pray, and present to her the evidence of the injuries & deaths and pray it will scare her enough to not get it. I am prepared for that moment whenever she decides to approach it. She is allergic to 2 classes of antibiotics so if anyone will have a reaction, it's her. I'm terrified and my faith is all I have with her, but I have to believe that is enough!

GingerPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

We are fighters, she will overcome this because she is based thank God! Her twin sister hates me because she wants the jab so she can go to a concert...I won't relent! I would also add some ivermectin if you can! I was the only one that took it prior to having symptoms & my symptoms were an hour or two a day for 3 days. The rest of my family took 3 to 5 weeks to recover. I think the ivermectin prevented my folks from a trip to the hospital (& therefore prevented their deaths).

GingerPatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

I can't find the sauce, but I read NAC and Glutathione will help detox those who got the jab, so I think I would add Glutathione to the rest, NAC, Zinc, Quercetin, Vitamins C & D. I believe my daughter is experiencing menstrual issues (some MASSIVE clotting, scary massive) from exposure to vaxed in a nursing home for 2 days doing clinicals for her CNA certification. She was fine prior to this event then all hell broke loose. She is on this regimen now after 6 months of trying to figure out what is happening. We also determined there is a hormone imbalance, specifically a very,very low level of progesterone. We went to a naturopath doctor since we no longer trust our typical medical providers.

GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

They aren't as good as they used to be, but still love em for dinner when I'm too tired to cook. Thankfully my dogs like them too so they cleaned up the mess I made.

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