I've been largely ignorant of the happenings in Palestine/Hamas. I've been working. On Saturday, I took my kids to a Pokemon Tournament, I sat with my laptop writing documentation for my work, and then translating my documentation to Spanish for my client while they played their games. Sunday, I spent the whole day working. from 8AM to 7PM, at my laptop, fixing my wife's site while she took my kids to a War Aviation museum and they got to fly in a C47 (lucky, blessed kids). Yesterday, despite being fried, I spent my day doing my regular job again.
Working. Toiling. Doing right by family.
Then my wife sent me a video/x post about Shani Louk. They paraded her naked, dead body around town as some sort of trophy. The anger began to rise in me. I watched video, after video, after video, of dead broken bodies (on both sides). But where Israel sent text messages to evacuate, or fired warning shots to tell people to escape buildings while they could, the Hamas terrorists are burning women and children alive. I watched a video of a man holding his dead infant daughter crying in a hospital for a last time. He turned his body, and you could see the child's mutilated face. With that image, anger turned to rage.
This isn't war. These are acts of evil.
Granted, a lot of this is probably propaganda. Old recycled videos from wars past to stoke anger in people for one side or the other. But it doesn't matter. These may not be fresh videos, but they illustrate what is going on in both countries. However there was one thing I began to notice: the videos of people armed with M4's.
American M4's. If my blood could boil, its definitely doing so now.
Then, my wife sent me this in regards to Shani Louk:
Caution: very graphic and disturbing. And please keep in mind that the Biden administration unfroze all of Iran's money so they could fund this. And AOC and the rest of her squad is telling Israel that they need to stand down and just let this whole thing go.
Then my blood went cold... I stopped feeling anything.
The current administration is responsible for this. Regardless of the timing, the Hamas were going to attack Israel. It was a matter of time, but I guess they are doing Biden a favor by getting him out of the press. I know those weapon's manufactures are probably celebrating their stocks going through the roof. We only have 18 days worth of gasoline in our strategic reserve, and you know the oil barons in the middle east are throwing the middle finger to us. Terrorists are making their way to our country from the southern border.
Its only a matter of time before videos from the USA show up due to terrorist bombings of major cities.
Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know where we go from here. But I am scared for my kids and family. Fear has definitely taken over my mind and soul... but has provided me with resolve. For those of you who thought we were in the clear, we are not. If you don't own a gun, go get one. If you don't stock food for the future, start. Stay vigilant, stay strong. Protect your families, because our government who sees themselves as our betters will not.
I'm glad that idiot judge did this. I'm ecstatic.
This mugshot has given the oppressed masses a reason to rally around Trump. He is a folk hero now, and I am hearing a ton of "one-of-us" chants. You've seen the videos, and more and more keep coming out.
This case which forces Trump into court in person, will DOMINATE the headlines. More importantly, every person who has ever been oppressed or forced into a shit court hearing interrupting their life to pay a bullshit parking ticket is going to look at Trump and say: yeah I understand what he is going through. The machine will try to slander and ruin him that day but instead are just making him more human, more down-to-earth, and more relatable.
On that day, who do you think the masses will primary? These squeaky clean swamp creatures... or a regular man they clearly see is being fucked with in court?
They aren't making Trump a folk hero. They are making a folk super hero.
Been thinking about everything that has happened in the past few weeks with Trump and that has zero brakes... and where we are now. Where is that exactly?
Trump facing the 14th amendment.
So what happened? Basically, we are watching a monolithic entity that used to shape the zeitgeist as we know it is falling apart. The old media is crumbling. The animal is dying.
They wanted to indict him. They figured him facing jail time would stop his momentum. It failed. They listed charges. They screamed insurrection. Still... nothing. It only made Trump more popular. New York didn't give him a mugshot because they had half a brain to know better than to make him a folk hero. However that train just kept gaining momentum.
So now what happened?
The dying animal kicked at its opposition to save itself in desperation. Trump was told to surrender himself to a County Jail in Fulton County to be arrested. They wanted to make him an example. They wanted to humiliate him. Trump came to these hallowed halls of machine oppression. They took his mugshot.
The machine did humiliate the man. A former sitting president has never been arrested in history. This is where we are... these strange but interesting days. What is truly foolish about this machine it the ones running it don't understand the history of our country. Our founding father's were men who gave the finger to a massive machine that oppressing them. A document was written by men with wills of iron who knew they were committing actual treason at the time: they wrote the Declaration of Independence.
