This is a good post but communism was actually first put into practice by the pilgrims in the early 1600s. After death and suffering and realizing the failure of the system they reverse course and prospered.
Recalling the story of the Pilgrims is a Thanksgiving tradition, but do you know the real story behind their triumph over hunger and poverty at Plymouth Colony nearly four centuries ago? Their salvation stemmed not so much from the charitable gestures of local Indians, but from their courageous decision to embrace the free-market principle of private property ownership a century and a half before Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations.
Writing in his diary of the dire economic straits and self-destructive behavior that consumed his fellow Puritans shortly after their arrival, Governor William Bradford painted a picture of destitute settlers selling their clothes and bed coverings for food while others "became servants to the Indians," cutting wood and fetching water in exchange for "a capful of corn." The most desperate among them starved, with Bradford recounting how one settler, in gathering shellfish along the shore, "was so weak β¦ he stuck fast in the mud and was found dead in the place."
The colony's leaders identified the source of their problem as a particularly vile form of what Bradford called "communism." Property in Plymouth Colony, he observed, was communally owned and cultivated. This system ("taking away of property and bringing [it] into a commonwealth") bred "confusion and discontent" and "retarded much employment that would have been to [the settlers'] benefit and comfort."
Brink of Extermination
The most able and fit young men in Plymouth thought it an "injustice" that they were paid the same as those "not able to do a quarter the other could." Women, meanwhile, viewed the communal chores they were required to perform for others as a form of "slavery." On the brink of extermination, the Colony's leaders changed course and allotted a parcel of land to each settler, hoping the private ownership of farmland would encourage self-sufficiency and lead to the cultivation of more corn and other foodstuffs.
As Adam Smith would have predicted, this new system worked famously. "This had very good success," Bradford reported, "for it made all hands very industrious." In fact, "much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been" and productivity increased. "Women," for example, "went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn."
The famine that nearly wiped out the Pilgrims in 1623 gave way to a period of agricultural abundance that enabled the Massachusetts settlers to set down permanent roots in the New World, prosper, and play an indispensable role in the ultimate success of the American experiment.
A profoundly religious man, Bradford saw the hand of God in the Pilgrims' economic recovery. Their success, he observed, "may well evince the vanity of that conceit...that the taking away of property... would make [men] happy and flourishing; as if they were wiser than God." Bradford surmised, "God in his wisdom saw another course fitter for them."
Because this is a Christian nation. The first war we ever had outside our borders (1st war on terror) was dealing with Muslims (The Barbary Pirates) that had declared jihad against the USA.
The modern Navy and Marine Corps was established for this purpose as the Continental Navy and Marines were disbanded following the Revolutionary war. Hence the quote "to the shores of Tripoli" in the Marine's battle hymn.
Revelation 20:4
4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Who are the people beheading Christians these days? Is there any significant risk of being beheaded for being a Muslim?
I created a post with a high resolution zoom of the rearview mirror..
Here is the link.
Aleister Crowley died 20 years before the album was released and was featured on the album cover. The song says "It was 20 years ago today, Sergeant Pepper taught the band to play".
Lennon gave a 1980 interview with Playboyβs David Sheff. In the interview, Lennon seemingly repeats Crowleyβs most famous teaching, βDo what thou wilt is the whole of the Law,β when he said, βThe whole Beatle idea was to do what you want, right? To take your own responsibility, do what you want and try not to harm other people, right? Do what thou wilt, as long as it doesnβt hurt somebody.β
This is comedy gold! Someone should make a movie or something about it.π