Hit them in the pocket book.
The big financial folks aren’t having any fun anymore. The aluminum fund was "foiled."
Element.io STC Capital Partners.
Same thing the heavily chyna owned or invested in reddit did to r/ The Donald. That's why you're here. The mods saw it coming and set up TheDonald.win. When the election came and went, they branched out. There's a financial arm also.
move financial.
Financial Literacy - He loves this stuff and hates sophisticated wall street elites. He's for transparency and power to the little people.
Element.io STC Capital Partners.
move financial
Financial Literacy - He loves this stuff and hates sophisticated wall street elites. He's for transparency and power to the little people.
Element.io STC Capital Partners.
move financial
Don’t user money you can’t afford to lose.
Element.io STC Capital Partners
move financial
Uncharted Territory. HODL.
move financial
The big financial folks aren’t having any fun anymore. The aluminum fund was "foiled."
Element.io STC Capital Partners.
move financial.
Financial Literacy - He loves this stuff and hates sophisticated wall street elites. He's for transparency and power to the little people.
Element.io STC Capital Partners.
Teardrop in 2days ... SEVENFOURSIXTYEIGHT
User ID: 79441766 United States 01/14/2021 08:19 AM
Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation ANON post....Chanology Teardrop in 2days ... Teardrop is releasing in 2days Anonymous (ID: 8Pty2Z8Q) RE 01/14/21(Thu)07:05:25 No.302667215▶>>302667372 >>302667486 >>302668008 [link to chanology.com (secure)]
2 : 09 : 56 : 52
hammer is falling final countdown FULL DECLAS[grug/bunga666] hut hut hut YES SIR NO SIR INTEL / INTEL? = INTEL (sunglasses when taking profile pic) hut hut hut
Last Edited by SEVENFOURSIXTYEIGHT on 01/14/2021 03:23 PM Trending Now
While waiting for justice to arrive, here is some recommended reading material. Enjoy.
A different post brought to light the incredible power of FEMA during an emergency. They can arrest people, suspend 1st and 2nd amendment rights... they have almost god-like powers. I had no idea. Now also consider: The head of DHS was removed, and control of DHS was given to the head of FEMA FEMA brought the NG into DC... not the President or VP or congress. FEMA. The President declared a state of emergency in DC lasting from Jan 11 to Jan 24. FEMA's god-like powers are in full effect during an emergency. The President recently signed The Storm Act, which gives FEMA the ability to give out zero interest funds during an emergency. We are in a state of war since 9/11, and the 2018 EO regarding US election systems also declared a state of emergency. The 2017 human trafficking EO also declared a state of emergency, all of which are still in effect.
Uncharted Territory. HODL.