They were CRIMINALS to the crown. To us they are now heroes. Trump is, to the modern crown, a criminal and enemy. We all know the mugshot. Its going to go down in history as one of the most important images ever created, because now Trump has transcended into something bigger than he could have ever made himself: he is now a folk hero. That mugshot is a symbol to ANY person on the planet who has been unfairly oppressed by those in power. The machine gave the people a symbol to rally around.
You can't create this sort of energy artificially, it is created on accident by foolish men who do not understand the powers they are trying to harness or suppress. They will try the 14th amendment, but everybody knows there was no insurrection, we've all seen the videos. We've all seen the evidence.
You can't stop the Trump Train. There are no brakes that powerful. They can only try to derail it. But much like the fools who didn't understand the powers they were trying to contain, do they not understand what devastation a train going that fast with that much power would cause if derailed? I really hope they do.
I usually don't laugh about the dead, but damn when the expression "Get Woke, go Broke" just became a bit out of vogue the good lord sent us a perfect replacement.
I can't even comment. I have strayed from my faith in the past 20 years, but it is stuff like this that is making me want to go back.
The tweet is protected, as this demon (I can't say it was a human) was probably getting massive hate and death threats. Here is the gist:
Basically it was a tweet saying something along the lines of "Celebrating Hot Girl Summer", and it was a picture of a cake saying "Congratulations its an A Bortion!"
And cake had picture of a black women shooting a black baby through a hoop.
Edit 2: Here is the image, but not the original tweet (thanks @Patriot454):
It was stated in that film Fight Club, and its basic business sense. In this case it was in regards to car failure:
Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.
Its cold-hearted business.
This logic can be applied to Starbucks in a similar way. They are courting left thinking and ideas because they are (were) the ones with the most disposable income about 5-15 years ago. So there is some truth to liberal ideals being "good business". Now we are coming around. Conservatives are having 4 kids to their 3. We have the numbers, and we have the money.
What is even more scary to them, our side figured out boycots DO work. So what is good business sense? Here is the formula:
A) the number of potential customers you have. B) the number of customers lost by embracing a now toxic ideology. X) The cost of a cup of coffee C) your estimated quarterly earnings.
(AX) - (BX) > C
If the the potential loss from embracing an ideology causes your brand to miss their quarterly projections, they do not embrace the ideology.
In other words: companies like Starbucks never cared about woke ideology. They were never woke, it was all a gimmick to sell coffee to the most people.
If anything liberals should see that betrayal. With many of them waking up, I'm hoping they will.
Well, not that I expect many people are gamers, but Call Of Duty/Activision should be boycotted for being pro pedo/groomer. I don't understand this country right now. We are simply saying to leave kids alone, and this people are still trying to ram this down our children's throats.
Just another day watching this crazy movie play out.
Trump a really good job of making the "chick" look out of her league. He navigated some of the questions so well that it was quite shocking to see what competency looks like.
It goes back to the theme of the modern liberal, black and white. You either for or against. There is only fact and fiction. There is no in between. Trump masterfully showed things are quite nuanced. Here are a few thoughts:
On Ukraine and Putin: Trump said if it was him, there would have never been a war. Now they are trying to make him make a choice to support Ukraine or obviously: side with Russia. He answered correctly: I don't care: lets save lives. They did it again with the Putin question: is he a war criminal? Obviously trying to push the muh-russia line again. He refused to answer for a smart reason: how are we going to get an enemy to the table if we shit talked him? How would that help end the war?
On abortion: Would you sign an abortion ban. I don't know: depends on the terms, and those terms would come to a head when I am in office. I do know it helped the pro-lifers, now the pro-abortionists must come to the table and negotiate terms if they want their "women's rights" back. They tried to paint him as anti-women's rights, but he show again: its much more nuanced than that.
The wall: technically he put down 52 miles of new wall. But that doesn't cover the literal hundreds and hundreds of miles of wall that were repaired. Like is said, a wood fence, knocked over, is considered a wall to the libs. He repaired that, and gave an excellent example of what misinformation is and how it skews stories.
Even when the liability was discussed: what does it matter if he testified? It wouldn't help, he was going to be railroaded on this. So he did the only thing he could do: laugh at the subject and her credibility: we all knew how silly the situation was. Same with the "grab-em" line. He corrected them on his language, and pointed out: yes famous people bring that sort of behavior out of people. Power is attractive. Deal with it.
Ultimately he showed how one sided the democrats are, and showed what politics should be: a negotiation. This was definitely a win for him.
