HenryTheRed 2 points ago +2 / -0

The media did all this. Trump had how many seasons on NBC? He was loved or at least liked. The hate came from the media to cover up this event. To allow the public to want it to happen, to accept it.

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have posted that info in the thread above. You can see the tractor, you can view the map of the event, google map of larger area, and have lines from water tower roof to appox area of the tractor based off the video.

HenryTheRed 17 points ago +17 / -0

He kept coming back down for snacks will be the next head line.

HenryTheRed 4 points ago +4 / -0

YES! The ladder also! Dragging a ladder and a rifle by. Sniper shoots him with a fucking camera then goes inside the building he climbs on to.

PA, is the keystone state I guess.

HenryTheRed 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am thinking one was a patsy and the other was to guarantee the shot, a pro. Some videos are reporting 3 different gun sounds and people are reporting shots from the water tower.

A second spitter?


HenryTheRed 3 points ago +3 / -0

Brain_dead this just made my night. I might have to watch the bullseye crosshair part about 30 more times.

HenryTheRed 4 points ago +4 / -0

It was the fucking staging area for the law enforcement. They are camping eating donuts below and he is camping above. (As above, As Below)

A police officer got onto the roof, the shooter pointed his rifle at him and backed him down the ladder. Then took his shots.

Loot at that pac man shape with the 2 areas in question 'outside the police area' the water tower with shots fired reported there, and the building it self.

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +2 / -1

Russell Brand was on a jet with/getting the Diddy for a boys week end out. I do believe he is a Catholic worthy of the cloth. That is not an up sell for Vance. Pence was a Catholic too, worked with Fauci on covering up AIDS. The pope wears red shoes just like 'kid love productions' of Bill Maher.

HenryTheRed 2 points ago +2 / -0

People in another tread posted above talk about hearing shots from the water tower. The spray and direction are more in line with the water tower. USSS also moved people away from the area behind Trump related to the tower.

I am simply following those threads.

HenryTheRed 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't care if he is an ugly woman. There is no info in the threads about what bull shit he is pulling at the job site.

Biden mandated an EUA product which is illegal. Biden is trying to pay off student loans that the SC says he can't do. Biden is getting money from foreign governments.

This guy is 'taking finical advantage', and 'abusing power'. Those are empty statements that if president he could not be impeached on unless he was Trump.

It is the outline of a story with 'details to be added later'. But to sign the petition some of us need the details now.

HenryTheRed 3 points ago +3 / -0

It sure looks like 2 shooters. First shooter at building was were "The Law" was posted up. So shooter 1 was just above the Feds with a ladder on the building. Did they give him a hot stone massage before hand or what?

HenryTheRed 4 points ago +4 / -0

Spray is behind the stand towards the water tower. From what little I have to look at.

Note the 2 poles behind the tractor. The spray is going behind the first pole.

HenryTheRed 4 points ago +4 / -0

Water tower sources are in this thread.

Trying to find the John Deer parked opposite of the gun fire. It sprays out to the right. The front of the tractor is facing Trump and the stage. Water tower is to the right. The spray would have been towards Trump and over the hood of the tractor if from the known shooter. Trying to find a clip of the Tractor's hydraulic line spewing.

HenryTheRed 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is why agents cleared the area behind Trump, they were in the way of the water tower shot.

The Deer tractor sprung a leak from one of the shots, but it was spraying towards the tower.

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