Wall Street Silver on Reddit has GREAT intel on the actual issue with Silver manipulation: Paper Silver vs Physical Silver, a-la JPMorgan Silver scam circa 2011.
Only THIS TIME, the Renaissance is here! The Great Awakening has taken hold!!!----Amen!!! Millions of people around the world are privy to the Silver scam----forget GME stock----that's paper-----SILVER IS MONEY, not Federal Reserve Bank fiat, bullshit Currency!!!-----I'm buying MONEY with CURRENCY LOL!!!!
Humanity has been woken from its slumber, and one way to defeat the New World Order, Globalists, Central-Banking Pedos, is to BUY & Take Delivery of Physical Silver!
Perth Mint in Australia DEFAULTED this week on physical silver!---this is YUUUUGE NEWS!
Watch this video in full for a much better, faster learning on the issue:
♥ God Bless You & God Bless Humanity ♥
"This is America mother-effer! Get it right!" -Nate Diaz :)
I was alerted to the Three Gorges Dam issue whilst watching this video for research I am doing to exchange Federal Reserve Notes (Currency) with Silver (Money), at this mark: https://youtu.be/OqFz7jcoIYA?t=2735
Tulips are out. Gold & Silver are out. Petro-Dollar is being phased out more & more everyday. American Military seems to be backing the Federal Reserve Note these days.
That stated, Gold & Silver are usually assets that central banks physically hold in reserve. Either way, FORCING physical delivery of Silver from this evil dicks (JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, et al), is certainly changing the landscaping of Currency being converted into.......dare I say it..................$$$$$ MONEY $$$$$
Wow! Although, I am ONLY amazed that I am amazed since these central banking devils are pure evil and only work to subjugate Humanity to the fullest extent possible. Thanks again for the background into!
BTW, the 2011 movie "In Time" with Justin Timberlake is a great take on the monetary system that KLLLAAAAAOUUUUUUUUS ("Klaus Schwab", but I say it like KLLLLAAAAAAAOUUUUUUUS), wants for Humanity:
"You'll Own Nothing unt You Vill be Happy!"-----
Question to from one American to another American in a German-speaking country:
WHY is it that so many of these people who speak German seem to be the ones always causing shit for otherwise peaceful people? I mean, damn it already! Anyway, just wanted to know if you are witnessing the same behaviors that I witness in some of my Swiss in-laws (not all the Swiss are dicks, but too many are dicks for my overall endorsement of Swiss people, generally speaking).
Thank you & God Bless you!!!
THANK YOU for the info! So much appreciated! I will talk to my Swiss in-laws in the states and see if their family are also having issues----I will report back on this thread with the update :)
Are YOU sure he's dead? His cousin differs in opinion as evidenced by this video clip:
What bank in Switzerland are you referring to?
BTW, did the Swiss Nazi bankers close your accts back in 2009/10 when the IRS extend their authority all over the world? I have Swiss in-laws in the U.S. who were FORCED to close their Swiss bank accts back then, even though they ONLY have a Swiss passport----THESE FUCKING CENTRAL BANKERS NEED TO BE TRIED, CONVICTED, AND MUSSOLINI-ED!!!!!
Dude, you need to get outside a little more. Take a breath......DEEEEP breath in.......HOLD.........I don't give a fuck out........THERE! Feel better?
This always works for me :)
God Bless :)
Although, in a way, I respect Dems more than Republicans. At least Dems are somewhat open about their criminal, corrupt, child-raping ways versus the Republicans like Mitt & Lindsey coming off like they're aren't 'ALL THAT' when they are.
Well, they already wrote & performed the greatest song in the world soooooo, yeah. I guess they're done :)
This just in.....Jack Black is Q.
There :)
You are CORRECT, Sir!!!
I suggest EVERYONE listen to the BardsFM interview of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the 'vaccines". THEY. ARE. POISON.
Saw the real documentary on Waco years ago. Terrible.
Katie Effing Courek, or whatever the fuck her name is, LIED her ass off during this whole event! ATF & FBI lied to the people in that compound and said they would not hurt anyone---they are on tape saying they would not hurt anyone---ATF & FBI jack-booted thugs murdered those people in cold blood!!!
There was so much gas pumped into the basement that some skeletons were found with the backs of their legs bent backward against the shoulder blades---like their bodies were folded in half backwards----while they were feeling it!
Pure Evil.
"Business" spelled with 17 Qs.
I am one of the Silverbacks on Wall Street Silver. https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/new
The Silver Squeeze in REAL! Follow The Happy Hawaiian as his posts have been VERY TELLING before they've been deleted:
I will ONLY sell my silver WHEN I NEED to sell it for a home in which my family can live for 20 to 200oz----then I will trade for it.
I will ONLY sell to someone outside the banking world, someone like another Silverback, and NEVER TO A banking group like JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Barclays, et al.
#EndTheFed ♠ #DethToDavos ♠ #SaveTheChildren
Is this "Richard Citizen Journalist" on GA?
Fucking awesome work, Dude!!!
All I can think is:
Disqus is going to nerf this dude asap! Why use Brighteon if they use Disqus?---these dicks censored Alex Jones in the beginning.
Thanks for the reasonable, adult answer. Much appreciated. BTW, that Chrissy Tegan is way suspect----weird comments.
You can refer to them as PRISON GUARDS, Senator!
So, what's it like working for Google and/or China? Good benefits? Hmmmm?
A SWING AND A MISS!!!!.....Thanks for playing :)
BTW, if YOU have family down stream, YOU tell them that this is no probrum.