I could go on, but ultimately I want to know what was the point of this exercise? Clearly this did NOT help the Democrats. It did not help this "chick's" career. It won't help CNN long term, this is a drop in the bucket. I can see why this seemed like a white hat operation, because the only people it really helped was the Trump camp.
I was busy being a dad and was unable to watch it.
I am enjoying the GOP making fun of this guy. Everytime he makes some specious claim during a hearing, somebody brings up the fact he slept with a Chinese spy.
He got pissed. "You don't get to say that shit" is what Swalwell said in Congress.
And that is what the GOP should do... and they finally seem to be doing it: every time some Democrat makes some ridiculous specious claim, the next speaking GOP member should immediately bring up their lies or checkered past... and leave it on record.
If anything, it tickles the funny bone that this happens. And the video/audio clips are infinitely meme-able.
It's funny. Beer is the issue waking up normies.
Not stolen elections. Not killer vaccines. Not the men in women's sports. Not the take over of school districts by those with agendas. Not the drag queen kid shows. Not even the killing of innocents.
Putting that fuck head on beer seems to be the cultural tipping point. It's waking up normies like no other around the world and especially in this country.
Thank you Dylan. White hat, black hat, I don't care. You being on a beer can seems to be the push too far that seems to be righting this ship.
We have a shooting that killed 9 year old kids (maybe could be a fake, I'm not speculating or making that the point here).
Now we have the news spinning the story to piss conservatives off. Ignoring the christian aspect of the shooting. Making it about the trans psychopath, stating she is the victim.
Now we have tons of pics and video of Trans activists with guns. Try to report it on social media about "Day of Vengeance" you get banned.
Now they are protesting in front of the Supreme Court.
This shit glows. It all seems so coordinated and the escalations of everything almost seems organic if it wasn't for the shoe thing.
Everybody be smart. I feel they are trying provoke a conservative vs trans atrocity. Don't do anything stupid and stay away from this glowing nonsense.
If you guys are unaware, I literally have video proof sent to my wife then me that there was a teacher pushing the normalization of pedophilia in HS. Here is the local news trying to dismiss it:
Video. Proof. It got out and was floating around TikTok, but the admins are nuking it.
Now she is scared to share it. I know a bunch of different ways to get this video on the net and sent to the Salty Krackers of the world without the paper trail but she is throwing a fit over "consent" and other BS. And no, just sending it out there is not acceptable, she needs to be convinced. This is my marriage and I am not fucking it up.
I need advice pedes.
Update: this is one of the many videos that got out there. There are others but they are not out there on the net:
I won't bother posting the images. You've seen the "But her e-mails" hat, and probably some of the absolute 1st year CalArts grad attempts at creating the DarkBrandon meme that just started to happen "organically a week ago". And then there is this video (and others like it).
This is their best attempt at meme and psyop warfare. The problem is all this shit glows so damn much that you can probably see it from Alpha Centauri.
The FBI would not have raided Trump's home without having some knowledge of what they are going to find based on this happening. My theory was that the FBI was going to get the goods, perp walk him out that night, and then demoralize us with a combination of meme warfare, gloating from Hillary, and a media bombardment from every damn angle possible.
Clearly the FBI raid was complete and total bust. If they had ANYTHING, there would have been a press conference immediately that morning with tons of media coverage to gloat and say: "WE GOT HIM!" Now the FBI looks like a bunch of chumps standing out in the open with their thumb up their ass while the rest of the free thinking world laughs at them. But their plan is proceeding anyways as they have no choice, and the coping from all of them is absolutely fucking real.
Right now, they are going for the jugular. They are trying to incite violence from us. They are trying to make us so angry we do something irrational. We are rational people here, we are not at irrational... yet. Do not fall for this neon green shit. Stay strong brothers and sisters and continue to laugh at their failure to get Trump, and massive coping campaign that literally continues today.
Saw Top Gun Maverick Last night in a preview screening at IMAX. Before I go any further, I want to address two points:
I did not pay for this film. I was invited to see it. Those who invited me also did not pay to see the film.
This article: https://businessinsider.com/top-guns-maverick-appears-changed-to-please-chinas-communist-party-2019-7
Yes this happened. Yes the big bad in this movie is unquestionably China, though you never see even the "slightest" amount of even skin from the enemy. They are covered in head to toe so you can never see who they really are in fighters, and always completely out of focus in wide shots with liberal use of camera filters. I know a lot of our brother's and sisters here are instantly out because they bent the knee to China and did this. I won't try to convince you otherwise, and I respect your decision to hold on to your convictions.
