ItsaMeMary 5 points ago +6 / -1

They do contain Human DNA from aborted babies that have been rendered immortal, which is why the cell line is listed in the ingredients in the insert, and they have used many more than just two willingly aborted fetuses in the research of vaccines, and there's other cell lines which contain said aborted babies. Go get your cocktail. Vaccines also contain pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brains, dog kidneys, cow hearts, and so forth. Read an insert, or go ahead and find another study that glorifies vaccines.

ItsaMeMary 10 points ago +11 / -1

J and J, traditional as in full of abominable things like aborted fetal cells? J and J willingly sold products that they knew caused cancer, like their BABY powder.

ItsaMeMary 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is insane to watch. I have been advocating against vaccines for years, and I never truly thought I'd see the indoctrination get SO bad; however, on the opposite spectrum, many people who were formally asleep to the agenda behind vaccines are waking up, and this is what I have been praying for.

ItsaMeMary 2 points ago +2 / -0

Praying for her. No mother should have the worries that are surely swirling around her mind right now. I pray God gives her peace only He can give, and reassurance only He can give. Lord, watch over her.

ItsaMeMary 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretentious California transplants have ruined it, and it's getting worse. There is apartment buildings going up absolutely everywhere, not even an exaggeration. Gentrification and stack em and pack em. Utah is RUINED. Every state has a feel to it. An energy. Utah no longer feels like it used to.

ItsaMeMary 1 point ago +1 / -0

A nice article that doesn't sound off the "conspiracy theorist" label

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