I'm not saying you're wrong, but why bother hyping it up as he does, when we are the ones who will see it? Not normies.
That's assuming you mean the drops are for normies. And even then, if they are, what's been said still applies. The drop will most likely be underwhelming if it ever actually drops.
And if I was wrong in my assumption the drops are for normies, then who are they for?
So......What happened to this comment the first time it was posted? How did it disappear?
I agree. I detest all the people who do this. It very rarely lives up to the hype. If it ever gets out at all. How many times have we heard this spiel, just for the deadline to pass and nothing is presented?
Don't allow enemies the time to sabotage you. Don't promise something that you might be unable to deliver for whatever reason. So many things could happen to prevent you from following through.
Just get the work done, verify it's correct, and drop that shit already. If it's really as big a deal as you say, it's going to get noticed. There's no need to stir up interest in something that's truly that important.
So....really? Or just joking? Because at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they did. But also, it seems too silly to be true.
This isn't quite Poe's Law, but I don't know what term describes something that has the same likelihood of being satire as it does of being true.
This is probably the most perfect post I've seen detailing why gold has so long been used as currency.
Seriously, great post.
I doubt the name came from the word "jew".
It's more likely it came from the old French term "Jouel", and that word probably came from the Latin term "jocale".
Then you need to look at the etymology of the word "jew". It begins with old Hebrew "Yehudi" and goes through a couple of different transitions through Greek and Latin where it eventually ends up in Old French as "giu". Then it comes into English as "jew".
Both words went through Old French before we eventually ended up with the English variations. So if the term "jewelry" was going to be named after the word "jew", it would have done so well before it filtered down to modern English.
Sometimes we need to remember that the entire world doesn't speak English, and the English terms for both "jewelry" and "jew" are pretty modern terms for words that have existed in various languages for thousands of years.
And bourbon. Lots and lots of bourbon.
I don't think we believe diamonds are rare because they're shiny.
We think they're rare because De Beers and the Oppenheimer family have created a fake "shortage" of them. They simply keep the vast majority of them locked up in vaults.
I once read that if those vaults were opened up to the public, everyone on the planet could be wearing diamonds.
My issue with using gold as a payment method in a societal meltdown is who exactly is going to be doing things like using it to make jewelry or computer/electronic parts?
That type of industry is going to be shut down for quite a long time if some major crisis occurs where people aren't taking cash money.
Food and medicine are what people will most likely be bartering when the collapse comes. Along with booze and cigarettes. That is going to be what people want/need.
Maybe gold will be useful for reestablishing wealth when society starts to rebuild. But it's basically just a guess when that will happen. It could be years. It could be decades. 🤷
Obviously just my opinion, but if there is some huge thing that happens where people are a) suddenly no longer able to continue making money as before and b) the money system we have now becomes useless, it's going to cause a lot of deaths in a short amount of time.
Remember that the vast majority of the US do not have more than 3 days worth of food in their homes, and are not buying up gold and silver to exchange. So once they run out of food, and are no longer able to buy more, things are going to get really ugly really quickly.
I don't know what percentage of the population is on a maintenance medication for things like heart disease or diabetes, but I'm going to guess it's pretty high seeing as how heart disease is the number 1 killer and diabetes is up there as well. And the majority of people don't have more than a month's supply of medication, they're going to start seeing people die pretty quickly without those drugs. I just don't see Big Pharma and pharmacies staying open with no one being paid.
And then, after we have the first die-off of people from starvation and lack of medication, all the secondary deaths will start. Probably mostly from accidents, infections, etc... People suddenly trying to do things like grow their own food, chop firewood, or any of the other labor-type jobs that people aren't used to doing for themselves because they pay others to do it or there was an alternative before.
And then we have to think of how many people will be murdered for their food and other resources. Especially in the cities where they will all be competing for the limited amount of resources inside the city. People living in rural areas will most likely fare better because a) there aren't as many people and b) they can hunt/grow food more easily.
So I see it taking a long, long time before society rebounds enough where we're going to be able/interested in things like jewelry and computer parts.
If you've got yourself set up to deal with life until that happens and you have gold set aside to re-establish "wealth" during/after society's recovery period, then you are certainly sitting pretty.
But if you're not prepared to survive the stuff that happens before society starts to recover enough to want/need gold that badly, I think that using your resources to just buy gold is short-sighted.
Of course, this is only my opinion. And I certainly don't have a crystal ball telling me what will happen in an event that we've never experienced before.
I just look at how people deal with disasters like hurricanes and realize how truly unprepared most people are for going even a couple of weeks without their usual safety nets.
Thanks for being kind while accepting my apology. ✌️
Apology accepted. I'm glad we figured out the miscommunication. ✌️
I think much of it stems from people reading parts of the Constitution and other laws we have, seeing the term "corporation", and thinking it means "a business run for profit" instead of the other definition "a group of people working together".
And they kind of work backward trying to manufacture stuff about the US being sold as a company, or whatever the various theories are surrounding it.
I'd like to apologize to you for mislabeling your post as being that of the Sovereign Citizen Movement. I was wrong to do that.
I should have been more specific and said that part of what you said (the part about your name being in all caps on your ID and signing your name on contracts) was the same thing those who call themselves Sovereign Citizens say.
