posted ago by GreatFunana ago by GreatFunana +29 / -0

I've been largely ignorant of the happenings in Palestine/Hamas. I've been working. On Saturday, I took my kids to a Pokemon Tournament, I sat with my laptop writing documentation for my work, and then translating my documentation to Spanish for my client while they played their games. Sunday, I spent the whole day working. from 8AM to 7PM, at my laptop, fixing my wife's site while she took my kids to a War Aviation museum and they got to fly in a C47 (lucky, blessed kids). Yesterday, despite being fried, I spent my day doing my regular job again.

Working. Toiling. Doing right by family.

Then my wife sent me a video/x post about Shani Louk. They paraded her naked, dead body around town as some sort of trophy. The anger began to rise in me. I watched video, after video, after video, of dead broken bodies (on both sides). But where Israel sent text messages to evacuate, or fired warning shots to tell people to escape buildings while they could, the Hamas terrorists are burning women and children alive. I watched a video of a man holding his dead infant daughter crying in a hospital for a last time. He turned his body, and you could see the child's mutilated face. With that image, anger turned to rage.

This isn't war. These are acts of evil.

Granted, a lot of this is probably propaganda. Old recycled videos from wars past to stoke anger in people for one side or the other. But it doesn't matter. These may not be fresh videos, but they illustrate what is going on in both countries. However there was one thing I began to notice: the videos of people armed with M4's.

American M4's. If my blood could boil, its definitely doing so now.

Then, my wife sent me this in regards to Shani Louk:

Caution: very graphic and disturbing. And please keep in mind that the Biden administration unfroze all of Iran's money so they could fund this. And AOC and the rest of her squad is telling Israel that they need to stand down and just let this whole thing go.

Then my blood went cold... I stopped feeling anything.

The current administration is responsible for this. Regardless of the timing, the Hamas were going to attack Israel. It was a matter of time, but I guess they are doing Biden a favor by getting him out of the press. I know those weapon's manufactures are probably celebrating their stocks going through the roof. We only have 18 days worth of gasoline in our strategic reserve, and you know the oil barons in the middle east are throwing the middle finger to us. Terrorists are making their way to our country from the southern border.

Its only a matter of time before videos from the USA show up due to terrorist bombings of major cities.

Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know where we go from here. But I am scared for my kids and family. Fear has definitely taken over my mind and soul... but has provided me with resolve. For those of you who thought we were in the clear, we are not. If you don't own a gun, go get one. If you don't stock food for the future, start. Stay vigilant, stay strong. Protect your families, because our government who sees themselves as our betters will not.