That said, I will not share spoilers in this review, besides for the original Top Gun. Really if you haven't seen the original, its 35 years old. Seriously, released in 1986. I'd question what you'd be doing over these past few years? Its a classic.
The film revolves around Pete "Maverick" Mitchel, and his current status. He still flies for the Navy, and through circumstances ends up the teaching the current generation of Top Gun pilots the requirements to complete what was deemed a mission where the pilots were most likely not coming back. He also has to deal with his relationship with Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, the son of Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, that also became a Top Gun Navy fighter pilot. Maverick is still haunted by the death of Goose all these years later.
So was it any good? Holy balls yes. It was really good. I'd go so far as to say it was better than the first. And most importantly, there was zero sign of "the message" in this film. There was no preaching about gender inequality, no LGBTQ nonsense, no attempt to politicize the content of this film, and no attempt to shit on the US's armed forces. This is 2 hours of "Rah Rah, Go TEAM AMERICA-TOP GUN" you can watch without being irritated. The closest there is to anything remotely close is I think two of the pilots in the class are women. The woman in particular (callsign "Phoenix") isn't given inhuman abilities or whatever Hollywood schlock usually does, but instead portrayed as a rational smart human being who is written realistically considering her circumstances.
The film is a bit more heartfelt than the original due to the subject matter. It has its share of laughs as well, and those flight scenes (especially in IMAX) had my heart racing as they were done fantastically well. There is one scene in the end of the movie that may have people like "no-way" but considering the circumstances of said scene and what led up to it I could suspend my disbelief to believe this could happen.
Last "memberberries" aka nostalgia. Are there call-backs to the original? Yes. but they are tastefully done. This isn't some Ghostbusters: Afterlife level of Goose coming back in ghost-form to say bye to his grown son. You'll know them when you see them. And no, there is no innuendo or whatever in this flick.
So will you enjoy it? Yes. If you can put your hatred aside from pedo-hollywood for 2 hours and let yourself enjoy a film. Some people here have already decided already they are going to be "hell-no". For those on the fence: its Memorial Day weekend: everybody needs "leave", or they will stress themselves out. If anything, a movie that actually glorifies America and their armed forces is a good diversion.
EDIT: if you have the chance, see it in IMAX. This is one of those movies that actually take advantage of the flick with the flight scenes being shot in the format. It is 100% worth the extra ticket price.
Never in history has the decision or deliberations of a SCOTUS decision ever, EVER been leaked.
And now it has, for one reason: to create riots, disorder, and to have one (or more) of the SCOTUS members be threatened and forced to change their decision either under threat of harm of their families or themselves, or harm to our country.
The left has had NOTHING. The media was losing bad. Twitter going down simply meant they lost physical control of the narrative. Sure they could say tons of blatant wrong things and gaslight the country. But without Twitter, they could not shut down discourse. They were drowning...
And Roe v Wade was the life preserver.
Roe v Wade flipped or not being flipped is going to take a lot of centrists that are about to flip and bring them back left. Its going to be paraded for the next two years, and be used as the reason why the next two elections weren't stolen.
They don't need Covid anymore.
They don't need lockdowns.
They don't need the clot shot.
They don't need Twitter.
Trump? Trump who? They don't even NEED him anymore. Now the great moral divide the left will use to bank their theft on the elections is where you stand on Roe v Wade. Be against it means you are anti-women's rights, anti-gay-marriage, a nazi, racist, and everything in one package.
This leak is about the worst thing that could have happened. A country healing from the soul sucking reality that was the last 15 years and beginning to become sane again has just had that wound re-opened. God help us all.
This horseshit right here:
For those of you who don't know, some viral TikTok challenge is going around trying to encourage kids to shoot up schools. I got a message from my school as well. They won't say it, but that is where the threats are coming from. Its supposed to go tomorrow, Friday the 17th.
If you need a reason to believe that China is fucking with America via TikTok: there you go.
The last twelve months has been something of a nightmare.
The great United States was crumbling at the hands of agents controlled by what could be considered the next evil empire. The sparks of hope were just that: sparks. I needed a hit of hopium daily to keep me going, to keep me from swallowing the black pill.
I kept wondering what kind of world would my son and daughter inherit from me?
Now, for the first time in almost a year, I haven't had to take a hit of hopium. I'm filled with the real deal, actual hope that our country can turn the corner on this dark chapter of history we are going through. Our leaders navigated an election that nobody could deny was rigged... and found a way to win.
It took twelve months, but I am going to go to bed and get some sleep knowing that tomorrow will be a brighter day.
To my brothers and sisters in Virginia: thank you. We'll see you in the morning.