I jumped the gun, wanting to prevent people from looking this stuff up and running with it without knowing that it doesn't work (the things that Sovereign Citizens claim, I mean).
The conversation resulting from that was just one misunderstanding after another.
Thank you to u/Space_Monkey for finally beating me over the head enough to get me to realize my mistake.
Again, I apologize sincerely. I promise to try to not jump the gun in future conversations.
I just re-read through the conversation. You're right. I did call what he was saying SovCit BS. I was wrong to do that.
I should have been more specific and said that parts of this was the same thing Sovereign Citizens believed.
Specifically, this part:
If you take out your wallet, and look upon the name written on your identification card, you may find it written in such a way that says “GEORGE WASHINGTON”. It is important to recognize that is not your name. It is equally important to recognize that you are not your name, just as much as water is not the word water. When a judge, an officer, or any member of government asks if you are “GEORGE WASHINGTON”, or you hand your identification card over, you are representing yourself as an individual corporation, making contracts with another corporation. Any time you sign your name, you are signing into contract, placing your individual corporation as the debtor and your physical body as surety (collateral). This is why when you are “charged” by government in some capacity, if you do not pay their fees, your physical body serves the consequences as opposed to the corporate fiction.
I was more interested in preventing people from looking this stuff up and falling into the Sovereign Citizen crap.
I apologize for that. This entire argument could have been prevented if I had been more specific.
So hopefully we can now put this behind us and move on.
Edited to add: I also apologize to the OP for jumping to conclusions and misrepresenting your entire post as being about Sovereign Citizen issues.
So if you think the things that people who call themselves Soverign Citizens say is BS, why exactly are you arguing with me when I'm saying that what they say Is BS?
I'm confused as fuck here. Do you just agree with some of what they say?
You can believe in your rights without involving the Soverign Citizen BS at all. So why you even felt the need to insert yourself into this conversation, I don't know.
You're just all over the place here, dude. And quite honestly it's both boring and annoying me.
How about we just agree the stuff that Sovereign Citizens say is BS and leave it there?
But now ads are heat-seeking missiles, or really more like a swarm of homing nanobots.
That is the best way I've ever heard targeted ads described. Bravo! 👏👏👏
PS, I'm totally stealing your description. 😁
I asked for a court case. Which can be looked up and verified.
Wait, are you saying that the people who call themselves Sovereign Citizens (and who have chat boards to discuss how to win court cases and get their mortgages waved and other such things) are psyops? That they don't believe what they say?
What about the people who go to court, claiming that they are Sovereign Citizens and the courts have no jurisdiction on them? For anything from a speeding ticket to running your car into a crowd and killing six people. You know the Darrell Brooks case, right? They're all not real?
Because I have spent quite a bit of time talking to people on those chat boards, and on Facebook (before I dumped it), and on YouTube, and wherever else they popped up.
And what you're saying now doesn't really line up with what I've been hearing from them for years.
You seem to be trying to make Sovereign Citizen stuff only about piddly ass things like getting pulled over for a broken tail light or expired tags.
And from my experience with all those people claiming to be Sovereign Citizens over the past, damn, almost 20 years now (god, I'm getting old), it applies to pretty much everything.
By any chance, was your experience in the court case you mentioned earlier because of a traffic or parking violation?
Edited to add: Let me give some context here.
In 2005 people who called themselves Sovereign Citizens broke into my family's beach house and declared it was theirs because it had been abandoned and was vacant. It was not our primary residence, so duh it was vacant in February.
They squatted in it until we found out and tried to get them out of the house. They pulled all the stunts they could to stay. Stunts which are shared on chat boards and Facebook groups that people like them go to.
We won in the end. Duh, because like I've said, their silly mumbo jumbo doesn't work in court. But we were left with tens of thousands of dollars in lawyers bills and much more than that in the damage they did to the house.
Not to mention the theft or destruction of irreplaceable family heirlooms that went back three generations.
So that's when my interest in, and extreme dislike of, Sovereign Citizen crap began. And I spent a shit ton of time learning about them.
And it's why I try to warn people when I see posts like the OP here. Because nothing good comes out of that cesspool.
Yup. I used to have a list of which name-brand products were the same as which generics. Foods, cosmetics, vitamins, dog food, cleaning products. I lost it, though. Bummer.
It was a real eye-opener when I first found it. Crazy that a product could have a 200% markup because of the name on the label.
I don't think that's what jurisdiction is. I'm simply repeating what Sovereign Citizens say.
So the only crimes that matter and people can be punished over are ones where someone physically harmed someone else?
So how do we prosecute Biden for financial crimes? Or try anyone for treason?
Or any of the other thousands of crimes Democrats have committed where they haven't physically harmed someone?
When did I mention Q in my comment? I never claimed any of this comes from or is related to Q.
You asked what I was doing here if I wasn't down with the Sovereign Citizen spiel. I'm here because of Q. Because this is a board for Q supporters. So, since this has nothing to do with Q, why is it here?
I'll do you one better. Ask me. I went through it.
I don't know you. Why would I believe you?
Maybe he wasn't talking to the women because he hoped we wouldn't comment on his post because we like to point out plot holes? 🤷
Obviously, I never took Economics 101. I'm going to have to go look up the difference between money and currency now.