Harticulo 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm beginning to notice this. The civilian meetings are what MSM is picking up. The courts, congress, etc.

But this military shit isn't being broadcast anywhere. His state of emergency that came about a couple days ago? Totally dark. Nobody picked up on it. And it deals specifically with China, the exact time Pompeo gave his public speech.

We're being totally backdoored. Everyone even hates FEMA but nobody is questioning their presence. It's so fucking weird.

Harticulo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Me too. I think the blackout will happen and he will then move in for the arrests so its not broadcast on live television.

Then he will probably address the nation and declassify everything.

Harticulo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Am I missing something here? Trump, through emergency declaration a couple days ago, gave FEMA control of our military and is surrounding DC. In PEADS, POTUS, under emergency conditions, can act with literal impunity. PEADS also gives him unilateral authority to make arrests of anyone merely suspected of subversive activity.

Now, fuck Q for a second and all of his posts.

You're DJT. There were two unsuccessful impeachment attempts. You know, for a fact, they're gonna try to come after you once your time in office is done.

What the fuck will you do, knowing full well an election was stolen and communists are trying to arrest you and make you disappeare?

Need some nightmare scenarios? Biden owes Beijing favors. What if he makes trump disappear and extradites him to Beijing? Oof.

Not really outlandish.

So, what the fuck do you do as DJT to get these assholes and save your ass?

Probably surround the capitol under the guise of COVID and cause a blackout which gives you time to make arrests.

Makes sense to me. And then when the lights come on, declassify every fucking document you have on every one of these scumbags.

That's without any knowledge of Q. No conspiracy needed. He's actually doing it.

Harticulo 5 points ago +5 / -0

We don't. FEMA was enacted under the new EO signed a couple days ago, against China.

FEMA was given unilateral control under PEADS, which his highly secret that grants the president even more powers than the Insurrection Act, and with a flick of a pen, can instruct FEMA to arrest anyone merely accused of subversion (think the China EO just signed).

Is he a patriot? Dunno. Maybe? Trump appointed him. But it looks like he was never gonna use the Insurrection act. He already signed this EO which now put us in a state of emergency, and with PEADS, handed unilateral military power over to FEMA.

Harticulo 2 points ago +3 / -1

Of he's gonna act, it makes sense he does it at the 11th hour, since he can't be impeached and Pence isn't gonna do the 25th.

Harticulo 12 points ago +12 / -0

When trump said the 25th ammendment is going to come back to haunt him, he wasn't conceding. He was saying it's all gonna crumble. He just signed an executive order against hostile chinese actors yesterday as a declarative state of national emergency against chinese infiltration.

It's fucking on.

Harticulo 1 point ago +4 / -3

Holy shit I'm sorry that's fucking hilarious. Hahahahahaha

Harticulo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just Google SOG (Special Operations Group)

I believe Jocko has like 5 podcasts on it.

Harticulo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait. A press conference at the same time as Trump's speech? Dafuq?

Harticulo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Keep a cool head. He's probably just gonna ramble about his amazing accomplishments, and defend his speech he gave at the capitol. Just...chill.

Harticulo 0 points ago +1 / -1

From a grave. Walking on water. with a net of fish. Or something.

Harticulo 1 point ago +1 / -0

In all fairness, it's gonna be super entertaining if they don't succeed and we all have egg all over our faces.

So hey, it's a win-win!

Harticulo 2 points ago +2 / -0

No I'm talking about people realizing how high the stakes are and that their right to vote has been totally violated, therefore some people are gonna organize and actually show up in organized, armed to the teeth militias.

Harticulo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait, didn't Pompeo say he was from Kansas in his Speech?

Perhaps we are supposed to be paying attention to what he's saying and the broadcast?

Harticulo 1 point ago +1 / -0

She deserves to be locked up in her 10 thousand dollar freezer. GITMO is too luxurious for scum like her.

Harticulo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree.

Devil's advocate:

Do you think Patriots will take this in their own hands with legal armed militias, though?

Harticulo 14 points ago +14 / -0

This guy is putting in a ton of work. Uncharacteristic of an administration that's on its way out.

Harticulo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey boss. When is it supposed to come, relatively? Just double-checking

Harticulo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do we know if the IA is active or not? Or do we only have hints? I would like to think we have something solid to go off of.

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