posted ago by DarthLurkusTheWise ago by DarthLurkusTheWise +95 / -10

Think about how much emphasis Q has placed on optics. Now imagine, for a second, you're one of the 40 million media-brainwashed Biden voters, and Trump has just executed 3/4 of congress for treason and remained in power. The cognitive dissonance will be unreal. We need people to wake up and see the treason, and for that, Trump will step back. Let's follow the chain of command. What happens when the "duly elected" president-elect, vice president-elect, and speaker of the house are arrested for treason? I don't know much about president pro-tem of the senate Chuck Grassley, but he will likely either step aside or be arrested too. Who comes after Grassley? Who has Q explicitly told us to trust? Who's been counting down on Twitter? President Mike Pompeo.

He's only going to be a 1 term president tho because Trump 2024 is gonna be lit.