He’ll be back to complain and leave again.
If that fence drops. I see many of those dogs running. NATO is all bark no bite.
You rang?
Major comms and it flew over the heads of anons
Not as long as you can fake your death and hide in South America attacking America from the south et border.
Inflation of the 70s. Savings and loans of the 80s. The crash of 87. Dot com bubble, housing bubble. Then COVD crash.
Gen X literally had the economy blown up and reset every 10 years of their lives.
They initiated the wealth transfer when they forced this poison shits into seniors. So they know the population collapse is coming.
And insurance payouts.
Tesla 2020.
Elon has made it known he hates short selling. He said you cannot sell a house you don’t own multiple times and walk away so why can you do that with a companies stock. He hates the SEC. I feel DOGE will help initiate the destruction of short selling.
MOASS is 1/20/2025
No cell, no sell.
Thank you for your work. It has to stop. They are literally spraying us like bugs. Last week there was a post about Fauci working in aerosolized SARS Cov1….. why? Why would you want to find a way to spray particulate viruses over people.
Nice inauguration you have planned there, would be a shame if we had a false flag blamed on Russia and another assassination attempt. - Deep State
Copy pasta truncation error.
The song keeps saying Young Man, he’s trying to motivate young men to pick their spirits up
It’s aweful in phoenix the past few weeks. X and 0 circles like they are playing tic-tac-toe
Tenesee passed their bill, so maybe red states will stop chemtrails?
Stop sending weapons to Ukraine. It’s over. Day one.
Just like Biden used executive orders to annul the Trump Presidency within days. Trump will return the favor. Life became hell within days after Biden got into office, we’ll have just a quick a turnaround.
Witchcraft = Feminism
The cabal basically used the 1984 model to overlay satanism in America. Like the After School Satanist coin spells ASS, sodomy.
Or child sacrifice is abortion. And when do abortions usually happen? Early teen or 20s ‘accidental’ or unplanned pregnancy. So basically a first conceived/ unborn sacrifice.
And there’s no such thing as accidental or unplanned when God is in the mix. This is what Q meant by ‘what is a spell’. You can cast a Spell with words. And a narrative is made of words. So I assume the narrative is a form of spell casting. It’s all lies.
‘Who controls the narrative? Why is this relevant? What is a SPELL? Who is asleep? ‘
When Bunker?
‘ On April 20, 1933, the United States went off the gold standard, a monetary system in which currency is backed by gold’
The digital Epstein island.