What does him being black have to do with anything? Get out of here with your racist judgmental ass.
We had a high school football coach that coached for over 30 years. He never changed his offense the entire time. They still tell the story of one of his championship games. The opposing team was able to call out the exact play we were going to run every damn time....and they still couldn’t stop it. The execution was flawless. He finished his career with 300 wins, 18 league titles, and 5 championships.
I say that to say this, Knowing what’s coming, and being able to stop what is coming are two different things. It’s like they are standing on the beach staring into the ocean as a tidal wave is rising in the distance...they can run, but it will catch up to them in the end....the red wave is here.
The military and police will split. The majority of military and police will join the the right.
People have been irritated at cops because cops have stopped the right wing from beating the shit out of antifa...the cops still have to do their job. We are not in a full blown civil war yet. Once those lines are drawn, they will split.
Thank you. This will only be possible if the Lord wills it.
Lol. Sit back and enjoy the show. Cause this post will definitely comeback to bite you in the ass. Your arrogance is astounding. To assume everyone here is low IQ when you have never interacted with anyone here tells me everything I need to know. You are everything you guys claim to be against. Judgmental, biased, fascists.
Yeah I'm with you. If they were going after the Rothschilds, it wouldn't be 10th mountain division.
If America falls, the world goes with it.
TD is filled with shills that think anyone who believes there is a plan must be a “qtard.” I didn’t even agree with Q for the longest time. I thought it was crazy conspiracy theories. But it has been obvious to me there has been a plan in place for a long time. Once I started digging into Q, I realized I HAD been a Qtard all along hahah.
I said something similar recently. If and when Trump pulls this off, I would not doubt it at all if he just steps aside when all is said and done.
Who the hell are the boogaloo boys. I heard the media calling them right wing extremists like a year ago, had never heard of them then, and hadn't heard about them since.
"There are no coincidences"
Pence was here at Lemoore Naval Air Station. That is why it flew out of Fresno.
Source: - I live here.
I think there is a few reasons, one of which, inciting a war with Russia would give China an excuse to interfere. Another reason is, and this sound stupid, but Russians are white. This
Kuwait now too?!
Communism is the devils government.
No way?! He is here now?!!
You just proved my point. Who will show them. Trump. That is it. That is the only option. The military can’t do it on their own. The people follow Trump.
It absolutely matters what they think. While it needs to go down no matter what, there is only 1 way that leads to total victory. The other way leads to only a fraction of the population supporting it.
Dude, he is a narcissist. But that is exactly what we need right now. Because he won’t back down! I fuckin love Trump, I don’t care that he is a narcissist, but who cares that he is!
I’m not talking about public opinion nor the mainstream media. I’m talking about our parents and grand parents. A lot of “boomers” only know the mainstream media for information. And they have grown up being told “there is always corruption in politics.” And with the media saying there isn’t WIDE SPREAD election fraud, they believe it. They know shit happened, but they don’t see the scale.
This is A LOT of the country. There is a good chunk of of that see it, but most don’t. And they need to see it. Cause if they don’t, Trump will lose a large portion of his base. They will believe the media that he attempted and accomplished a military coup. It would be too many.
If he pulls this off, then he has earned it.
If he just dips out...then he will become the most hated president in history. A large chunk of this country despises him to levels never before seen for a President. Him going out like the media is portraying he is, would cause a large chunk of his followers to hate him.
He is way to narcissistic to go out that way. Despite what the media tells you though, he is extremely strategic. He has studied and mastered “the art of war” through his studies of Sun Tzu. The only people saying he doesn’t have a plan, are the arrogant ones that think they are smarter than him and refuse to read his books. He has said multiple times, he is a counter puncher. He has also said he has all the evidence. This shit is going down.
If it is not done by inauguration day, then we were fooled. Plane and simple. And then, it is time for us to create OUR plan. A few select generals trying to pull this off without the presidency would not work. I do not think the forces that it would require to pull this off would go with it if it involved taking down the sitting commander and chief.
You are completely judging a chief that puts his life on the line daily to help protect this country based on his skin color. You know NOTHING about him, but because he is black, you are assuming the worst. You are a disgusting individual and make everyone here look bad.